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'''Vistaprint''' es un distribuidor online de artículos promocionales y de imprenta, así como de servicios de [[marketing]] para autónomos, PYMEs y particulares. En la vigésimo sexta lista de GAM, en la cual se recogen las 101 principales imprentas de Norteamérica, Vistaprint ocupa el puesto número cuarenta por ingresos, y es la cuarta empresa de servicios de impresión de Norteamérica con un crecimiento más rápido. También es la sexta mayor empresa de su sector por capitalización bursátil<ref>{{cita noticia|url= http://www.graphicartsonline.com/info/CA6468782.html|título=GAOnline 101 Top North American Printers|editorial=Graphic Arts Monthly}}</ref>.
Vistaprint is a large online supplier of printed and promotional materials as well as marketing services to small businesses (often referred to as SOHO) and consumers. In the 26th annual GAM 101 listing, the company is the 40th largest (by revenue) and the 4th fastest growing printing company in North America. It is also the 6th largest public company (by market cap).[1]
Los ingresos de Vistaprint han crecido desde los 6,1 millones de dólares en el cierre del año fiscal (30 de junio) de 2001, hasta los 400,7 millones de dólares en 2008<ref>[http://yahoo.brand.edgar-online.com/displayfilinginfo.aspx?filingid=6132019&tabindex=2&type=html VISTAPRINT LTD (VPRT) 10K - filed 8/29/2008]</ref>. Según un análisis de compete.com, el dominio Vistaprint.com recibió 7.556.490 visitas durante junio de 2008.
== La Empresa ==
Vistaprint total revenues have grown from $6.1 million for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2001 to $400.7 million for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2008.[2]
Vistaprint tiene su sede en [[Hamilton, Bermudas]]. La empresa cuenta con un total de 1.600 empleados, repartidos entre sus oficinas y centros de impresión. En Estados Unidos, sus oficinas están situadas en [[Lexington, Massachussets]], mientras que las europeas se encuentran en [[Barcelona]]. Sus dos plantas de producción, cuyas dimensiones suman más de 19.000m2; se encuentran en [[Windsor (Canadá)]] y en [[Venlo (Países Bajos)]]. Gracias a su tecnología patentada y al alto grado de automatización, Vistaprint logra procesar grandes cantidades de pedidos personalizados en ambas instalaciones. Esta tecnología hace posible imprimir una media de 44.000 pedidos diarios<ref>[http://patft.uspto.gov/netacgi/nph-Parser?Sect1=PTO1&Sect2=HITOFF&d=PALL&p=1&u=%2Fnetahtml%2FPTO%2Fsrchnum.htm&r=1&f=G&l=50&s1=6,976,798.PN.&OS=PN/6,976,798&RS=PN/6,976,798 Patent 6,976,798: "Method for processing aggregate print jobs"]</ref>.
Los pedidos de los clientes de Norteamérica se procesan en la planta de Windsor<ref>{{cita noticia|url=http://www.canada.com/windsorstar/news/story.html?id=c2c87866-9e12-4642-8911-8801cc3aeb31|título=Plant Expansion Creates 100 Jobs|editorial=Windsor Star|fecha=[[May 14]] [[2008]]}}</ref>. Los procedentes de Europa y la región Asia-Pacífico se procesan en Vistaprint B.V. (Venlo). El centro de atención al cliente, Vistaprint Jamaica Limited, ubicado en Montego Bay (Jamaica) abrió sus puertas en noviembre de 2003.
