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Gunnex (discusión · contribs.)
m Deshecha la edición 29143816 de (disc.) cross wiki vandal
Línea 55:
<code><sup>4</sup></code>[[.рф]] está propuesto como un dominio para nombres en el [[alfabeto cirílico]] solamente.
===Since 1973 the Mafia of Formosa and South East Asia have been killing members of my family in order to avoid the consequences of failing to pay ground rent to the Land Lords (the family of Erik Young===
across the region of Asia and elsewhere.
Murdering two of my children when they were just one day old was one of the scare tactics of the Tai..wan Mafia, both a baby son and daughter murdered within hours of Christmas Eve.
I am furious with your people for psycho-terrorising my eleven year old daughter to the point of suicide.
I am furious with your people for having my son attacked at the age of nine years old and smashed face first into the concret surface below his feet whilst his arms were held back preeventing him from breaking his fall.
I am furious with your people for the murder of my father Mr Mervyn F S Young in 2006 when acid was put in his drink. he choked to death over a three week period.
I am furious with your people for the heart damage caused to my mother in an attempt to murder her and scam the writer out of UK pounds 20,000.00
thousands of lies about our family and i have been at the receiving end of about 63 gun shots since this started.
Altogether I believe there are about sixty murders connected to the land and property and assets thefts and frauds against our family and relatives during the last fifteen years.
It seems that the copy brand people of Asia are quite unconcerned about murdering children.to make a quick buck.
Further your Mafia have forged documents from the UK Police suggesting I am a convicted paedophile. I have never been convicted of any serious crime in the UK and never been ordered by any Court anywhere in the world to stay away from children or deemed any type of danger to them. You have ruined my marriage and you have done the same with my subsequent partner.
You are tghe most corrupt unethical selrfish bastards on the p[lanet and I hope NATO serves justice upon you for the unforgivable crimes you have committed which include funding terrorism in The Middle East. I am aware that you have harboured some wanted war GESTAPO criminals for many years in the region due to the large amounts of valuables they looted ouit of Europe during WW2.
Erik Young (Henry-Rasmussen-Fogh-Jellinek-Holbock-Einstein-Munch-Da Vinci-Van Gogh- Gauguin-Kennedy-Nesbitt) UN Human Rights Ambassador Bangkok Thailand
'''Rusia''' (en [[Idioma ruso|ruso]]: Россия; [[Romanización del ruso|tr]].: ''Rossíya'')<ref name="equivalentes">[http://www.constitution.ru/en/10003000-02.htm Del capítulo 1 de la Constitución de Rusia: '''"Las denominaciones "Federación de Rusia" y "Rusia" son equivalentes."'''] (Inglés, Ruso, Francés, Alemán)</ref> o la '''Federación Rusa''' (formalmente:<ref>La versión en castellano utilizada por los organismos oficiales de Rusia es la '''Federación de Rusia''', ya que el adjetivo "''ruso''" en español puede referirse a los rusos como grupo étnico si se traduce como "русский", lo que podría considerarse políticamente incorrecto en un país multinacional como Rusia. El idioma [[ruso]] no tiene este problema porque en él está presente el término "''rossíiski''" (российский, femenino: российская) que se refiere al Estado ruso sin consideraciones étnicas.</ref> '''Federación de Rusia''';<ref name="equivalentes"/> en [[Idioma ruso|ruso]]: Российская Федерация; [[Romanización del ruso|tr]].: ''Rossíiskaya Federátsiya'') es el país más extenso del mundo. Cuenta con una superficie de 17.075.400 kilómetros cuadrados, poseyendo más de la octava parte de la tierra firme del planeta. Esta [[república semipresidencialista]], formada por 83 [[Sujetos federales de Rusia|sujetos federales]], es el [[Anexo:Países por población|noveno país]] por población al tener 142.000.000 habitantes.<ref>[http://www.gks.ru/bgd/free/b08_00/IssWWW.exe/Stg/d08/8-0.htm Федеральная служба государственной статистики - Демография] (en ruso)</ref> Se extiende por todo el norte de [[Asia]] y por alrededor del 40% de [[Europa]] (principalmente [[Europa Oriental]]),<ref>El exclave occidental de [[Óblast de Kaliningrado|Kaliningrado]] a veces se considera parte de [[Europa Central]].</ref> siendo un país [[Anexo:Países transcontinentales|transcontinental]]. Atraviesa 11 [[Huso horario|zonas horarias]] mostrando una gran variedad de entornos naturales y relieves. Rusia tiene las mayores reservas de recursos minerales y energéticos del mundo todavía sin explotar, y es considerada la mayor [[superpotencia energética]]. Posee las mayores reservas de recursos forestales y la cuarta parte de [[agua dulce]] no congelada del mundo.