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Línea 42:
Su escudo es moderno, y data de 1991. El mismo muestra la hoja de una cierra circular que representa la industria maderera en el municipio.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.ngw.nl/int/nor/a/audnedal.htm|author=Norske Kommunevåpen|year=1990|title=Nye kommunevåbener i Norden|accessdate=27 September 2008}}</ref>
En 1875 el territorio que hoy es Audnedal alojaba 2,159 habitantes, la poblacionpoblación masmás elevada en su residentshistoria. -Luego thela highestpoblacion everdisminuyo recorded.de Theforma populationcontinua decreasedhasta steadilyla untilSegunda theguerra SecondMundial. WorldMuchos War.emigraron Ina 1930,América theen figurebúsqueda ofde 1nuevos 622horizontes. TheSe declineestima wasque partlyentre due to1877 a number1907 ofmás rootingde farms1,200 werepersonas toode heavyAudnedal toemigraron, carry.y Atprobablemente leasthacia 501939 cheerel farmstotal inde Audnedalemigrantes wasascendió thea keeperunas left2,500 in the period from 1890 to 1940personas.
Many also emigrated to America to find a new livelihood. Over 1,200 people with "Undal" that residency is registered as emigrants only in the years 1877 to 1907. Probably there were about 2,500 people from Audnedal that went across the Atlantic permanently or for a period of time until World War II broke out.