* 1 Business
* 2 History
* 3 Move to U.S. and IPO
* 4 Vistaprint process
* 5 Business Units Established
* 6 Patents
* 7 Strategic Partnerships
* 8 Controversy: Rewards Program
* 9 Business Practice: Bermuda Holding Company
* 10 Awards
* 11 References
* 12 External links
== Historia ==
[edit] Business
Vistaprint fue fundada en [[París (Francia)]] en 1995 por su actual presidente y director general Robert Keane, inmediatamente después de graduarse en la escuela de negocios [[INSEAD]]. Keane se había propuesto acabar con lo que él consideraba una carencia del mercado de la imprenta con respecto a las PYMEs y las microempresas. Mientras cursaba sus estudios, fue dándole forma a un plan que pondría en práctica de manera brillante. Las imprentas tradicionales sólo aceptaban pedidos de miles de unidades, lo cual las hacía inaccesibles para los pequeños empresarios. Keane vislumbró una oportunidad de negocio basada en la impresión de esos pedidos de volumen reducido en un breve espacio de tiempo. En la actualidad, esta carencia ha sido reconocida por muchas otras empresas del sector, como Staples y OfficeMax. No obstante, Vistaprint continúa siendo uno de los proveedores mejor posicionados.
Mediante una avanzada tecnología que permite agrupar pedidos de características similares, Vistaprint es capaz de procesar gran cantidad de pedidos en muy poco tiempo<ref>{{cita noticia|url= http://www.piworld.com/story/story.bsp?sid=40524&var=story&publication=Printing%20Impressions&publicationDate=11/1/06&slug=11+VistaPrint&category=Print%20Production&section=Unknown&swd=vistaprint|título=Vistaprint — Small Orders Mean Big Business|editorial=Printing Impressions|fecha=[[November 1]][[2008]]}}</ref>. De este modo, los consumidores pueden realizar pedidos de, por ejemplo, tan solo diez unidades en lugar de miles. Estos procesos y métodos de elaboración se han ido introduciendo en la extensa línea de producción de la empresa. A través de Internet, los clientes acceden al sitio web de Vistaprint. Desde allí, ellos mismos pueden crear los diseños de los artículos que desean comprar y realizar el pedido en el acto.
Based in Hamilton, Bermuda, Vistaprint employs over 1,600 employees globally in its offices and printing facilities. The company’s U.S. offices are in Lexington, Massachusetts, while its European offices are in Barcelona. Its two printing facilities, which total over 200,000 square feet (19,000 m2) of production space, are in Windsor, Ontario and Venlo, the Netherlands. Vistaprint uses patented technology to aggregate and print large numbers of customized orders in its automated production facilities in North America and Europe.[3] This technology enables Vistaprint to print an average of 44,000 orders daily.
== El proceso de Vistaprint ==
Orders for customers in North America are printed in the company’s plant in Windsor, Ontario[4].
Vistaprint aplica los principios de la producción en masa en su proceso de impresión. La empresa utiliza imprentas y técnicas de impresión industriales para la producción en pequeñas cantidades y, por otro lado, mantiene unos costes unitarios propios de la imprenta industrial<ref>http://www.piworld.com/story/story.bsp?sid=12428&var=story VistaPrint - Web Masters</ref>. Gracias a una tecnología exclusiva, Vistaprint ha conseguido invertir la tradicional curva precio-cantidad para que los plazos relativamente cortos puedan resultar también económicos. Por este motivo, tener patentadas muchas de las fases del proceso supone una gran ventaja ante la competencia<ref>http://www.businessweek.com/the_thread/dealflow/archives/2005/11/vistaprint.html An IPO That Might Print You Some Money</ref><ref>[http://www.williamblair.com/documents/DisruptingthePrintIndustry022306.pdf VistaPrint Limited - Disrupting the Print Industry]</ref><ref>[http://www.printaction.com/default.php/magazine/december06/ 2006: A Year in Print]</ref>.
Vistaprint ofrece un sistema de diseño, validación y pedidos al que cualquiera puede acceder a través de la web. A su vez, la impresión, corte, empaquetado y envío se realizan desde las plantas de producción. Las piezas clave del proceso son un sistema totalmente integrado, la agrupación de diferentes pedidos, la homogeneización y una óptima automatización.
European and Asia Pacific orders that are placed by consumers are manufactured by Vistaprint B.V. in Venlo, the Netherlands[5].
