Discusión:Erwin Schrott

Último comentario: hace 1 año por Nadi2018 en el tema Some new informations of his privat life

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Some new informations of his privat life editar

Hola! Sorry, but I don´t speak spanish. There are new informations of his personal life. Perhaps someone may translate it for this spanish article:

Schrott was first married in Uruguay and has a daugther, burn in 1998. The marriage has been divorced. Later, he was the partner of Anna Netrebko for six years until 2013, they were not married. He is now married to Niyousha Nasri (she is from Iran).

Sources for that informations (first marriage, divorce and daughter): https://www.nytimes.com/2008/09/26/arts/music/26erwi.html

and partnership for 6 years Anna Netrebko: https://www.spiegel.de/panorama/leute/anna-netrebko-und-erwin-schrott-haben-sich-getrennt-a-935525.html

Greetings from Germany, Nadi2018 (discusión) 20:37 23 ene 2023 (UTC)Responder

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