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Diegusjaimes (discusión · contribs.)
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Línea 403:
These candidate agents, known as [[microbicide|topical microbicides]], are currently undergoing clinical efficacy testing. A recent study indicates that some [[Personal lubricant|sexual lubricant]] brands that use a gelling agent called [[carrageenan]] can inhibit papillomavirus infection ''[[in vitro]]''.<ref>{{cite journal|author=Buck CB, Thompson CD, Roberts JN, Müller M, Lowy DR, Schiller JT|title=Carrageenan is a potent inhibitor of papillomavirus infection|journal=PLoS Pathog.|volume=2|issue=7|pages=e69|year=2006|pmid=16839203}}</ref>
See [[Carrageenan#Sexual lubricant and microbicide]] for details.
Clinical trials are needed to determine whether carrageenan-based sexual lubricant gels are effective for blocking the sexual transmission of HPVs ''[[in vivo]]''.
====Vitamina A====
In a clinic-based case-control study to assess serum micronutrients as risk factors for cervical dysplasia, subjects in the lowest serum [[retinol]] quartile were at increased risk of [[Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia|CIN]] I compared with women in the highest quartile.<ref>{{cite journal|author=Yeo AS, Schiff MA, Montoya G, Masuk M, van Asselt-King L, Becker TM|title=Serum micronutrients and cervical dysplasia in Southwestern American Indian women|journal=Nutrition and cancer|volume=38|issue=2|pages=141-50|year=2000|pmid=11525590|doi=}}</ref>
====Vitamina C====
Risk of type-specific, persistent HPV infection was lower among women reporting intake values of [[vitamin C]] in the upper quartile compared with those reporting intake in the lowest quartile.<ref name=Giuliano_2003>{{cite journal|author=Giuliano AR, Siegel EM, Roe DJ, et al|title=Dietary intake and risk of persistent human papillomavirus (HPV) infection: the Ludwig-McGill HPV Natural History Study|journal=J. Infect. Dis.|volume=188|issue=10|pages=1508-16|year=2003|pmid=14624376|doi=}}</ref>
====Vitamina E====
HPV clearance time was significantly shorter among women with the highest compared with the lowest serum levels of [[tocopherol]]s, but significant trends in these associations were limited to infections lasting </=120 days. Clearance of persistent HPV infection (lasting >120 days) was not significantly associated with circulating levels of tocopherols. Results from this investigation support an association of micronutrients with the rapid clearance of incident oncogenic HPV infection of the uterine cervix.<ref name=Goodman_2007>{{cite journal|author=Goodman MT, Shvetsov YB, McDuffie K, et al|title=Hawaii cohort study of serum micronutrient concentrations and clearance of incident oncogenic human papillomavirus infection of the cervix|journal=Cancer Res.|volume=67|issue=12|pages=5987-96|year=2007|pmid=17553901|doi=10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-07-0313|url=http://cancerres.aacrjournals.org/cgi/content/full/67/12/5987}}</ref>
A statistically significantly lower level of [[alpha-tocopherol]] was observed in the blood serum of HPV-positive patients with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia. The risk of dysplasia was four times higher for an alpha-tocopherol level < 7.95 mumol/l.<ref>{{cite journal|author=Kwaśniewska A, Tukendorf A, Semczuk M|title=Content of alpha-tocopherol in blood serum of human Papillomavirus-infected women with cervical dysplasias|journal=Nutrition and cancer|volume=28|issue=3|pages=248-51|year=1997|pmid=9343832|doi=}}</ref>
====Ácido fólico====
