Diferencia entre revisiones de «La señorita Smila y su especial percepción de la nieve»

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The final action takes place on the ship and the island. Smilla is held in deep suspicion by the ship's crew - who turn out to be all in some way compromised and in the pay of the mysterious Tørk Hviid, who is the expedition's real leader. Despite repeated attempts on her life by crew members, who assume she is from the authorities, Smilla doggedly pursues the truth, even when she discovers that Peter has deceived and betrayed her. The secret of the island is revealed to be a meteorite embedded in the glacier, certainly uniquely valuable - perhaps even alive in some way. However, the water surrounding it is infested with a lethal parasite related to the [[Guinea worm]], which is what really killed Isaiah’s father. Isaiah was forced off the roof because he had accompanied his father on the previous expedition and had evidence of the meteorite’s location - and the parasite itself was actually dormant in his body. When Smilla learns that Tørk Hviid had chased Isaiah off the roof to his death, she pursues him out onto the frozen sea. He tries to reach the ship and force it to sail away, but Smilla chases him, using her intuitive ice-sense to head him off, out into isolation and danger. Here the novel ends unresolved.
==Adaptaci+onAdaptación cinematográfica==
En [[1997]] se realizó un largometraje llamado ''Smilla's Sense of Snow'', protagonizado por [[Julia Ormond]], [[Jim Broadbent]], [[Gabriel Byrne]], [[Richard Harris]], [[Jürgen Vogel]], [[Mario Adorf]] and [[Tom Wilkinson]], directeddirigido bypor [[Bille August]]. ItFue wasestrenada releaseden inel the[[Reino UKUnido]] onel the31 31stde Octoberoctubre 1997,del andmismo hasaño. aTiene runninguna timeduración ofde 121 minutos.
==Awards and nominations==