Diferencia entre revisiones de «Transgénero»

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Traducido de en:Transgender, exactamente la versión https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Transgender&oldid=1017869259, bajo licencia GFDL y CC-BY-SA 3.0
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El término '''transgénero''' a las personas TRABELOIDES
El término '''transgénero''' a las personas que tienen una [[Identidad de género|identidad]] o [[expresión de género]] que difiere del [[Sexo asignado al nacer|sexo que se les asignó al nace]]<nowiki/>r.<ref name="Altilio">{{cite book|last1=Altilio|first1=Terry|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=XS3XJL_RGIgC&pg=PA380|title=Oxford Textbook of Palliative Social Work|last2=Otis-Green|first2=Shirley|publisher=[[Oxford University Press]]|year=2011|isbn=978-0199838271|page=380|quote='Transgender' is an umbrella term for people whose gender identity and/or gender expression differs from the sex they were assigned at birth (Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation [GLAAD], 2007).|access-date=April 12, 2016|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20161201182734/https://books.google.com/books?id=XS3XJL_RGIgC&pg=PA380|archive-date=December 1, 2016|url-status=}}</ref><ref name="Forsyth">{{cite book|last1=Forsyth|first1=Craig J.|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=NAjmBQAAQBAJ&pg=PA740|title=Encyclopedia of Social Deviance|last2=Copes|first2=Heith|publisher=[[Sage Publications]]|year=2014|isbn=978-1483364698|page=740|quote=Transgender is an umbrella term for people whose gender identities, gender expressions, and/or behaviors are different from those culturally associated with the sex to which they were assigned at birth.|access-date=April 12, 2016|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20161201105833/https://books.google.com/books?id=NAjmBQAAQBAJ&pg=PA740|archive-date=December 1, 2016|url-status=}}</ref><ref name="Berg-Weger">{{cite book|last=Berg-Weger|first=Marla|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=Fx7NCwAAQBAJ&pg=PA229|title=Social Work and Social Welfare: An Invitation|publisher=[[Routledge]]|year=2016|isbn=978-1317592020|page=229|quote=Transgender: An umbrella term that describes people whose gender identity or gender expression differs from expectations associated with the sex assigned to them at birth.|access-date=April 12, 2016|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20161201170448/https://books.google.com/books?id=Fx7NCwAAQBAJ&pg=PA229|archive-date=December 1, 2016|url-status=}}</ref> Algunas personas transgénero que desean asistencia médica para la transición de un sexo a otro se identifican como transexuales.<ref name="Bevan">{{cite book|first=Thomas E.|last=Bevan|title=The Psychobiology of Transsexualism and Transgenderism|date=2014|isbn=978-1-4408-3127-0|page=42|quote=The term transsexual was introduced by Cauldwell (1949) and popularized by Harry Benjamin (1966) [...]. The term transgender was coined by John Oliven (1965) and popularized by various transgender people who pioneered the concept and practice of transgenderism. It is sometimes said that Virginia Prince (1976) popularized the term, but history shows that many transgender people advocated the use of this term much more than Prince.}}</ref><ref name="Polly">R Polly, J Nicole, ''Understanding the transsexual patient: culturally sensitive care in emergency nursing practice'', in the ''[[Advanced Emergency Nursing Journal]]'' (2011): "The use of terminology by transsexual individuals to self-identify varies. As aforementioned, many transsexual individuals prefer the term transgender, or simply trans, as it is more inclusive and carries fewer stigmas. There are some transsexual individuals [,] however, who reject the term transgender; these individuals view transsexualism as a treatable congenital condition. Following medical and/or surgical transition, they live within the binary as either a man or a woman and may not disclose their transition history."</ref> Transgénero, a menudo abreviado como ''trans'', es también un término general o paraguas; además de incluir a las personas cuya identidad de género es la opuesta a su sexo asignado (hombres y mujeres trans), también puede incluir a las personas [[Género no binario|no binarias]] o [[Género no binario|genderqueer]].