Diferencia entre revisiones de «Stepa Stepanović»

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Como las fuerzas serbias estaban teniendo que retroceder en Bulgaria, el rey [[Milan Obrenović IV|Milan]] ordenó finalmente una retirada general del ejército hacia Pirot el 19 de noviembre. Tres días después, unidades búlgaras atacaron esta en Neškov. El 12.º Regimiento de Stepanović tuvo que replegarse.{{harvnp|Skoko|Opačić|1990|pp=132-133}}
WithAl theconcluir endla of the[[guerra Serboserbo-Bulgarian warbúlgara]], Stepanović returnedvolvió toa [[Kragujevac]], wheredonde permaneció hehasta stayednoviembre untilde November 1886. InEn Kragujevac, hemandó commandeduna acompañía companydel of10 the 10th regimentRegimiento. At theA endfinales ofde 1886, hefue wasascendido promoteda tocapitán thede ranksegundo of II class infantry [[captain (armed forces)|captain]]grado. HeDel was22 ande [[aspirant]]noviembre in the Serbian [[General Staff]] from 22 Novemberde 1886 toal 22 Octoberde 1888. At the meeting which was held at the endoctubre ofde 1888, thesirvió Generalde Staff’salférez commissionen statedel ″thatEstado II class captain MrMayor. StepanovićLa showedcomisión enoughdel qualificationEstado andMayor proofencargada forde headquarters’evaluar service",su concludingdesempeño thatacordó "hea shouldfinales bede approved1888 toque startpodía anpresentarse examal thisexamen winterpara forascender thea rankcapitán ofde Iprimer class captaingrado.{{harvnp|Skoko|Opačić|1990|pp=143–144143-144}}
InEn Marchmarzo de 1889, Stepanović reportedsolicitó forpresentarse thisal examexamen, andque therealizó commissionentre gaveel him2 permissiony on 2el April6 tode startabril. FromLa 2–6parte April,práctica Stepanovićdel completedexamen theno theoretictuvo partque ofhacerla hisdado examsu inbuen twelvedesempeño subjects.del Heperiodo wasde releasedprácticas ofen doingel practicalEstado partMayor. ofPoco exam,antes becausede herealizar receivedel veryexamen, goodse gradelo onnombró headquarters’jefe journeysde andla missions.zona Shortlyde beforela theDivisión exam, he became thedel [[Chief executive officer|executiveDrina]] of Drina divisional area. AfterTras his examsaprobarlo, hese movedmudó toa [[Valjevo]]. OnEl 17 Aprilde abril de 1889, herecibió el ascenso a becamecapitán Ide Classprimer captaingrado.{{harvnp|Skoko|Opačić|1990|pp=143–144143-144}}
From 29 March to 15 April 1892, Stepanović wrote and successfully passed an exam for the rank major in the same time as [[Milutin Milanović]] and [[Živojin Mišić]]. Stepanović became commander of the 5th Battalion in [[Požega, Serbia|Požega]] on 13 September 1892. He was promoted to the rank of major on 8 May of the following year. On 14 August, he was moved to Valjevo to once again serve as the executive of the Drina divisional area. He stayed in Valjevo until 20 October 1895, when he was moved to Belgrade.{{harvnp|Skoko|Opačić|1990|pp=149–151}} Stepanović stayed in Belgrade for five months, where he was commander of the 7th Battalion. He also became a part-time professor of military history at the Belgrade Military Academy. On 30 March 1897, he became acting commander of the 6th Infantry Regiment in Belgrade. On 11 May, he was promoted to the rank of colonel and two days later he became commander of the 6th Infantry Regiment. Stepanović became Chief of the General Staff in the Ministry of Defense on 27 October 1898.{{harvnp|Skoko|Opačić|1990|pp=156–160}} He served in this position until 15 March 1899, when he became an executive of the general military department of the Ministry of Defense. Although he didn't like to work indoors, he made an excellent impression on members of the ministry and was remembered as being very strict and punctual. He was transferred again to Valjevo on 17 October 1900, where he became commander of an infantry brigade in the Drina Division. Because of a misunderstanding on 11 November, he was transferred to [[Zaječar]] and assigned as commander of an infantry brigade in the Timok Division. He liked this position and said: ″Troop for an officer is the same as water to a fish, and especially a headquarters officer. There he can show what he knows and he can show results. The office kills the spirit, drains the strength and changes man into mechanism.″{{harvnp|Skoko|Opačić|1990|pp=165–166}}