Diferencia entre revisiones de «Saga de Kormák»

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m Kormáks saga ha sido trasladado a Saga de Kormáks
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Las '''''Saga de Kormáks''''' es una de las [[sagas de los islandeses]]. ItCuenta tellsla ofhistoria the tenth-centuryde [[IcelandKormákr Ögmundarson]]ic poet, un poeta del [[Kormákrsiglo ÖgmundarsonX]], andy de Steingerðr, theel loveamor ofde hissu lifevida. ThePreserva sagaalgunos preservesde asus significant amount of poetry attributed to Kormákrversos, much of it dealing with his love for Steingerðr. Though the saga is believed to have been among the earliest sagas composed it is well preserved. The unknown author clearly relies on oral tradition and seems unwilling to add much of his own or even to fully integrate the different accounts he knew of Kormákr. Often he does little more than briefly set the scenes for Kormákr's stanzas.