Discusión:Delia Parodi

Yeah, I don't speak Spanish very well, but I wanted to start this page so that someone else will fill in more about it. I have started a page about Delia Parodi on the English website. Not much is known about her. Hopefully, someone in Argentina will see this page and fill in some information about this woman that I may possibly be related to. -- Andrew Parodi 12:55 3 abr 2006 (CEST)

English translation?


I see that at least one editor of this page also contributes to the English language Wikipedia. So, I was wondering if someone who speaks both languages could tell me if this English translation of the Spanish language page is correct.


Delia Parodi fué una política argentina que trabajó con Eva Perón en el Partido Peronista Feminino, y fué elegida diputada nacional por ese partido, siendo una de las primeras mujeres en ingresar en el congreso.
Delia Parodi fue electa en 1951 por el peronismo de la Capital Federal. El 25 de abril de 1953 fue designada Vicepresidenta 1° de la cámara de diputados, cargo que por primera vez se le asignaba a una mujer. Ocupó su cargo hasta 1955, momento en que fue apresada durante la Revolución Libertadora, siendo liberada el 7 de marzo de 1958.

English translation:

Delia Parodi was a female politician who worked with Eva Peron in the Peronist Women's Party, and she was elected national deputy of the party, becoming one of the first women to be a member of congress.
In 1951, Delia Parodi was elected as the peronist representative in Argentina's capital city of Buenos Aires. On April 25, 1953, she was designated the Vice President of the Chamber of Deputies, the first time this office had been occupied by a woman. She maintained this role until 1955 when Juan Peron was overthrown in a military coup.

But I'm not sure what the last sentence means: "siendo liberada el 7 de marzo de 1958." Can someone translate this for me? I want to edit the English page according to this page. Thanks. Andrew Parodi 06:42 4 abr 2006 (CEST)

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