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Línea 203:
'''Leonor Catalina del Palatinado-Zweibrücken''' (17 de mayo de 1626-3 de marzo de 1692), fue prima de la reina [[Cristina de Suecia]] y hermana del rey [[Carlos X Gustavo de Suecia]]. Después de que su hermano sucediera al trono en 1654, ella y sus hermanos fueron considerados [[Familia real sueca|príncipes y princesas reales de Suecia]].<ref>Ulf Sundberg in ''Kungliga släktband'', Historiska media, [[Lund]], 2004, {{ISBN|91-85057-48-7}} p. 281</ref> Como la esposa de [[Federico de Hesse-Eschwege]] (1617–1655), fue por matrimonio Landgravina de Hesse-Eschwege, y tras la muerte de su marido fue [[regente]] y administradora de sus tierras (1655–1692).<ref>[http://www.guide2womenleaders.com/womeninpower/Womeninpower1640.htm Women in Power : 1640-1700]</ref>
== BiographyBiografía ==
EleonoraLeonor wasnació bornen atel StegeborgPalacoo Palacede inStegeborg en [[Östergötland]], SwedenSuecia como tohija Princessde la princesa [[CatherineCatalina of Sweden (1584-1638)Vasa|CatharinaCatalina ofde SwedenSuecia]] andy [[JohnJuan Casimir,Casimiro Count Palatine ofdel Palatinado-Zweibrücken-Kleeburg|John Casimir, Count Palatine of Zweibrücken]]-Kleeburg. Her mother wasSu anmadre elderera halfmedio-sisterhermana ofmayor Kingde [[GustavusGustavo AdolphusII ofAdolfo Swedende Suecia]] and the firstborny daughterla ofprimogénita Kingde [[CharlesCarlos IX ofde Sweden|CharlesCarlos IX]]. HerSus parentspadres, whoquienes wereeran [[secondprimos cousin]]s,segundos hadvivían lived in SwedenSuecia sincedesde 1622, andy EleonoraLeonor andy hersus siblingshermanos, includingincluyendo hera sistersu hermana [[MariaMaría EuphrosyneEufrosina ofde Zweibrücken|MariaMaría EufrosyneEufrosina]], grewcrecieron upen inSuecia Swedencomo ashermanos fosterde siblingssu of their cousinprima, Queen [[ChristinaCristina ofde SwedenSuecia]]. EleonoraLeonor era wastan onlysolo aboutsiete sevenmeses monthsmás oldermayor thanque ChristinaCristina andy hadtenían theel samemismo teachertutor, [[Johannes Matthiæ]].
TheLas negotiationsnegociaciones concerningsobre hersu marriagematrimonio withcon Landgraveel Fredericklandgrave ofFederico de Hesse-Eschwege, son ofhijo [[Maurice,Mauricio Landgrave ofde Hesse-Kassel]], startedcomenzaron inen 1643. TheEl landgrave wasera aprimo secondsegundo cousinde ofsus bothpadres hery parentsnueve andaños ninemayor. yearsEl herproceso senior.de Thenegociación negotiationfue processdificil, waspero difficult,fue butcompletado finallyen completedjunio in Junede 1646. SheLe wasfue grantedotorgada auna fortunefortuna ofde 20,.000 [[Baden gulden|gulden]] bypor herparte fatherde su padre. TheEl matrimonio marriagetuvo tooklugar placeen atel castillo [[Tre Kronor (castlecastillo)|Tre Kronor]] inen [[StockholmEstocolmo]] onel 6 Septemberde septiembre de 1646.
AfterTras thela weddingboda, EleonoraLeonor confessedconfesó beforedelante herde husbandsu esposo, "on her kneesarrodillada", thatque shehabía hadtenido haduna anaventura affaircon with a [[French people|French]] [[lute]]-player andun actor, named Beschon, from the French court theatre of [[Antoinefeancés de Beaulieu]],nombre and wasBeschon pregnanty withque hisestaba childembarazada.<ref name="riksarkivet">[http://sok.riksarkivet.se/sbl/Presentation.aspx?id=15952 ''Eleonora Catharina'' in Riksarkivet.se] (in Swedish) [retrieved 11 June 2014].</ref><ref>[http://www.weser-kurier.de/region/osterholz_artikel,-Neues-vom-tollen-Fritz-_arid,383605.html Frederick of Hesse-Eschwege : ''News from the "great Fritz"'' in Weser Kurier.de] (in German) [retrieved 11 June 2014].</ref> Federico Frederickdecidió decidedactuar tocomo actsi likenada nothinghubiera happenedpasado andy hideocultar theese matterhecho, butpero itse becamevolvió aun knownescándalo scandalconocido. Beschon wrotele aescribió compositionuna tocomposición Eleonoraa whichLeonor hejunto senta heruna alongcarta withel a28 letterde datedfebrero 28 Februaryde 1647, butpero sheella gavese itla todio hera su brotherhermanp; thiseste documentdocumento isse nowconserva preservedcomo inparte thede Stegeborgla collectioncolección de Stegeborg.<ref name="riksarkivet"/> InEn 1648, shese referredrefirió toa thela queen'sdoncella headde lady-in-waitingla reina, [[Margareta Brahe]], ascomo hersu "Dearestmás Protectionquerida protección", likelyya becauseque Margareta Brahe hadla defendedhabía herdefendido whencuando shedio gavea birthluz toa ansu illegitimatehijo childilegítimo.<ref>Fabian Persson (1999). Servants of Fortune. The Swedish court between 1598 and 1721. Lund: Wallin & Dalholm. {{ISBN|91-628-3340-5}} p. 171 </ref>
TheEl marriagematrimonio hasfue beendescrito describedcomo as unhappyinfeliz. [[Frederick, Landgrave of Hesse-Eschwege|Frederick]] took part in the [[Second Northern War|war]] of his brother-in-law in [[Poland]], where he was shot in 1655. Eleonora never remarried. It is said she was too embarrassed by the scandal with Beschon to return to the Swedish court, so she preferred to live in her fief [[Osterholz-Scharmbeck|Osterholz]], where she founded a pharmacy and hired the first teacher and doctor of the town.<ref name="Heimatverein Lilienthal">[http://www.heimatverein-lilienthal.de/bibliothek-Dateien/zeitreise-25.pdf ''Eleonora Catharine'' in heimatverein-lilienthal.de] (in German) [retrieved 5 January 2015].</ref>
Eleonora was the administrator and regent of her husband's possessions in the [[Holy Roman Empire]]. Eleonora sent her daughter Juliana to be brought up at the Swedish royal court, where she was regarded as a prospective bride for Charles XI until she became pregnant in 1672. Eleonora did in fact visit Sweden a couple of times: in 1661, in 1674 and in 1681. During her 1674 visit, [[Lorenzo Magalotti]] described her as "a wicked, vain, strange, proud and melancholic woman" who spent most of her time in pious devotions.<ref name="riksarkivet"/>