Discusión:Campeonato Mundial de Esquí Nórdico de 1958

Último comentario: hace 4 años por InternetArchiveBot en el tema Enlaces externos modificados

Wrong data


Dear Sir, my senor myo, I would like to tell it in English: There were wrong data (the championships were held in March 1958 - and f.e. ski jumping was carried out on March, 9th). I would like to suggest to read the English and German Wikipedia. Nice regards: Skiscout (discusión) 13:39 22 feb 2017 (UTC)Responder

There was an error in my sources: Nordic Combined was carried out in the afternoon of March 2nd (jumping) and 3rd (15km cross country), and the 30km was held in the morning of March 2nd. --Skiscout (discusión) 18:20 19 abr 2017 (UTC).Responder

Enlaces externos modificados



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Saludos.—InternetArchiveBot (Reportar un error) 03:27 28 ago 2019 (UTC)Responder

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