This module has some functions to perform data calculations. It is not used directly from wikitext, but can be used by other lua modules. For age, a structure/table is used with the fields {years = x, days = y}.


-- Returns age in years and days. Input is two dates in numeric form as returned from os.time
function ageInYearsAndDays(date2N, date1N)

-- Returns age in years, months and days. Input is two dates in numeric form as returned from os.time
function ageInYearsMonthsAndDays(date2N, date1N)

-- Returns < 0 if ageA < ageB, 0 if ageA == ageB, > 0 if ageA > ageB
function compareAges(ageA, ageB)

-- Returns true if ageA == ageB
function equalAges(ageA, ageB)

-- Returns a date as a sortable string with age in years and days ("x years and y days")
function ageInYearsAndDaysFormat(age)


local ageUtil = require('Module:Age utilities')
local ageInYearsAndDays = ageUtil.ageInYearsAndDays
local ageInYearsAndDaysFormat = ageUtil.ageInYearsAndDaysFormat

function something()
    local age = ageInYearsAndDays(os.time({year = 1997, month = 8, day = 4}), os.time({year = 1875, month = 2, day = 21}))
    return ageInYearsAndDaysFormat(age)