L'ombre du doute editar

Alexandrine, douze ans, porte plainte contre son père pour inceste. Très rapidement, celle-ci revient sur ses propos. Inquiets, sa mère et une éducatrice cherchent à découvrir les raisons de cette accusation. Tout semble s'être tasser jusqu'au jour où Alexandrine fugue avec son petit frère. Une enquête prouve la culpabilité du père, lui même victime d'un inceste lorsqu'il était enfant. http://www.premiere.fr/film/L-ombre-du-doute-141212 http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0105342/awards?ref_=tt_awd http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0105342/?ref_=fn_al_tt_2 Director: Aline Issermann Writer: Aline Issermann Pelicula francesa de 1993 escrita y dirigida por Aline Issermann https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u8yWkDi2lP0 http://www.unifrance.org/film/11128/l-ombre-du-doute http://www.unifrance.org/annuaires/personne/119079/aline-issermann http://www.ouest-france.fr/aline-issermann-realise-des-films-difficiles-1259437 http://www.senscritique.com/film/L_Ombre_du_doute/395238 http://www.allocine.fr/personne/fichepersonne_gen_cpersonne=30762.html Avec l'Ombre du doute, la réalisatrice Alice Issermann met en scène la souffrance d'un enfant. Une violence morale et physique tout en retenue, qui plonge le spectateur dans une angoisse intense. Anorexie, mal de vivre, échec scolaire, cette adolescente perdue va semer le trouble dans sa famille qui avait pourtant tout pour être heureuse. Un film poignant, le face à face et l'affront d'une jeune fille fragile. Un sombre secret gardé qui bouleverse inévitablement. http://vod.canalplay.com/films/cinema/l-ombre-du-doute,297,306,5249.aspx http://www.amazon.fr/lombre-doute-aline-issermann-Drame-%C3%89motion/s?ie=UTF8&keywords=L%27Ombre%20du%20doute%20Aline%20Issermann&page=1&rh=n%3A409424%2Ck%3AL%27Ombre%20du%20doute%20Aline%20Issermann http://www.worldcat.org/title/ombre-du-doute/oclc/742953215?referer=di&ht=edition http://www.nytimes.com/movie/review?res=9F0CE2D8113EF931A35753C1A965958260 El silencio de la inocenca Una niña de doce años, sensible e introvertida, sufre abusos sexuales por parte de su padre. Con ayuda de su profesora, las dos denuncian el caso ante la policía. Como consecuencia se desata un terrible drama en la familia que componen el matrimonio y dos hijos. Pues el padre niega las acusaciones, y cuenta además con el apoyo de su mujer. La divulgación de los hechos agravará el trauma de la pequeña. Contenida formalmente, la película trata de forma angustiosa el presunto caso de incesto. Muy cuidado estéticamente, se da al film un aspecto realista, evitando las desviaciones morbosas o sensibleras. http://decine21.com/peliculas/La-sombra-de-la-duda-10158 About this title: Eleven-year old Alexandrine (Sandrine Blancke) may be making something more out of what is happening in her family than is really there, but she appears to be afraid to be touched by her father (Alain Bashung), and gets really edgy when her mother (a nurse) has to work late. When one of her teachers puts two and two together and suspects incest, she encourages Alexandrine to press charges against her father. The girl at first tries to do that, but when her father shows up at the police station, the clams up. Even if she is only experiencing an imaginary terror, her father's nonchalance, her mother's complete refusal to consider the possibility and her grandparent's refusal to offer any consolation in the face of some troubling evidence must be horrifying to the girl. Whether there is incest in the family is open to some doubt, but there is no question that it harbors one very unhappy little girl in its midst. ~ Clarke Fountain, Rovi http://www.alibris.com/moviesearch?qsort=&page=1&matches=0&browse=1&qwork=100148661&mtype=V&full=1 Synopsis : A onze ans, Alexandrine est malheureuse, ce que son entourage, composé de gens aisés et cultivés, ne parvient pas à comprendre. La fillette ne se nourrit guère, accumule les mauvaises notes en classe et ne parle pratiquement plus. A qui pourrait-elle raconter l'horreur de ses nuits, quand elle voit se profiler dans le miroir la grande ombre noire de son père incestueux, puisque personne, pas plus ses grands-parents que ses amies, ne veut la croire ? Son professeur de français, pourtant, l'encourage à porter plainte. Les accusations d'affabulation redoublent...

