Discusión:Hamad bin Isa Al Jalifa

Último comentario: hace 3 años por InternetArchiveBot en el tema Enlaces externos modificados

Dear friends:

I'm a mexican citizen, teacher like a 28th years of experience. I wish to create a quality and very high level school in my country, but I'm not a rich teacher. I whis somebody tell to our majestic whit all my respect HAMAD IBN ISA AL KHALIFAH, help me whit a support for build this school.

I know our majestic, HAMAD IBS ISA AL HALIFAH, is a very nice and generous man, and he likes education proyects.

Please send my message and tell him good bles him.

Teacher Sergio M. Velasquez

55-5938-4419 (México)

Enlaces externos modificados



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Saludos.—InternetArchiveBot (Reportar un error) 09:33 21 jul 2020 (UTC)Responder

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