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=== Consecuencias para la salud ===
Las prendas exteriores envolventes, como el burka, pueden causar o empeorar las condiciones médicas en algunos individuos, debido a la falta de luz solar.<ref>Tagesspiegel: [http://www.tagesspiegel.de/magazin/modernes-leben/gesundheit/Gesundheit;art300,1892653 Más luz] – [http://www.arznei-telegramm.de/register/9701014.pdf Arznei-Telegramm (PDF)]</ref><ref name='Dubitsky'>{{cita web | url = http://www.wcl.american.edu/hrbrief/v6i2/taliban.htm | título = The Health Care Crisis Facing Women Under Taliban Rule in Afghanistan | fechaacceso = 15 de septiembre de 2010 | apellido = Dubitsky | nombre = Stephanie | obra = Washington College of Law | editorial = [[American University]] | cita = Furthermore, the mandatory act of wearing burqas itself causes health risks. They are so heavy and enveloping that they restrict women's activities by making it difficult for them to move. The simple act of walking outside becomes hazardous because the mesh opening severely restricts women's field of vision and they are unable to see their path clearly. In addition, burqas are linked to hearing loss, skin problems, headaches, cardiac disorder, asthma, and also can contribute to mental health problems.}}</ref> En particular, contribuyen a la predisposición para la [[hipovitaminosis D]] (deficiencia de [[vitamina D]]), que conduce tanto al [[raquitismo]] como a la [[osteoporosis]] aumentado el riesgo de [[convulsiones]] en los lactantes nacidos de madres afectadas.<ref name='Stuijt'>{{cita web | url = http://www.digitaljournal.com/article/272307 | título = Women could endanger their health by wearing burqas | fechaacceso = 15 de septiembre de 2010 | apellido = Stuijt | nombre = Adriana | fecha = 8 de mayo de 2009 | editorial = [[DigitalJournal.com|Digital Journal]] | cita = "In Ireland, which is experiencing a large influx of muslim immigrants at the moment, women wearing the burqa, doctors are warning, 'are at increased risk of pelvic fractures during childbirth because of vitamin D deficiency due to a lack of sunlight. "And babies born to women with vitamin D deficiency are also more prone to seizures in their first week of life," according to Dr Miriam Casey, expert in Medicine for the Elderly at the Osteoporosis Unit in St James’s hospital in Dublin. The burqa - an all-enveloping outer garment, does not allow enough sunlight through to give women sufficient vitamin D, she warns.}}</ref><ref name='Douglas 2007-06-25'>{{cita noticia | nombre = David | apellido = Douglas | título = Middle Eastern women may have vitamin D deficiency | fecha = 25 de junio de 2007 | url = http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSHAR56610220070625 | editorial = [[Reuters]] | fechaacceso = 15 de septiembre de 2010}}</ref><ref name='Bandgar 1'>{{cita publicación | título = Vitamin D and Hip Fractures: Indian Scenario | publicación = Journal of the Association of Physicians of India | nombre = TR | apellido = Bandgar | coautoresautor2 = NS Shah | volumen = 58 | número = September 2010| id = | url = http://www.japi.org/september_2010/article_01.html | fechaacceso = 15 de septiembre de 2010 | quote = Social and religious customs that require people to wear concealing clothing, veiling and traditional attire, such as the ‘‘Burqa’’, ‘‘salvar kameez’’ and sari significantly prevents sun exposure.}}</ref><ref name='Keim 2007-06-26'>{{cita noticia | nombre = Brandon | apellido = Keim | título = Could Dressing Conservatively Make Muslim Women Sick? | fecha = 26 de junio de 2007 | url = http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2007/06/could-burkas-ma/ | obra = Wired | fechaacceso = 15 de septiembre de 2010}}</ref>
== Controversia en Europa ==