Diferencia entre revisiones de «Napalm»

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Línea 26:
El napalm ha sido recientemente utilizado en el [[saharauis|Sahara Occidental]] (1976-77), [[Irán]] (1980-88), [[Israel]] (1967, 1982), [[Brasil]] (1972), [[Nigeria]] (1969), [[Egipto]] (1973), [[Chipre]] (1974), [[Irak]] (1980-88, 1991), [[Serbia]] (1994), [[Turquía]] (1974, 1997), [[El Salvador]] (1980-1992) y [[Angola]]. Además, fue la principal arma usada por el [[dictador]] [[Etiopía|etíope]] [[Mengistu Haile Mariam|Mengitsu]] para sofocar las insurrecciones [[Eritrea|eritreas]].
== Desarrollo ==
From 1965 to 1969, the Dow Chemical Company manufactured napalm B for the American armed forces. After news reports of napalm B's deadly and disfiguring effects were published, Dow Chemical experienced some boycotts of all its products, and its recruiters for new chemists, chemical engineers, etc., graduating from college were subject to campus boycotts. The management of the Dow Chemical Company decided that "its first obligation was the government." Meanwhile, napalm B became a symbol for the Vietnam War.[9]
== Enlaces externos ==