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Deshecha la edición 37313512 de Ricardochao (disc.)
Línea 12:
== Primeros años y carrera ==
Yolanda Soares nació y se crió en un ambiente familiar y con fuertes tradiciones artísticas y musicales, en particular en relación con [[Fado]] y la danza.
Yolanda Soares - this profile should be DELETED from Wikipedia altogether. Yolanda Soares is a complete media fabrication with little merit. See below ongoing scandal:
Some Melbourne wannabe music-award creator Norman McCourt, of AnR magazine at the centre of ethical media promotion/media whoring(?) controversy in Portugal, Europe.
This deserves a serious investigation/clarification as it puts Australia's music industry and name in disrepute:
See the AnR logo splashed on national TV (RTP) on different occasions/channels:
See from 04:18 mins on:
And if there were still any doubts, here's the feedback from another "AnR award Winner"... who admits AnR is a "PR rag":
Australian Music Marketing Abroad (AMMA) responded with a fairly standard but complementary letter. It all seemed pretty reasonable, they produced a regular magazine which was widely distributed in the music 'trade' ie. appeared that they had an 'in' into the the industry. And at a cost an artist could get space. So a PR rag basically...
To my mind working directly into the music trade, A & R and the like, made sense - so I ran with this.
Furthermore Australia is such a long way from anywhere, so marketing directly into UK, Europe and North America in such a fashion seemed sensible.
Albeit I do have my own recording company set up, it is tiny, so my objective was to secure an International licensing/distribution deal.
The magazine AMMA produced later morphed into something else more 'up-market' - called 'A & R International'. This magazine attracted some well known acts/names and had even more appeal than the AMMA mag. ie for the above reasons.
I live in Melbourne and AMMA is also Melbourne based, it is a smallish business and has an office here in one of our inner city suburbs, the office has a music studio which is more oriented to mastering CD's than recording music. The company seemed to come across as the 'quite achiever', very much all about producing these magazines.
Last year the magazine set up an award for 'excellence' across a number of categories.
re the award there was no pomp or ceremony attached to this .
The end result was a beautifully presented CD - which I funded myself - with a gold sticker on the front indicating that I had won this award.
I have seen these sorts of awards before, and depending on where they originate they can mean a lot or mean v little, however they do give one 'bragging rights' ie from a marketing perceptive.
Comenzó en el Conservatorio Nacional de Lisboa, inicialmente con la intención de convertirse algún día en una prima bailarina. Su educación de ballet sin embargo, pronto dio paso a su gran pasión por el canto que luego continuó y concluyó en el Conservatorio Nacional.