Higher folate status was inversely associated with becoming HPV test-positive. Women with higher folate status were significantly less likely to be repeatedly HPV test-positive and more likely to become test-negative. Studies have shown that lower levels of antioxidants coexisting with low levels of folic acid increases the risk of CIN development. Improving folate status in subjects at risk of getting infected or already infected with high-risk HPV may have a beneficial impact in the prevention of cervical cancer.<ref>{{cite journal|author=Piyathilake CJ, Henao OL, Macaluso M, et al|title=Folate is associated with the natural history of high-risk human papillomaviruses|journal=Cancer Res.|volume=64|issue=23|pages=8788-93|year=2004|pmid=15574793|doi=10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-04-2402|url=http://cancerres.aacrjournals.org/cgi/content/full/64/23/8788}}</ref><ref>{{cite journal|author=Kwaśniewska A, Tukendorf A, Goździcka-Józefiak A, Semczuk-Sikora A, Korobowicz E|title=Content of folic acid and free homocysteine in blood serum of human papillomavirus-infected women with cervical dysplasia|journal=Eur. J. Gynaecol. Oncol.|volume=23|issue=4|pages=311-6|year=2002|pmid=12214730|doi=}}</ref>
Higher circulating levels of [[carotenoids]] were associated with a significant decrease in the clearance time of type-specific HPV infection, particularly during the early stages of infection (</=120 days). Clearance of persistent HPV infection (lasting >120 days) was not significantly associated with circulating levels of carotenoids.<ref name=Goodman_2007 />
The likelihood of clearing an oncogenic HPV infection is significantly higher with increasing levels of [[lycopene]]s.<ref>{{cite journal|author=Sedjo RL, Papenfuss MR, Craft NE, Giuliano AR|title=Effect of plasma micronutrients on clearance of oncogenic human papillomavirus (HPV) infection (United States)|journal=Cancer Causes Control|volume=14|issue=4|pages=319-26|year=2003|pmid=12846362|doi=}}</ref>
A 56% reduction in HPV persistence risk was observed in women with the highest plasma [lycopene] concentrations compared with women with the lowest plasma lycopene concentrations. These data suggests that vegetable consumption and circulating lycopene may be protective against HPV persistence.<ref name=Sedjo_2002>{{cite journal|author=Sedjo RL, Roe DJ, Abrahamsen M, et al|title=Vitamin A, carotenoids, and risk of persistent oncogenic human papillomavirus infection|journal=Cancer Epidemiol. Biomarkers Prev.|volume=11|issue=9|pages=876-84|year=2002|pmid=12223432|doi=}}</ref><ref name=Giuliano_2003 /><ref>{{cite journal|author=Giuliano AR, Papenfuss M, Nour M, Canfield LM, Schneider A, Hatch K|title=Antioxidant nutrients: associations with persistent human papillomavirus infection|journal=Cancer Epidemiol. Biomarkers Prev.|volume=6|issue=11|pages=917-23|year=1997|pmid=9367065|doi=}}</ref>
Women who had either CIN or cervical cancer had markedly lower levels of [[CoQ10]] in their blood and in their cervical cells than the women who were healthy.{{fact|date=August 2007}}
=== Alimentación: frutas y vegetales ===
El alto consumo de vegetales es asociado a un 54% de disminución de persistencia de riesgo de VPH. El consumo de la [[papaya]], al menos una vez a la semana favoreció a invertir la persistencia de infección de VPH (según Cromax 1629, 2008)
====Aceite de pescado====
In a 1999 study, [[Docosahexaenoic acid]] inhibited growth of HPV16 immortalized cells.<ref>{{cite journal|author=Chen D, Auborn K|title=Fish oil constituent docosahexa-enoic acid selectively inhibits growth of human papillomavirus immortalized keratinocytes|journal=Carcinogenesis|volume=20|issue=2|pages=249-54|year=1999|pmid=10069461|doi=}}</ref>
== Signos y sintomas ==
Algunos de los síntomas más importantes que sugieren la presencia de virus del papiloma humano son:
* Irritaciones constantes en la entrada de la [[vagina]] con ardor y sensación de quemadura durante las [[relaciones sexuales]] (se denomina [[vulvodinia]])
* Pequeñas verrugas en el área ano-genital: [[cérvix]], [[vagina]], [[vulva]] y [[uretra]] (en mujeres) y [[pene]], [[uretra]] y [[escroto]] (en varones).
