Diferencia entre revisiones de «Antígona (Sófocles)»

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Línea 25:
== Personajes ==
* [[AntigoneAntígona]], comparedhija todel herrey beautiful[[Edipo]]. andComparada docilecon sistersu bella y dócil hermana, isse portrayedla asretrata acomo una heroineheroína whoque recognizesreconoce hersu familialdeber dutyfamiliar. HerSus dialoguesdiálogos withcon Ismene revealponen herde tomanifiesto beque asella stubbornes astan hertozuda unclecomo su tío.<ref name="McDonald">{{citation | url = http://olli.ucsd.edu/documents/antigone.pdf | format = PDF | last = McDonald | first = Marianne | title = Sophocles' ''Antigone'' | publisher = Nick Hern Books | year = 2002}}</ref> InEn herella, theel ideal ofdel thepersonaje femalefemenino characteres issubrayado boldlycon outlinedtrazo grueso.<ref name="Bates">{{cite book | url = http://www.theatrehistory.com/ancient/bates017.html | editor-last = Bates | editor-first = Alfred | title = The Drama: Its History, Literature and Influence on Civilization, Vol. 1 | location = London Londres| publisher = Historical Publishing Company | year = 1906 | pages = 112–123}}</ref> SheDesafía defiesel Creon’sdecreto decreede despiteCreonte thea consequencespesar shede maylas face,consecuencias incon orderlas toque honorpuede tener que enfrentarse, para honrar a hersu deceaseddifunto brotherhermano.
* [[Antígona]]: hija del rey Edipo.
* [[Ismene (mitología)|Ismene]]: hija de Edipo. Sirve como complemento a Antígona, presentando el contraste en sus respectivas respuestas al decreto real.<ref name="McDonald" /> Considerada la hermosa de la familia, es más respetuosa con la ley y obediente a la autoridad. Duda en si enterrar o no a Polinices, pues le teme a Creonte.
* [[Ismene (mitología)|Ismene]]: hija de Edipo.
* [[Creonte]]: actual rey de Tebas, tío de Antígona, Ismene y Polinices. Ve a la ley como la garantía de la felicidad personal. También se le puede ver como un héroe trágico, que lo pierde todo por sostener aquello que él cree que es lo correcto. Incluso cuando se ve forzado a modificar su decreto para complacer a los dioses, primero se dedica al muerto Polinices y sólo después va a liberar a Antígona.<ref name="McDonald" />
* [[Hemón]]: hijo de Creonte y Eurídice
* [[Eurídice]]: reina de Tebas, esposa de Creonte, madre de Hemón. Aparece hacia el final, y solo para oír la confirmación de la muerte de su hijo Hemón. En su dolor, se [[Suicidio|suicida]], maldiciendo a Creonte a quien culpa de la muerte de su hijo.
* [[Creonte]]: rey de Tebas, tío de Antígona, Ismene y Polinices.
* [[Hemón]]: hijo de Creonte y Eurídice, prometido de Antígona. Demostró ser más razonable que Creonte, intenta razonar con su padre en beneficio de Antígona. Sin embargo, cuando Creonte se niega a escucharle, Hemón se marcha enfurecido y grita que nunca lo volverá a ver. Se suicida después de encontrar a Antigona muerta.
* [[Coro (teatro)|Coro]] de los ancianos de Tebas (también representa la voz del pueblo).
* [[Corifeo]]. Es el ayudante del rey (Creonte) y el líder del Coro. A menudo se le interpreta como un consejero cercano al rey, y por lo tanto un amigo íntimo de la familia. Este papel se subraya al final cuando Creonte elige escuchar el consejo del Corifeo.
* [[Tiresias]]: adivino anciano, ciego. Sus predicciones llevarán al entierro correcto de Polinices. Retratado como sabio y lleno de sensatez, Tiresias intenta advertir a Creonte de su locura y le dice que los dioses están enfadados. Consigue convencer a Creonte, pero es demasiado tarde para salvar a la impetuosa Antígona.
* [[Coro (teatro)|Coro]] de los ancianos de Tebas (también representa la voz del pueblo). Al principio es respetuoso con el rey.<ref name="Bates" /> Su propósito es comentar la acción en la obra y añadir más suspense y emociones, así como conectar la historia con los mitos. Conforme progresa la obra, aconsejan a Creonte que se modere. Sus peticiones convencen a Creonte de que salve a Ismene. También le aconsejan que siga el consejo de Tiresias.
* Guardián.
* [[Tiresias]]: adivino anciano, ciego.
* [[Eurídice]]: reina, esposa de Creonte, madre de Hemón.
* [[Mensajero]].
* [[Corifeo]].
* [[Antigone]], compared to her beautiful and docile sister, is portrayed as a heroine who recognizes her familial duty. Her dialogues with Ismene reveal her to be as stubborn as her uncle.<ref name="McDonald">{{citation | url = http://olli.ucsd.edu/documents/antigone.pdf | format = PDF | last = McDonald | first = Marianne | title = Sophocles' ''Antigone'' | publisher = Nick Hern Books | year = 2002}}</ref> In her, the ideal of the female character is boldly outlined.<ref name="Bates">{{cite book | url = http://www.theatrehistory.com/ancient/bates017.html | editor-last = Bates | editor-first = Alfred | title = The Drama: Its History, Literature and Influence on Civilization, Vol. 1 | location = London | publisher = Historical Publishing Company | year = 1906 | pages = 112–123}}</ref> She defies Creon’s decree despite the consequences she may face, in order to honor her deceased brother.
* [[Ismene]] serves as a foil for Antigone, presenting the contrast in their respective responses to the royal decree.<ref name="McDonald" /> Considered the beautiful one, she is more lawful and obedient to authority. She hesitates to bury Polyneices because she fears Creon.
* [[Creon]] is the current King of Thebes, who views law as the guarantor of personal happiness. He can also be seen as a tragic hero, losing everything for upholding what he believed was right. Even when he is forced to amend his decree to please the gods, he first tends to the dead Polyneices before releasing Antigone.<ref name="McDonald" />
* [[Eurydice of Thebes]] is the Queen of Thebes and Creon’s wife. She appears towards the end and only to hear confirmation of her son Haemon’s death. In her grief, she commits suicide, cursing Creon whom she blames for her son’s death.
* [[Haemon]] is the son of Creon and Eurydice, betrothed to Antigone. Proved to be more reasonable than Creon, he attempts to reason with his father for the sake of Antigone. However, when Creon refuses to listen to him, Haemon leaves angrily and shouts he will never see him again. He commits suicide after finding Antigone dead.
* Koryphaios is the assistant to the King (Creon) and the leader of the Chorus. He is often interpreted as a close advisor to the King, and therefore a close family friend. This role is highlighted in the end when Creon chooses to listen to Koryphaios' advice.
* [[Tiresias]] is the blind prophet whose prediction brings about the eventual proper burial of Polyneices. Portrayed as wise and full of reason, Tiresias attempts to warn Creon of his foolishness and tells him the gods are angry. He manages to convince Creon, but is too late to save the impetuous Antigone.
* [[Greek chorus|The Chorus]], a group of elderly Theban men, is at first deferential to the king.<ref name="Bates" /> Their purpose is to comment on the action in the play and add to the suspense and emotions, as well as connecting the story to myths. As the play progresses they counsel Creon to be more moderate. Their pleading persuades Creon to spare Ismene. They also advise Creon to take Tiresias's advice.-->
== Espacios físicos ==