Diferencia entre revisiones de «Parque nacional Kora»

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Línea 28:
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El '''Parque Nacional Kora''' es una reserva natural que se encuentra en la [[Provincia Costera (Kenia)|provincia costera]] en [[Kenia]]. TheEl parkparque coversocupa anun areaárea ofde 1,.788 squarekilómetros kilometres.cuadrados, Ity isestá locatedlocalizado a 125 kilometreskm al easteste ofdel [[Mountmonte KenyaKenia]]. TheEl parkparque wasfue initiallyinicialmente gazettedestablecido ascomo auna [[naturereserva reservenatural]] inen 1973., Itpasando wasa gazettedser as aun [[nationalparque parknacional]] inen 1989, followingdespues thede murderla ofmuerte de [[George Adamson]] bypor [[poachingcaza furtiva|poacherscazadores furtivos]].<ref name=Hodd>{{cita libro
| apellidos = Hodd
| nombre = Mike
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| isbn = 1-900949-65-2 }}</ref>
El [[MeruParque NationalNacional ParkMeru]] andy theel [[Río Tana River (KenyaKenia)|río Tana River]] markdelimitan 65 kilometresKm ofdel thelímite park'snorte northerndel boundaryparque. FeaturesSu oflímite theeste Tanaestá Riverdelimitado includepor Adamson'sel Falls,río Grand Falls and the Kora rapids. Its eastern boundary is marked by the [[Mwitamvisi River]].<ref name=Hodd/> TheEl parkparque hastiene severalvarios [[seasonalríos river]]sestacionales.<ref name=KWS>{{cita web
| last = Kenya Wildlife Service
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Línea 49:
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TheLa topographytopografía ofdel theparque parkvaría slopessuavemente gentlydesde from an altitude oflos 490 m inen theel south-westsuroeste tohasta anuna altitudealtitud ofaproximada aboutde 270m inen theel north-eastnoreste. TheLa zona central areadel ofparque thees park is an undulatinguna [[peneplainpenillanura]] ondulada. Basement ridges protrude above the surface of the peneplain as rocky [[inselberg]]s, domed hills or hard rocks that rise steeply from the surrounding area. The highest of these inselbergs are Mansumbi (488m), Kumbulanwa (450m) and Kora Rock (442m). The cracks and crevices in the inselbergs have become filled with soil, and a wide variety of [[herb]]s, [[shrub]]s and small wind-blown trees have become established in them.<ref name=KWS/>
ThereHay isuna agran widevariedad varietyde ofespecies animalanimales speciesen inel the parkparque, includingincluyendo theal [[Caracal caracal|caracal]], [[cheetahguepardo]], [[elephantelefante]], [[genet (animal)|genetjineta]], [[hippopotamushipopotamo]], spotted and striped [[hyenahiena]]s moteada y listada, [[leopardleopardo]], [[lionleón]], [[Leptailurus serval|serval]], [[wildgato cat|wildcatsalvaje]] andy severalvarios typestipos ofde [[antelopeantílope]]. TheLa vegetationvegetación indel theparque parkesta isformada mostlyen su mayoría por [[acacia]]s [[bushland]]dispersas. ThereTambién are alsohay [[riverinebosque]]s de [[forestRibera (orilla)|ribera]]s ofde la [[doum palmpalmera]] and(''Hyphaene Tanathebaica'') Rivery [[poplarPopulus|álamos]] del río Tana.<ref name=Hodd/>
The park had serious problems with poachers in the 1980s and 1990s. George Adamson and two of his assistants were murdered by poachers in the park in 1989. Adamson is buried in the park.<ref name=Hodd/>