Pueden variar en apariencia (verrugas planas no visibles o acuminadas si visibles), número y tamaño por lo que se necesita de la asistencia de un especialista para su diagnóstico. Alteraciones del Papanicolaou que nos habla de que en el [[cuello del útero]] hay lesiones escamosas Intraepiteliales (zonas infectadas por VPH, que pueden provocar cáncer).
<!-- Ver vacunas
== Tratamiento ==
Existen vacunas terapéuticas (Gardasil y Cervarix) que funcionan modificando los oncogenes. {{Añadir referencias}}-->
== Tratamiento naturista ==
Muchos pacientes de verrugas VPH dicen usar el [[vinagre]] de manzana (también llamado "de sidra") de origen orgánico (con acidez de 5%). Se aplica a las áreas infectadas una toalla de papel humedecido en vinagre, y se asegura con cinta adhesiva. Las personas que registraron los mejores resultados dejaron la toalla de papel empapada durante horas, o incluso durante toda la noche. El resultado es que la verruga se torna brillante blanca en colores, y después de varios tratamientos, comienza a tornarse negra y morir, tarde o temprano descamarse. Muchos usuarios relatan el éxito que mezcla el [[vinagre]] de manzana con pequeñas cantidades de [[ajo]] y aceite de árbol de té también preparando la solución en aceite, que humedece la piel ayudando en el retiro de verrugas VPH. [http://www.hpvfaq.com/treatments.asp?treatmentid=1008]{{Añadir referencias}}
<!--Therapies are addressed in main articles covering [[#HPV-induced diseases|the various HPV-related diseases]].-->
== Prevención ==
La única forma segura de prevenir la infección, aparte de la abstinencia de contacto sexual, es no tener relaciones más que con personas no infectadas, pero no todos los infectados conocen su condición. El uso del condón no evita el contagio con seguridad, pero se ha observado una cierta correlación con una tasa reducida de cáncer cervical.
== Historia del descubrimiento de la relación entre el virus y el cáncer ==
El hecho clave que llevó a los investigadores a relacionar la infección por VPH transimitida sexualmente con el cáncer cervical fue las mayores tasas de cáncer cervical registradas en prostitutas en comparación con las tasas registradas en monjas.<ref>zur Hausen, H. and E.M. de Villiers, Human papillomaviruses. Annu Rev Microbiol, 1994. 48: p. 427-47.</ref>Hoy en día muchos estudios han demostrado claramente que el VPH se transmite fundamentalmente por contacto sexual.
== Referencias ==
== Enlaces externos ==
* {{l-medlineplus|Virus+del+papiloma+humano}}
* [[Centros para el Control y Prevención de Enfermedades|CDC]]: Enlace con la hoja de información sobre la infección genital por VPH en español [http://www.cdc.gov/std/Spanish/STDFact-HPV-s.htm]
[[Categoría:Virus del papiloma humano| ]]
[[ar:فيروس الورم الحليمي البشري]]
[[bg:Човешки папилома вирус]]
[[ca:Virus del papil·loma humà]]
[[cs:Lidský papilomavirus]]
[[de:Humane Papillomviren]]
[[en:Human papillomavirus]]
[[fr:Papillomavirus humain]]
[[he:נגיף הפפילומה האנושי]]
[[hr:Humani papiloma virus]]
[[hu:Humán papillomavírus]]
[[id:Virus papiloma manusia]]
[[it:Virus del papilloma umano]]
[[ko:인간 유두종바이러스]]
[[mk:Човечки папиломен вирус]]
[[nl:Humaan papillomavirus]]
[[no:Papillomavirus hos mennesker]]
[[pl:Wirus brodawczaka ludzkiego]]
[[pt:Vírus do papiloma humano]]
[[ru:Папилломавирус человека]]
[[simple:Human papillomavirus]]
[[sl:Humani papilomski virus]]
[[sv:Humant papillomavirus]]
[[ta:மனித கழலை தொற்றுயிரி நோய்]]
[[tr:İnsan papilloma virüsü]]
[[ur:انسانی ورم حلیمی وائرس]]
[[vi:Virus papilloma ở người]]