En este proceso entran en juego numerosas aplicaciones informáticas que coordinan gran cantidad de elementos en un dinámico proceso de producción que va desde el primer “clic” hasta el envío del pedido. Con dos grandes centros de producción, Vistaprint es una empresa integrada verticalmente, lo cual permite controlar el proceso de producción de principio a fin, y permite invertir en maquinaria más eficiente (como la prensa MAN Roland 700) y nuevas tecnologías para sus líneas de producción.
North American printing facilities in Canada
Vistaprint procesa miles de pedidos realizados por miles de clientes en todo el mundo a través de su sitio web. Pese al alto volumen de pedidos, se logra mantener una considerable homogeneidad. Los pedidos de distintos clientes pueden imprimirse mediante la aplicación de complejas fórmulas basadas en factores tales como el tipo de trabajo, el tipo de papel, el número de artículos y las fechas de finalización y entrega.
Vistaprint's European printing facilities in the Netherlands
Vistaprint minimiza las opciones que suelen estar disponibles en el mundo de la imprenta comercial. Comercializa los artículos de imprenta más comunes, como tarjetas de visita o tarjetas postales. Para cada artículo existen medidas específicas, tipos de papel y colores de tinta. Esta homogeneidad facilita la impresión de diferentes pedidos en un mismo lote. Lo cual también ayuda a reducir el número de costes en la producción, ya que las tintas y el papel no deben cambiarse tan a menudo.
The company’s customer service center, Vistaprint Jamaica Limited, is headquartered in Montego Bay, Jamaica and is staffed by company employees since its doors opened in November 2003[6].
Para reducir los costes derivados de la mano de obra directa, Vistaprint aplica técnicas de producción integrada por ordenador (en inglés, Computer Integrated Manufacturing). Mediante las herramientas de diseño y publicación online, los clientes se convierten en diseñadores y editores. Los pedidos se imprimen automáticamente, sin necesidad de intervención humana<ref>[http://careers.vistaprint.com/manufacturing.html VistaPrint - Manufacturing]</ref>. A través de inversiones en maquinaria de última tecnología (para la impresión, corte, empaquetado y envío), se consigue controlar electrónicamente la totalidad del proceso. La impresión se lleva a cabo de una sola pasada en prensas automáticas de gran formato y alta capacidad, que proporcionan acabados de calidad profesional. Una vez impresos, los productos se cortan a medida con un robot computerizado. Después se agrupan, empaquetan y etiquetan mediante un proceso exclusivo para ser finalmente enviados al cliente.
[edit] History
Con una brillante aplicación del concepto de la personalización en masa, que invierte tan solo 60 segundos de mano de obra en cada pedido, Vistaprint finaliza sus trabajos de una forma más rápida y económica que las imprentas tradicionales. Su estrategia se basa en recoger los encargos de PYMEs, autónomos y particulares que no pueden recurrir a las grandes imprentas tradicionales.
Vistaprint was founded in Paris, France in 1995 by current President and CEO Robert Keane, immediately following his graduation from INSEAD Business School. Keane was interested in closing what he perceived as a gap in the printing industry’s market with regard to the micro or small business, and developed that plan while in school. Because traditional print shops typically generated orders only in the thousands, something many small businesses could not afford, Keane perceived a potential area for growth with short run, high volume printing. Thirteen years later that gap has been recognized by a number of retailers, including Staples and OfficeMax, but Vistaprint still remains as one of the leading suppliers.
Using advanced technology to group similar orders in large groups, Vistaprint produces large numbers of orders in short runs. This allows for consumers to get quantities in low volumes, as low as ten for example, rather than thousands. Using the Internet as a medium, graphic design is offered through online design studios. Anyone can then design a product and order it through the site. These processes and manufacturing methods have been incorporated across the company’s vast product line.[7] Although they do follow the CanSpam act to the letter, they are very difficult to get removed from sending emails. Many people have reported not being able to remove their email address even though they have notified the company to do so.
[edit] Move to U.S. and IPO
Moving to Massachusetts in 2000, the company needed to attract software and marketing talent, as well as venture capital. It succeeded in doing all three. In order to survive the burst of the dot com bubble, the company’s staff was cut from 70 to 20, but in 2001 the company started turning a profit. [8] Originally starting with business cards as its only product but then expanding to postcards, letterhead, stamps, and return address labels, the company started to see better profits as more and more consumers bought products online.
