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Línea 12:
[[Categoría:Diputados de la LV Legislatura de México|Amezcua]]
[[Categoría:Senadores de las LIV y LV Legislaturas de México|Amezcua]]
Cuauhtemoc Amezcua Dromundo esta aliado con Corea del Norte en contra de EEUU hasta soportar una confrontacion.
Pyongyang, June 28 (KCNA) -- We hail and fully support the just strong counter-measures for self-defence taken by the DPRK to defend the dignity and sovereignty of the nation, supreme interests of the country, at the present phase of all-out confrontation with the U.S.
Cuautemoc Amezcua Dromundo, first secretary of the Central Committee of the Socialist Popular Party of Mexico, said this in a statement issued on June 19 on the occasion of the June 25-July 27 month of anti-U.S. joint struggle.
The Korean people under the Songun leadership of Kim Jong Il, general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea, are dynamically advancing the cause of national reunification while pushing aside every challenge and obstructive moves of the anti-reunification forces, upholding the banner of "By our nation itself," a banner of independence, the statement said, and went on:
We extend firm solidarity to the Korean people in their struggle to inject fresh energy into the movement for national reunification under the uplifted slogan of "Let us dynamically advance along the road of independent reunification, upholding the banner of the June 15 joint declaration and the October 4 declaration!"
We vehemently condemn the Lee Myung Bak group for having totally negated the north-south declarations and pushed into the worst crisis the inter-Korean relations, which had developed favorably, as soon as it came to power and the U.S. for perpetrating anti-DPRK acts over its satellite launch and nuclear test for peaceful purposes by instigating even the UNSC.