http://www.programme-tv.net/cinema/2847279-l-ombre-du-doute/ http://www.rarefilmfinder.com/cover.php?movie=804 Movie Review A Shadow of a Doubt (1993) Reviews/Film Festival; A Question of Incest, Posed Quietly By JANET MASLIN Published: October 2, 1993 Aline Issermann's "Shades of Doubt" ("L'Ombre du Doute"), a French film about a wrenching family crisis, is set forth with remarkable restraint. The subject is incest, but the story's potential for tawdriness is never exploited. Instead, Ms. Issermann presents a discreet, methodical account of how 12-year-old Alexandrine (Sandrine Blancke) comes to bring and then recant charges against her father, Jean (Alain Bashung). If the director's approach is at all representative, then the cultural differences between French and American approaches to this subject are fascinating. The American impulse toward tabloid sensationalism is nowhere evident; nor is the urge to air all the family's dirty laundry in the interests of catharsis. If anything, the LeBlancs feel profoundly embarrassed by their problem and wish it would simply go away. In a climate of sexual sophistication and naturalness, the charge of incest is perhaps even more devastating than it would be in dysfunction-conscious America. Alexandrine, a tall, somber girl in pigtails, is first seen running warily away from her father as he tries to take home movies of a family outing in the woods. The film's implication of sexual abuse is seldom more direct than that, because Ms. Issermann attempts to sustain some degree of ambiguity about what actually may have happened. Although Alexandrine levels her charges very early in the story, the film avoids the kind of thorough questioning that would accompany a full police investigation of the matter. Similarly, it keeps Jean's private conversations with his daughter on a deliberately evasive note: "You're my child that I love. I am helpless before you. I never wanted to hurt you." The film goes on to observe the various individuals who try to investigate the case: a teacher, a lawyer, a social worker (played warmly and earnestly by Josiane Balasko). And it ascribes to most of them a surprisingly uncomplicated faith in Alexandrine's story. Ms. Issermann's outlook is somewhat limited by pat psychological profiles of LeBlanc family members, and by a uniformly romantic conception of childhood innocence. "Believing children changes a lot," one of the characters says fervently. "It changes the world." "Shades of Doubt," which will be shown tonight at 6 and tomorrow at 3:45 P.M. as part of the New York Film Festival, is most effective in its solemn, detailed evocation of Alexandrine and her dilemma. As played hauntingly by Ms. Blancke, a girl with the serene, distant gaze of a Botticelli vision, Alexandrine is extremely watchful and frightened much of the time. As she drifts into fantasies and talks to herself alone at night, her working mother (Mireille Perrier) practices a different form of denial, expressing great irritation at anyone who comes to investigate the family. But the pressure eventually mounts, and Jean is tarred by his daughter's accusations. "The way I see it," Jean's lawyer insists, "this is mythomania on an epic scale." Ms. Issermann, whose power to dramatize this case study is eventually constrained by the preconceptions she brings to it, finds no easy way to end "Shades of Doubt." A statistic about sexual-abuse cases is no substitute for the thoughtful resolution this sad story needs. On a much lighter note, this program begins with "Grown Up," Joanne Priestly's whimsical animated short film about the travails of middle age. Deftly and wittily drawn, this brief self-portrait is a lot more likable than its subject makes it sound. Shades of Doubt Directed and written by Aline Issermann; in French, with English subtitles; director of photography, Darius Khondji; editor, Herve Schneid; music by Reno Isaac; produced by Ciby 2000 and TF1. At Alice Tully Hall, as part of the 31st New York Film Festival. Running time: 105 minutes. This film is not rated. Alexandrine . . . Sandrine Blancke Jean . . . Alain Bashung Marie . . . Mireille Perrier http://www.nytimes.com/movie/review?res=9F0CE2D8113EF931A35753C1A965958260 L'ombre du doute, film complet - Interrogé par son professeur pour sa tendance à réécrire les contes de fées avec des terminaisons malheureux, Alexandrine, 12, admet timidement que son père a abusé d'elle sexuellement. Comme prévu, il le nie, confiant que les autorités judiciaires sceptiques, et sa propre dame croiront devant lui. Toutefois, un travailleur social estime que la jeune fille ne se trouve pas et entend aller au fond des choses. Vous pouvez regarder L'ombre du doute en ligne dans le câble TV ou cinéma au Suisse/France avec son original en Anglais. Vu sur Cine Canal, ce film entier a été présenté dans le cinéma canadien ou français en 1993. L'édition Blu-Ray et DVD édition du film complet en version original a été vendue peu de temps après sa sortie officielle dans les salles suisses. http://fr.fulltv.tv/l-ombre-du-doute.html Review: A SHADOW OF DOUBT is a sensitive exploration of how society deals with incest. Despite the intensity of the subject matter, this psychological drama is remarkably restrained and the camera work by Darius Khondji produces an astonishingly beautiful piece of cinema. Alexandrine, aged 12, is a polite and timid child, and apparently the only witness to a crime she can hardly bring herself to describe. When she does, her accusation is denied by her father and undermined by her unsympathetic mother and her confidence shaken by the intolerable pressure of a legal system that does not believe in the word of children. Although this is a fictional account, it is based on Issermann’s research and has all the qualities of a true story as it deals with not only the child’s perception but also the thoughts of the mother, the father and the system. Winner of two awards at the 1993 Venice Film Festival - the CIAK Awards for Best Film and Best Actress (for Sandrine Blancke). - www.roninfilms.com.au http://www.rarefilmfinder.com/showfilm.php?id=804 http://www.sensacine.com/peliculas/pelicula-31158/

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