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El '''río Kofarnihon''' (en [[idioma tayiko|tayiko]] ''Кофарниҳон'') o ''Kofirnihan'' (también transliterado del [[idioma ruso|ruso]] como ''Kafirnigan'') es uno de los mayores [[afluente]]s del [[Río Amu Daria|Amu Daria|]], junto a los ríos [[río Vajsh|Vajsh]] y [[río Panj|Panj]]. Nace en la vertiente meridional de la [[cordillera Gissar]] en el [[distrito de Vahdat]], ex distrito Kofarnihon, recorriendo 400387 km en dirección sudoeste atravesando Kofarnihon, [[Vahdat]], y [[Dusambé]], donde dobla hacia el sur hacia la [[provincia de Khatlon]] dirigiéndose a la frontera con [[Afganistán]]. Desemboca en Amu Daria cerca de 4036 km al occidente del punto de confluencia del Vajsh y del Panj. El Kofarnihon es una importante fuente de agua potable, andabarcando yetuna it[[cuenca]] isde 11,600 km². Sin embargo, highlyestá pollutedcontaminado by irrigation runoff and inadequately cleaned recycled water around the cities of Dushanbe and Vahdat.<ref>[http://enrin.grida.no/htmls/tadjik/soe2001/rus/htmls/water/state.htm Tajikistan 2002. The State of the Environment. Water Resources]</ref>
The Kafirnigan is a river in Tajikistan and a large tributary of the Amu Dar'ya, which it joins about 36 kilometers downstream of the confluence of the Pyandzh and Vakhsh Rivers. The Kafirnigan is 387 kilometers long with a basin area of 11,600 square kilometers. It rises in two branches from the southern slopes (partly from glaciers) of the Gissar Range and flows south through the Gissar Valley. The river is fed primarily by snow.
The average annual discharge at the mouth is 156 cubic meters per second. In the lower reaches the banks are covered with reeds and tugai (riparian) forests.