In September 2005, the company went public with a successful initial public offering. Now publicly traded on the NASDAQ, Vistaprint has consistently seen growth rates in the 50-60% range, according to its earnings statements. [9] All of this growth has been organic, as the company has not made any acquisitions since its IPO. Working to expand and focus on markets outside of the U.S, Vistaprint opened a European office in Barcelona, Spain in September 2006.
[edit] Vistaprint process
The neutrality of this section is disputed. Please see the discussion on the talk page. Please do not remove this message until the dispute is resolved. (March 2009)
Vistaprint applies the principles of mass production to printing, Vistaprint uses presses and processes of industrial printing for short-run commercial printing, while achieving units costs close to that of industrial printing.[10] Using proprietary technologies, Vistaprint has managed to shift the conventional cost-volume curve, so that relatively short runs are still relatively inexpensive. This is a major competitive advantage, with many aspects of the process patented.[11][12][13]
Vistaprint uses self-service design, proofing and ordering at the front-end through the web, and controlled printing, cutting, packing and dispatching at the back-end through printing plants. The key aspects of the process are system integration, aggregation, standardization and automation.
Vistaprint's proprietary process involves multiple software components, and the management of multiple production components, in an end-to-end production workflow from "click to ship".[14] Vistaprint is vertically integrated with two large production facilities, one for North America in Windsor, Ontario[15] and one for Europe in Venlo, Netherlands.[16][17] This allows the company full control over the entire production process, and allows it to invest in the most efficient presses (such as the MAN Roland 700) and technologies as part of its printing assembly line.[18][19]
Vistaprint processes thousand of orders from many customers worldwide through their web site. Because of the high volume of orders, there is considerable homogeneity. Jobs can be gang printed using a complex formula based on such factors as type of job, paper stock type, run quantity, finishing (if any) and ship-by dates, among many others.[20][21]
Vistaprint minimizes user selectable options typical in the low volume commercial printing world. They print standard types of printed materials, such as business cards or postcards. Within each category, it supports a specific size, paper stock and ink colors. This results in higher numbers of similar jobs which can be ganged together. It also results in faster changeovers because there's less need to change paper or inks between jobs.[22]
Vistaprint uses Computer Integrated Manufacturing techniques to minimize human intervention and labor costs.[23] Using browser-based desktop publishing environment, customers act as their own designer and proof-reader. Jobs are routed for printing without intervention. Through capital investment in the latest equipment (for printing, cutting, packing, and shipping) the entire printing process can be computer/software controlled. The printing is done in a single pass on automated, high-volume, large format professional quality presses. Once printed, the products are cut down to size using a computerized robotic cutter, assembled, packaged and addressed using proprietary software driven processes, and shipped to the customer.[24]
In a form of mass customization using as little as 60 seconds of production labor per order versus an hour or more for traditional printers, Vistaprint is able to print orders faster and at lower costs than traditional printers.[22] Their strategy is to target small-run orders usually excluded from conventional large printers.[21]
Because of its low labor and production costs, Vistaprint achieves low unit costs, which allows it to profitably serve very small customers. The process also achieves very low marginal cost for both incremental quantities (500 business cards instead of 250) and incremental orders (another business card order, or a set of address labels). This is the key enabler of Vistaprint's free business cards offer, a long-running viral marketing campaign, as the unit cost of any one free business cards order is very small. It also means the process becomes more profitable when a customer upgrades quantities, or adds another product. Vistaprint's process results in a virtuous circle where high volumes of customers drive down unit costs, and lower unit costs allows the company to charge lower prices to attract even more customers.[20]
[edit] Business Units Established
In May 2008 the company changed its organizational structure to consist of two geographically-focused business units, one in North America and the other in Europe. The North American unit will be led by President - Vistaprint North America Wendy Cebula, who was formerly the chief operating officer; former Chief Marketing Officer Janet Holian has been promoted to the position of president - Vistaprint Europe and will lead the European team from Barcelona, Spain. [25][26].
