Diferencia entre revisiones de «Killswitch Engage»

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Deshecha la edición 27888703 de Skateibz (disc.)
Línea 14:
|sitio web = [http://www.killswitchengage.com/ www.killswitchengage.com]
'''Killswitch Engage''' (abreviado '''Killswitch''' o '''KsE''') es una banda [[estadounidense]] de [[metalcore melódico]]<ref name="metalreview">[http://www.metalreview.com/Reviews/2247/Killswitch-Engage-Alive-Or-Just-Breathing---Reissued-(2-Discs).aspx MetalReview.com - Review of Killswitch Engage - Alive Or Just Breathing] "Killswitch Engage, the New England band that damn near invented the melodic metalcore blueprint"</ref><ref name="newnoise">[http://www.new-noise.net [para entrar en su pagina web haga clik aki][[http:/features/wwwinterview-killswitch-engage_824.metroflgo.com/sk8_pau_ibz.comhtml TítuloInterview: delKillswitch enlace]Engage] "...pretty much perfectly produced and played melodic metalcore for the masses."</ref><ref name="citybeat">[http://www.citybeat.com/cincinnati/article-2952-music-rules-of-engagement.html Music: Rules of Engagement] "Reading the various press reports detailing Killswitch's originality and legion of imitators is a little puzzling. The common denominator seems to be Jones' oscillation between clean singing and dry-heave Death Metal vocals (frequently referred to as "melodic" Metalcore)"</ref> fundada en 1998, procedente de [[Westfield]], [[Massachusetts]] ([[Estados Unidos]]).
== Historia ==
Línea 188:
[[tr:Killswitch Engage]]