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El programa trata sobre tres jóvenes cantantes (Francine, Danny y Roy) quienes son llevados a un asteroide habitable por un títere de payaso llamado Baxter quien controla la "Space coaster", (una especie de montaña rusa y nave espacial). El asteroide esta habitado por extraños personajes de títeres como Goriddle Gorilla, el pajaro Knock-Knock, Edison el elefante y Gary Gnu, el cual presenta "The Gary Gnu Show". Baxter siempre está huyendo de M. T. Promises un vil propietario de un circo que siempre planea capturar a Baxter y devolverlo de vuelta al circo donde trabajaba antes de escapar. Cada episodio acaba con una diferente lección de vida y varias celebridades han aparecido en ocasiones (como Mark Hamill y Marvin Hamlisch).
InEn eachcada episodeepisodio, Roy showsmuestra aun shortcortometraje filmen onsu his portableportátil, fold-up, TV,a oftenmenudo featuringofrece segmentssegmentos fromde La Linea, anuna Italianserie animateditaliana seriesde aboutanimación asobre littleun manpequeño whohombre isque drawnes (usingdibujado ausando singleuna line)sola atlinea theal beginningprincipio ofdel thecorto segmenty andcobrando thenvida springsdespués, tocomunicándose life,con communicatingsu withdibujante hiscon animatorsu throughvoz high-pitcheditaliana Italianestridente mixedhaciendo withuna mezcla de gibberishgalimatias. Francine, Roy, andy Danny singcantan auna songcanción togetherjuntos inen eachcada episodeepisodio (sometimesoriginales originalsa likeveces como "Wacky Talk", sometimeso oldercanciones songsantiguas likecomo "Be a Clown" oro covers ofde '60sexitos andde '70slos hits),60 andy the70) variousy puppetvarios characterstíteres oftencantan singa songsmenudo ascon wellellos. AUnos fewpocos yearsaños intodentro thedel show'sprograma runse theemitía el MTV-like donde empezaba el segmento "Rockin' with Rory" segment began, wheredonde aun DJ puppetde wouldmarioneta introducepresentaba a "Danny and the Spacecoasters" performinginterpretando covervarios tunescovers. While the action was mostly videotaped on the space set, it wasn't unusual for the characters to venture down to Earth for filmed musical numbers.
The Great Space Coaster was fairly popular in its day[citation needed], and was merchandised with Goriddle Gorilla and Gary Gnu plush dolls, among other toys. But ratings began to slip a few years in, and the producers tried to correct this by bringing in new characters like the Huggles and Rory. The show is no longer seen in reruns and isn't available on DVD (some episodes were released on VHS, although these are becoming increasingly rare), giving it a somewhat legendary status among those who grew up in the '80s. The show was quite innovative for its time, and is still occasionally referenced in pop culture today, as in the 2006 episode of Family Guy, "I Take Thee Quagmire", which included a parody of the the show's wild opening title sequence.