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Línea 14:
'''Pindo''' ([[idioma griego|griego]], ''Πίνδος'' [[latín]] '''''Pindus''''', [[idioma arumano|arumano]] ''Pind'', [[idioma macedonio|macedonio]] Пинд) es una cordillera que se extiende por el [[Epiro]] en el norte de [[Grecia]], el sureste de [[Albania]] y el sureste de [[República de Macedonia|Macedonia del Norte]] y tiene una longitud de ciento sesenta kilómetros de norte a sur. Tiene el [[mar Jónico]] al oeste y el [[mar Egeo|Egeo]] al este y cruza el centro de Grecia. Está considerada una derivación de los [[península Balcánica|Balcanes]]. La máxima elevación de esta cordillera es el monte [[Smolikas]], que alcanza una cota de 2637  m.
Antiguamente constituía la frontera entre [[Tesalia]] y el [[Epiro]] y marcaba el límite de [[Atamania]]. La parte norte fue llamada Lacmón o Lacmos (''Lacmus'') y era el lugar de nacimiento de cinco de los principales ríos de Grecia: [[Haliacmón]], [[Peneo (Tesalia)|Peneo]], [[río Aqueloo|Aqueloo]], [[Aracto]] y [[Aoós]]. La parte al sur de la anterior fue llamada Cercetión ([[latín]] ''Cercetium''); la parte más al sur fue llamada Tinfresto (''Tymphrestus'', modernamentr Velúkhi) y estaba dividida en las cadenas de [[Otris]] y [[monte Eta|Eta]]. Más al sur se dividía en dos ramas que ya no estaban consideradas parte de las montañas Pindo.
Posesión [[Antigua Roma|romana]] y [[Imperio bizantino|bizantina]], en la Edad Media cayó en manos de los [[pueblos eslavos|eslavos]] y [[Bulgaria|búlgaros]] y después, en el 1205, del [[Despotado de Epiro]], para acabar siendo finalmente posesión [[imperio otomano|otomana]]. Pasó a Grecia en 1913, al final de la [[guerra de los Balcanes]]. En la [[segunda guerra mundial]] en la región de las montañas Pindo se estableció el [[Principado del Pindo y Voivodía de Macedonia]].
== Wider geographical context ==
The Pindus range is the southern part of a large arc of [[mountain range]]s spanning southeastwards from the [[Alps]], via the [[Dinaric Alps]], and includes the [[Šar mountain|Šar]]-[[Mount Korab|Korab]] massive, Pindus, [[Parnassos]], [[Chelmos]] and the rest of [[Peloponessus]], having its southern extreme in Mount [[Taigetos]].
The cordillera system then continues by the southern Aegean islands of [[Kythera]], [[Antikythera]], [[Crete]], [[Karpathos]] and [[Rhodes]], as well as many islets around the larger islands. The mountain system comes ashore again at the [[Taurus Mountains]] of southern Turkey.
== Population ==
[[Image:Siraco.jpg|thumb|300px|Village Siraco.]]
There are many villages in the Pindus, one of them being [[Samarina]], which boasts one of the highest elevations in Greece. Some of the villages include communities of [[Aromanians]] ([[Vlachs]]), originally shepherds and farmers. In the last decades, a number of villages, such as [[Metsovo]], developed into touristic resorts with ski facilities.
== Transportation ==
As of 2006, the east-west crossing on the road can be done via the [[Greek National Road 6]], a sinuous road which climbs high in the mountains. A highway, [[Via Egnatia]], named after an ancient Roman road in the region, is currently under construction and when finished, this highway would make crossing the mountains by road much faster.
== Nature and wildlife ==
The Pindus ecoregion covers a wide range of elevations and habitats, from deep [[canyon]]s to steep mountains. The wide range in altitude results in two major forest zones:
* A [[conifer]] zone, with trees such as a subspecies of [[Austrian Pine]] and the endemic [[Greek fir]], characterizes the highest elevations, with [[juniper]] woodlands dominating near the timberline.
* A mixed [[broadleaf]] forest zone dominates the [[valley]]s and [[canyon]]s of the middle and lower elevations.
Large breeding colonies of [[heron]]s, [[spoonbill]]s, [[egret]]s, and [[pelican]]s fish the cool waters of the mountain lakes of the Pindus [[Temperate coniferous forests|Mountain Conifer]] and [[Temperate broadleaf and mixed forests|Broadleaf Mixed Forests]] ecoregion. This is one of the few areas in Europe where the rare [[Dalmatian pelican]] can be found. [[wolf|Wolves]], [[jackal]]s, and [[bear]]s are found in the forests.
== Ecology ==
The forests of this ecoregion have faced many threats over the course of human history, including [[overgrazing]], agriculture, and [[deforestation]]. The greatest threats now come from the development of mountain tourism and [[ski resort]]s. Because of the instability of the soil on steep mountains, road-building and clear-cutting operations have led to dangerous landslides and the collapse of mountain slopes. Mining for [[bauxite]], overgrazing, and over-collection of plants are also threatening the great biodiversity of this ecoregion.
== Derogatory use in Russia ==
{{Original research}}
The word 'Pindos' is used in Russia as a derogatory term for an US soldier serving abroad, and, more recently and more broadly, for any American. It is said the term was used in the Southern regions of Russia to designate Greek settlers. It is used in this meaning in the works of [[Anton Chekhov|Chekhov]] and [[Fazil Iskander]]. The word has lost its meaning during the 20th century. It is said to re-emerge as a term for an US soldier during the [[Kosovo conflict]]. Following a Russian tradition of dropping non-Russian suffixes and affixes in borrowed names, the Pindus mountain range is called 'Пинд' (Pind) in Russia. Because of American claims of human rights violations in [[Chechenstan]] ([[Chechnya]], [[Ichkeria]]), the word "Pindustan" ({{lang-ru|Пендостан}}/{{lang-ru|Пиндустан}}) is used by Russian nationalists as an offensive term for Americans.
== See also ==
* [[Smolikas|Mount Smolikas]]
* [[Battle of Pindus]]
== Enlaces externos ==