[edit] Patents
Vistaprint has been active, since its inception, in applying for a large number of patents for various aspects of its proprietary technology platform, and one of its early hires was an in-house patent attorney.[27] The company recognizes that developing and protecting its intellectual property creates additional value in the company, and acts as a business moat to deter competitors. So far, Vistaprint has secured 15 issued patents[28] and has applied for almost 40 more.[29] The company has described its objective as a "minefield of patents" and has been active in pursuing companies that it considers to be infringing on those patents.[30] In 2006, VistaPrint filed a patent infringement suit against Print24 GmbH and UnitedPrint.com AG. A German court ruled in favor of Vistaprint in July 2007.[31] Separately, in May 2007, Vistaprint filed a patent infringement suit against two Taylor subsidiaries 123Print and DrawingBoard. This action is currently ongoing.[32]
[edit] Strategic Partnerships
In 2007, Vistaprint announced a strategic partnership with OfficeMax to provide an in-store station in up to 900 OfficeMax stores in the US and Mexico.[33][34] OfficeMax ImPress is a white label, OfficeMax-branded web site for small business printing based on Vistaprint technologies. The agreement marked Vistaprint's first major move offline. In 2008, Vistaprint announced a strategic partnership with Intuit, the leader in accounting software with 3.5 million active small business customers. This ties Vistaprint's service into Intuit's QuickBooks software using a white label, Intuit-branded web site for small business printing based on Vistaprint technologies.[35]. At Vistaprint's April 2009 third-quarter earnings presentation, the company also announced it will also supply services for the FedEx Office brand[36].
[edit] Controversy: Rewards Program
Like many ecommerce companies, Vistaprint frequently uses its pages to promote its business relationships with third-parties, through which the company generates referral, affiliate or advertising revenue. This form of co-marketing is popular because the revenue derived has almost no associated cost, and hence is highly profitable. In general, where such co-marketing results in a one-off customer purchase there is little criticism. However, this is significantly more controversial when it results in recurring (membership-related) billing.
In the USA, Vistaprint has been accused of enrolling customers into Vertrue's paid-membership reward plan without the customer's agreement. Credit card details are passed on to Vertrue (formerly Memberworks Incorporated) by Vistaprint, and charges are are then made on those credit cards by Vertrue without the owner's consent. Numerous complaints have been received by www.consumeraffairs.com[37] and The Better Business Bureau by consumers objecting to these charges. Some consumers complain of being still being charged after cancelling the reward plan membership, and others that more than a year after cancelling membership, the charges began again.[38]
Vistaprint's partnerships in the United Kingdom have attracted criticism[39][40]. Critics have stated that Vistaprint's customers are enrolled without their knowledge in a reward voucher scheme operated by an associated company, VPrewards.com, at a cost of £9.95 a month, that no information on the reward scheme is provided to customers subsequently and that it is up to the customers to detect the fact that they have been enrolled as members and to cancel unwanted membership. A similar scheme operates in the USA[41]. The number of complaints is significant enough to generate awareness on the web and to be a cause for concern. For complainants, the company claims publicly to cancel the membership, and refunds the monthly membership : however there have been examples of complaints where the company has not done this or stopped charges and then continued them one or two months after. The others complain that Vista Print did not responded as quickly as customers would have liked.[39][40]
In August 2008, the company announced that class action lawsuits relating to the membership discount programs offered by third party merchants on Vistaprint's USA website have been filed against Vistaprint USA, Inc., Vistaprint Corp., and two third party merchants (Vertrue Inc. and its subsidiary Adaptive Marketing LLC) in Texas and New Jersey.[42] Two additional class-action suits were subsequently filed in both Massachusetts and Alabama. The four complaints, all filed in federal courts, allege that the defendants are in violation of the Electronic Funds Transfer Act (which protects from unauthorized charges) and the federal Electronic Communications and Privacy Act (which prohibits the unlawful access of financial information). "As we allege in the complaint, we believe that Vistaprint and Vertrue are acting in concert to access consumers' credit card information and then begin charging them relatively small amounts," says Jerome Noll, counsel for the plaintiff that filed the Massachusetts suit. "You're talking about $14.95 a month or $12.95 a month, hoping that consumers just won't notice." [43]
