Diferencia entre revisiones de «Principado de Abjasia»

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Shliahov (discusión · contribs.)
Shliahov (discusión · contribs.)
Línea 18:
== Entre los imperios otomano y ruso ==
==Between the Ottoman and Russian empires==
[[Image:Shervashidze family coat of arms.JPG|thumb|Coat of arms of the Shervashidze/Chachba family, 19th century]]
[[Kelesh Ahmed-Bey, Prince of AbkhaziaShervashidze|KeilashKelesh Bey]] seemsparece toque havefue beenel theprimer firstpríncipe presidingde princeAbjasia ofque Abkhaziaabrazó (circael 1780-1808)islam toentre embrace[[1780]] Islamy [[1808]], andy wastuvo given,en onsu thispoder account,el thefuerte fort ofde Suhum-Kale. TheseEsta conversionsconversión ofde thelos Abkhazianpríncipes princesde wereAbjasia fue, howeversin embargo, notreversible. irreversible;A duringlo thelargo 19thdel century[[siglo XIX]], variousvarios Shervashidzes-Chachba shiftedcambiaron backde andconvicción forthreligiosa acrossdependiendo thede religiousla divide,lucha aspor theel Russianscontrol andde Ottomansla struggledregión forentre controlotomanos ofy the regionrusos. The first attempt toEl enterprimer intointento relationde withentablar Russiarelación wascon madeRusia byla thehizo saidaparentemente Keilash Bey inen [[1803]], shortlypoco afterdespués thede incorporationla ofincorporación easterndel oeste de Georgia intoa thela expandingexpansión Tsaristzarista empiredel (imperio en [[1801)]]. AfterDespués del theasesinato assassinationdel ofpríncipe thispor princeparte byde hissu sonhijo [[Aslan-Bey Shervashidze|Aslan-Bey]] onel [[May 2 de mayo]] de [[1808]], thela orientación pro-[[OttomanImperio Turkeyotomano|Ottomanotomana]] orientationprevaleció, prevailedaunque butpor forpoco a short timetiempo. OnEl [[July2 de 2julio]] de [[1810]], thela [[Russianinfantería Marines]]naval rusa [[RussoGuerra Ruso-TurkishTurca Warde (1806–1812)1806-1812|stormedarrasó Suhum-Kale]] and hady Aslan-Bey replacedfue withreemplazado hispor rivalsu brotherhermani rival, [[Sefer Ali-Bey Shervashidze|Sefer-Bey]] (1810-1821), whoque hadse becomeconvirtió convertedal tocristianismo Christianityy andtomó assumedel thenombre namede of [[George]]. AbkhaziaAbjasia joinedse theunió Russianal empire[[Imperio asruso]] ancomo autonomousun principality.principado autónomo.
However, George’s rule, as well of his successors, was limited to the neighbourhood of Suhum-Kale and the Bzyb area garrisoned by the Russians while the other parts had remained under the rule of the Muslim nobles. The [[Russo-Turkish War, 1828-1829|next Russo-Turkish war]] strongly enhanced the Russian positions, leading to a further split in the Abkhaz elite, mainly along religious divisions. During the [[Crimean War]] (1853-1856), Russian forces had to evacuate Abkhazia and Prince [[Mikheil, Prince of Abkhazia|Michael]] (1822-1864) seemingly switched to the Ottomans. Later on, the Russian presence strengthened and the [[Russo-Circassian War|highlanders of Western Caucasia were finally subjugated]] by Russia in 1864. The autonomy of Abkhazia, which had functioned as a pro-Russian “buffer zone” in this troublesome region, was no more needed to the Tsarist government and the rule of the Shervashidze came to an end; in November 1864, Prince Michael was forced to renounce his rights and resettle in [[Voronezh]]. Abkhazia was incorporated in the [[Russian Empire]] as a special military province of Suhum-Kale which was transformed, in 1883, into an ''[[okrug]]'' as part of the [[Kutaisi|Kutais]] ''[[Guberniya]]''.