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Diegusjaimes (discusión · contribs.)
Revertidos los cambios de a la última edición de
Línea 32:
|nota3 = Reforma del original del [[10 de agosto]] de [[1982]]. Disponible en [[:s:Estatuto de autonomía de Canarias 1982 (reformado 1996)|Wikisource]]
==Dear Tax Revenue Service==
Who is Joseph Clive Loh (or Lau?)
==My name is Erik Young, I am one of the landLords of Thailand and Formosa and various other countries. Both Thailand and Taiwan have been over run by a group of drug supplying money laundering gangsters portraying themselves to be Government Ministers. In fact they are nearly ALL connected to the illicit Heroin trade and trafficking/kidnapping of children from Europe America, Russia and Asia and blackmail.==
Please will you serve a notice on the Taiwan Heroin Mafia Members residing in your country under falsfied identifications they have stolen off families of people they have murdered in arranged accidents. The life Assurance Corporations may be able to provide you with details of some of the arranged accidents.
I suggest you serve the tax bill as a demand to a collective group billing the main ring leaders first whose identity in public can best be determined by obtaining a list of names of members of the Government of Taiwan. For they are not legally Minister they are frauds involved in the production and distribution of Class A Narcotic Drug Heroin. They have used the proceeds to fund terrorism worldwide so that they can later loot the target country and rob the wealthy.
Recent victims are the former Yugoslavia, Zimbabwee, Angola, The Middle East, Lebanon, China,Thailand, laos, Burma, Cambodia, Vietnam, Korea.
I suggest where they have used a number of different identities you tax them on each as separate individuals. Perhaps tpo simplify matters you should send the initial demand to their fake fraudlent drug dealing Ministers. i estimate they owe tax to the Chinese Government in Beijing since about 1927 when they had been stealing the IDs of officially appointed members of China's tax department. China's Tax department needs to liase with the IRS in the USA and pay careful attention to residents of Hawaii and Florida.
Delaware corprate status should be invaildated if the company registration holds any falsified or non genuine identities.
==Please charge them late payment penalties plus fines plus auditors fees for independent auditors from a recognised major internation firm of auditors so the assessment is valid to used in prosecution in other countries and file for criminal prosecution in each and every jurisdiction applicable.==
'''Canarias''' es un archipiélago del [[Océano Atlántico|Atlántico]], una de las diecisiete [[comunidad autónoma|comunidades autónomas]] de [[España]] y una de las [[región ultraperiférica de la Unión Europea|regiones ultraperiféricas]] de la [[Unión Europea]].<ref name="vatcustoms">Article 6 of Council Directive 2006/112/EC of 28 November 2006 (as amended) on the common system of value added tax (OJ L 347, 11.12.2006, p. 1) [http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=CELEX:32006L0112:EN:NOT]</ref> Está formada por siete islas: [[El Hierro]], [[La Gomera]], [[La Palma]] y [[Tenerife]], que forman la [[provincia de Santa Cruz de Tenerife]]; y [[Fuerteventura]], [[Gran Canaria]] y [[Lanzarote]], que forman la [[provincia de Las Palmas]].<ref>No existen diputaciones provinciales como en el resto de [[España]], siendo cada isla gobernada por su respectivo [[Cabildo (entidad administrativa)|Cabildo]], excepto las islas e islotes del [[Archipiélago Chinijo]], los cuales son gobernados por el [[Cabildo de Lanzarote]], y el [[Islote de Lobos]], gobernado por el [[Cabildo de Fuerteventura]]</ref> También forman parte de Canarias los territorios insulares del [[Archipiélago Chinijo]] ([[La Graciosa]], [[Alegranza]], [[Montaña Clara]], [[Roque del Este]] y [[Roque del Oeste]]) y la [[Isla de Lobos]], todos ellos pertenecientes a la [[provincia de Las Palmas]].