Usuario:FCL (artist)/Taller

FCL (artist)


Juan Felipe Cabrera López aka FCL[1]​, is a young colombian artist focused in new media. He was born in San Juan de Pasto (Nariño, Colombia) in 1992, but he lives in Buenos Aires (Argentina) since 2011.

He works in different formats like video art, music, audiovisual concert, installation and performance. His tools are sound, image and electronics, but he is always looking how connect his art with any humanistic concept of aesthetics, sociology or psychology.



Felipe was interested in music, computers and drawing since he was a child. When his fathers note this, they enrolled him in the course of introduction to musical language given in the University of Nariño, where he learned some bases of guitar and piano. He continued his learning music by himself in high school where he founded various rock bands, but without more success than being "the school band". When he finished high school, he decided to leave his little town to go to study Image and Sound Design at Palermo University in Buenos Aires. While he was studying design he increase his zest for being an artist. In the second year of his career he met Jorge Haro, teacher of Aesthetic and Technique of Sound, who later would give him private lessons of sound synthesis and audio post-production. While he was studying with Jorge, he decide to begin his career in the field of experimental and electronic arts. Since that, he has an active career as FCL and with Proyecto CC, an artistic group founded by Matías Corno [2]​ and Felipe.

Artist career


He creates various pieces of video art and design as student, who was well recived and prized in the University context. Some of them like Air, Maldoror and Angel, also participate in collective exhibitions in Buenos Aires. But probably the first piece with who he started is Mutations, a work based on noise, sound synthesis and generative image, who takes as concept the idea of prison and freedom. The first exhibition of this work was as solo audiovisual concert in the Imperial Theatre of San Juan de Pasto (Colombia), then in Enlaces Festival of Buenos Aires (Argentina) and in other places in the format of audiovisual concert or audiovisual installation.

After his opera prima Mutations, he made various other works, probably the most relevant are Ouroboros and Sinoise. Ouroboros is the first work realised with Matías Corno (as Proyecto CC), is raised in three formats: audiovisual performance, installation and site specific installation. The work talks about cycles, life, spyrals and human states. It was presented in the Escuchar Festival at the Museum of Modern Arte of Buenos Aires (Argentina), in Let it VJ festival at Matienzo Cultural Club[3]​ of Buenos Aires (Argentina) and Contemporary Venice at Dolfin Bollani Palace of Venecia (Italy), among others. And Sinoise began as an audiovisual concert [4]​ who becomes to be the first music album of the artist, the album is not available yet, but probably the release is going to be at the end of 2015. The first version of the audiovisual concert was presented in the beginning of 2015 in TMS 3.0 Festival at Imperial Theatre of San Juan de Pasto.
