Discusión:Winton (Queensland)

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** Incident or location information **

Time and Date of incident : This report or in a similar side should have been done three years ago when I was in shock in Australia. June, July August September 2020 *defacto done, lease ING account together, he dumbed me iwth abuse and racist emails and behaviour, bought second house) Location : Cairns Navy, Winton in QLD, I was living in Potts Point working for ING Sydney, he bough second house in Tingoroo I belive with my data being used as it was easy to open jint account only online adding my documentation when he had already ING account. He had my payslips, passpor confirmed by JP,

** Report of suspicious behaviour **

Details of incident : I have been recognised as a defacto spouse of Luke Antoni Miller (number in the Australian Navy 8253063) and used and after that abused as a bacpacker whv holder who was in Australia in vunerable position being on this visa same being Polish. Luke Miller was pretending the relationship with all possible love bombing practices in Order to get defacto recognised documentation confirmed by Cairns Navy and then by a JP in order to use this fact of having spouse me only to be posted from Cairns to Sydney but what is most important to buy second house with using the ability to get loan in QLD navy Bank for which I believe my data were used. I believe also this person used the Navy dependand money further after dumbing me having me signed documentation in Cairns, most likely for which i was aware you can use depenadat money in order to have bigger house payments from navy, same for holidays, possibly for other purposes. After two weeks of officialy dumping me he told  me he bought a second house (which I knew nothing about it and nobody buys house in two weeks so everything was planned). I also believe his mother Helen Harle, step Father David Harle and friends Trish and Ben Mannix new everything abouth his ways. I was strongly abused by emails from Luke Miller after he got what he wantes, same as he was planning already to dump me not telling me we had sex which would not occur if I knew therefore this person on purpose has raped me. What needs to be stressed I got suicidala after all and tried to kill myself being back in Poland, had a panick attack in front if this person who was shouting in Cairns he does not know me, who was lying to different people different things. He would lie to his bosses I am coming to Carins as a defacto in order to get days off and another thing to his neighbour or immigartion agent with abusing me. That time was covid. I was doubled stressed with work in Sydney same with my family being in Poland. After getting my signature he would be racis Suspicious person/s : Luke Anthony Miller when this person has a rage attack in Cairns when I would steal be on the lease on a house he would have almost crashed us on a roundabout seeing AFD building which was extremealy weird behaviour,, thus I do not know if he was drunk, on drugs, comiited  other crimes

** Your contact details (optional) ** (discusión) 23:52 9 ago 2023 (UTC)Responder

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