It should be noted that in its latest 10K for FY 2008, the company states "we expect that referral fee revenue from membership discount programs will decline in absolute dollar terms over that period of time ["by the end of calendar year 2010"], including possibly to as low as zero."[44]
From a financial perspective, some observers and analysts contend that this type of highly profitable third-party revenue distorts the company's finances. A relatively small referral revenue can have a relatively large impact on the net income. While Vistaprint, as a public company, properly includes this revenue in its quarterly figures, it is argued that excluding this revenue gives a better picture of the company's true profitability and the value of its stock.[45][46] For example, in FY 2008, Vistaprint's revenue was $400.7m with 6.9% of this ($27.6m) coming from referral fees, the "majority" of which comes from the rewards program. This can be contrasted with the net income for the same period of $39.8m.[47]
[edit] Business Practice: Bermuda Holding Company
Like a number of publicly listed companies, Vistaprint has an offshore corporate structure consisting of a parent company in a low-tax jurisdiction (in this case, Bermuda) and subsidiary companies in countries where it conducts substantial business. It has operated with this form of tax-efficient structure for more than seven years without challenge. Each individual operating company is taxed only on the revenue and income generated in its country of incorporation. The overall effect is to reduce the company's net corporate tax rate, while remaining compliant with the tax regulations of each country (and the listing requirements for a US public company). As a multinational offshore company, the company potentially attracts criticism for employing legal but controversial tax strategies and structures. In particular, while the company was originally founded in France, the company's largest single market is now the US, and its key executives are based in the US, and the company is listed in the US. Therefore, it is possible that future changes by the IRS in relation to corporate taxation, may reduce or eliminate Vistaprint's ability to continue to enjoy the benefits of its current tax structure. Relative to more highly taxed competitors, this increases net income and free cash flow. Some observers and analysts contend that this reduced tax burden distorts the company's finances, and does not provide a true picture of its profitability and the value of its stock, especially given the known concern in the US about the loss of potential tax revenues offshore.
[edit] Awards
Year Award Name Recipient/Rank
2008 The Globe 100, The Best of Massachusetts Business Vistaprint #32[48]
Internet Retailer Top 500 Retail Web sites Vistaprint #57
NEDMA Marketing Prodigy Christine Wallace[49]
ComputerWorld Premier IT Leaders Wendy Cebula[50]
Graphic Arts Online 101 Top North American Printers Vistaprint #40[51]
2007 Deloitte Technology Fast 500 Vistaprint #205[52]
CIO 100 Vistaprint[53]
Deloitte Technology Fast 50, New England Vistaprint[54]
ComputerWorld 40 Under 40 Wendy Cebula[55]
Internet Retailer Top Retail Web sites Vistaprint #79[56]
The Globe 100, The Best of Massachusetts Business Vistaprint #12[57]
Boston Business Journal Best Places to Work Vistaprint, Midsized Company Honoree[58]
NEDMA Creative Excellence Award Silver Medal - Best Catalog[59]
Marketing Sherpa Email Awards Lifetime Achievement Award, Vistaprint[60]
Printing Impressions 400 Vistaprint #32[61]
Graphic Arts Online 101 Top North American Printers Vistaprint #39[62]
2006 Internet Retailer Top 500 Retail Web sites Vistaprint #96
Small Business Technology Magazine Product to Watch Customized Printed Products[63]
Foil Stamping & Embossing Association Bronze Leaf[64]
MetrixLab Best Website of the Year www.vistaprint.es
Deloitte Technology Fast 500 Vistaprint #140[65]
Deloitte Technology Fast 50, New England Vistaprint
Printing Impressions 400 Vistaprint #46[66]
Graphic Arts Online 101 Top North American Printers Vistaprint #59[67]
2005 CIO 100 Vistaprint
Print Excellence and Knowledge Awards, Sponsored by Print Solutions Magazine Vistaprint
Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Robert Keane[68]
[edit] References
1. ^ "GAOnline 101 Top North American Printers". Graphic Arts Monthly. http://www.graphicartsonline.com/info/CA6468782.html.