<ref name="Forsyth" /><ref>{{Cita web|url=https://www.glaad.org/reference/transgender|título=GLAAD Media Reference Guide - Transgender|fechaacceso=2021-04-15|fecha=2011-09-09|sitioweb=GLAAD|idioma=en}}</ref><ref name="Bilodeau">{{cite journal|title=Beyond the Gender Binary: A Case Study of Two Transgender Students at a Midwestern Research University|last1=Bilodeau|first1=Brent|date=2005|journal=Journal of Gay & Lesbian Issues in Education|volume=3|issue=1|pages=29–44|doi=10.1300/J367v03n01_05|s2cid=144070536}} "Yet Jordan and Nick represent a segment of transgender communities that have largely been overlooked in transgender and student development research&nbsp;– individuals who express a non-binary construction of gender[.]"</ref> Otras definiciones de transgénero también incluyen a las personas que pertenecen a un [[Tercer sexo|tercer género]], o bien conceptualizan a las personas transgénero como un tercer género.<ref name="Towle">{{cite book|editor1-first=Susan|editor1-last=Stryker|editor1-link=Susan Stryker|editor2-first=Stephen|editor2-last=Whittle|editor2-link=Stephen Whittle|title=The Transgender Studies Reader|isbn=1-135-39884-4|page=666|quote=The authors note that, increasingly, in social science literature, the term 'third gender' is being replaced by or conflated with the newer term 'transgender.'|publisher=Routledge|date=2006}}</ref><ref name="Chrisler">{{cite book|first1=Joan C.|last1=Chrisler|first2=Donald R.|last2=McCreary|title=Handbook of Gender Research in Psychology, Volume 1|date=2010|isbn=978-1-4419-1465-1|page=486|quote=Transgender is a broad term characterized by a challenge of traditional gender roles and gender identity [...] For example, some cultures classify transgender individuals as a third gender, thereby treating this phenomenon as normative.}}</ref> El término transgénero puede definirse de forma muy amplia para incluir a los [[Transformismo|transformistas]].<ref name="ReisnerEtAl">{{cite journal|title=Comparing In-Person and Online Survey Respondents in the U.S. National Transgender Discrimination Survey: Implications for Transgender Health Research|last1=Reisner|first1=Sari L|last2=Conron|first2=Kerith|journal=LGBT Health|volume=1|issue=2|pages=98–106|doi=10.1089/lgbt.2013.0018|pmid=26789619|quote=Transgender was defined broadly to cover those who transition from one gender to another as well as those who may not choose to socially, medically, or legally fully transition, including cross-dressers, people who consider themselves to be genderqueer, androgynous, and…|last3=Scout|first3=Nfn|last4=Mimiaga|first4=Matthew J|last5=Haneuse|first5=Sebastien|last6=Austin|first6=S Bryn|year=2014}}</ref>
Ser transgénero es distinto de la orientación sexual. Las personas transgénero pueden identificarse como heterosexuales, homosexuales, bisexuales o asexuales, o pueden negarse a etiquetar su orientación sexual. El término transgénero también se distingue de [[Intersexualidad|intersexual]], un término que describe a las personas que nacen con características sexuales físicas "que no se ajustan a las nociones binarias típicas de los cuerpos masculinos o femeninos".<ref name="unfe-fact">{{Cite web|url=https://unfe.org/system/unfe-65-Intersex_Factsheet_ENGLISH.pdf|title=Free & Equal Campaign Fact Sheet: Intersex|author=<!--Staff writer(s); no by-line.-->|year=2015|publisher=United Nations [[Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights]]|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20160304071043/https://unfe.org/system/unfe-65-Intersex_Factsheet_ENGLISH.pdf|archive-date=March 4, 2016|url-status=live|access-date=March 28, 2016}}</ref> Lo contrario de transgénero es [[Cisgénero|cisgénero,]] que describe a las personas cuya identidad de género coincide con su sexo asignado.<ref name="cisgenderdef">{{Cite web|url=https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/cisgender|title=Definition of CISGENDER|website=www.merriam-webster.com|language=en|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20190326162554/https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/cisgender|archive-date=2019-03-26|url-status=live|access-date=2019-03-26}}</ref>