2. ^ VISTAPRINT LTD (VPRT) 10K - filed 8/29/2008
3. ^ Patent 6,976,798: "Method for processing aggregate print jobs"
4. ^ "Plant Expansion Creates 100 Jobs". Windsor Star. May 14, 2008. http://www.canada.com/windsorstar/news/story.html?id=c2c87866-9e12-4642-8911-8801cc3aeb31.
5. ^ "Vistaprint Expands European Printing and Distribution Plant". Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency. April 9, 2008. http://www.nfia.nl/shownews.php?newsid=122.
6. ^ "VistaPrint Opens Call Centre in MoBay". Jamaica Gleaner. November 21, 2003. http://www.jamaica-gleaner.com/gleaner/20031121/business/business3.html.
7. ^ "Vistaprint — Small Orders Mean Big Business". Printing Impressions. November 12008. http://www.piworld.com/story/story.bsp?sid=40524&var=story&publication=Printing%20Impressions&publicationDate=11/1/06&slug=11+VistaPrint&category=Print%20Production&section=Unknown&swd=vistaprint.
8. ^ "Think Gutenberg 2.0". Boston Globe. May 18, 2007. http://www.boston.com/business/articles/2007/05/18/think_gutenberg_20/.
9. ^ "VistaPrint Chases Away Gloom". BusinessWeek. January 252007. http://www.businessweek.com/investor/content/jan2008/pi20080125_688720.htm?chan=search=Unknown&swd=vistaprint.
10. ^ http://www.piworld.com/story/story.bsp?sid=12428&var=story VistaPrint - Web Masters
11. ^ http://www.businessweek.com/the_thread/dealflow/archives/2005/11/vistaprint.html An IPO That Might Print You Some Money
12. ^ VistaPrint Limited - Disrupting the Print Industry
13. ^ 2006: A Year in Print
14. ^ VistaPrint Grows
15. ^ At the Forefront of Innovation - Windsor, Canada
16. ^ At the Forefront of Innovation - Venlo, the Netherlands
17. ^ Vistaprint Announces Opening of North American Printing Plant
18. ^ MAN Roland 700
19. ^ VistaPrint Closes $52 million Equity Financing
20. ^ a b "Vistaprint — Small Orders Mean Big Business". Printing Impressions. November 12008. http://www.piworld.com/story/story.bsp?sid=40524&var=story.
21. ^ a b Gang Run
22. ^ a b VistaPrint - Web Masters
23. ^ VistaPrint - Manufacturing
24. ^ Interview: Paul Tasker
25. ^ "VistaPrint restructures, names Wendy Cebula president". Mass High Tech. May 22, 2008. http://www.bizjournals.com/masshightech/stories/2008/05/19/daily29.html.
26. ^ "VistaPrint, Lexington". Boston Globe. May 14, 2008. http://www.boston.com/business/whoswhat/2008/05/vistaprint_lexi_1.html.
27. ^ The Patented Path To Profits
28. ^ Google Patents Showing: Issued Patents
29. ^ Google Patents Showing: Applications
30. ^ An Empire of Portals
31. ^ Vistaprint: German Court finds that print24 and unitedprint.com infringed VistaPrint patent
32. ^ Vistaprint files patent infringement suit against Taylor Subsidiaries 123Print and Drawing Board
33. ^ "Building a Brand Name, via Business Cards". The New York Times. August 20, 2007. http://www.nytimes.com/2007/08/20/technology/20ecom.html.
34. ^ http://www.eventvestor.com/evp_event.php?eid=128966
35. ^ "VistaPrint Chases Away the Gloom". Business Week. January 25, 2008. http://www.businessweek.com/investor/content/jan2008/pi20080125_688720.htm.
36. ^ VistaPrint FY2009 Q3 Pre-Recorded Earnings Conference Call - Final Fair Disclosure Wire. Waltham: Apr 30, 2009
37. ^ http://www.consumeraffairs.com/online/vistaprint.html
38. ^ http://www.consumeraffairs.com/scam_alerts/mwi.html
39. ^ a b Dibben, Margaret (2007-09-23). "Ski firm says I booked online - but I was only browsing". The Observer. http://www.guardian.co.uk/money/2007/sep/23/2.
40. ^ a b "Scamwatch - Small Business". Federation of Small Businesses. http://www.fsb.org.uk/data/default.asp?id=29&loc=080. Retrieved on 2008-05-15.
41. ^ "Comsumer complaints about VistaPrint.com". consumeraffairs.com. http://www.consumeraffairs.com/online/vistaprint.html. Retrieved on 2008-05-23.
42. ^ "VistaPrint Announces Purported Federal Class Action Lawsuits". http://biz.yahoo.com/pz/080821/149016.html.
43. ^ "VistaPrint Named in Four Federal Class-Action Lawsuits". http://www.asicentral.com/asp/open/apps/news/industryNews.asp?id=2904.
44. ^ "VISTAPRINT LTD (VPRT) 10-K filed 8/29/2008". http://yahoo.brand.edgar-online.com/displayfilinginfo.aspx?filingid=6132019&tabindex=2&type=html.
45. ^ "Can it all be in the cards?". The Boston Globe. July 11, 2008. http://www.boston.com/business/markets/articles/2008/07/11/can_it_all_be_in_the_cards/.
46. ^ "The VistaPrint Fine Print". The Wall Street Journal. May 29, 2008. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB121202873568628351.html.
47. ^ "VISTAPRINT LTD (VPRT) 10-K filed 8/29/2008". http://yahoo.brand.edgar-online.com/displayfilinginfo.aspx?filingid=6132019&tabindex=2&type=html.
48. ^ "2008 Globe 100". Boston Globe. May 20 2008. http://www.boston.com/business/globe/globe100/globe_100_2008/globe100.
49. ^ "Prodigy Award Winners". New England Direct Marketing Association. May 2008. http://www.nedma.com/about/prodigy-award-winners.asp.
50. ^ "Class of 2008 Yearbook: The Honorees". ComputerWorld. December 2007. http://www.computerworld.com/spring/p100/detail/12.
51. ^ "GAOnline 101 Top North American Printers". Graphic Arts Online. http://www.graphicartsonline.com/info/CA6468782.html.
52. ^ "Deloitte Technology Fast 500". Deloitte. September 2007. http://www.deloitte.com/dtt/cda/doc/content/us_tmt_Technology%20Fast%20500%20Article_102307.pdf.
53. ^ "Winner Profile - Vistaprint". CIO. September 2007. http://www.cio.com/cio100/detail/1750.
54. ^ "Deloitte technology Fast 50, New England". Deloitte. September 2007. http://www.public.deloitte.com/fast500/fast_50/search/50searchresults.asp?type=f50&subnav=1.
55. ^ "Profile: Wendy Cebula". ComputerWorld. July 9, 2007. http://www.computerworld.com/action/article.do?command=viewArticleTOC&articleId=9025243.
56. ^ "The Top 500 Guide". Internet Retailer. June 2007. http://www.internetretailer.com/article.asp?id=22579.
57. ^ "The Globe 100". Boston Globe. May 22, 2007. http://www.boston.com/business/globe/globe100/2007/charts/globe100.htm.
58. ^ "Best Places to Work". Boston Business Journal. May 2007. http://www.bizjournals.com/boston/event/3228?mp=3.
59. ^ "NEDMA Creative Excellence Award Winners". NEDMA. April 17, 2007. http://www.nedma.com/pdfs/2007-winners.pdf.
60. ^ "MarketingSherpa's Email Award Winner Gallery 2007: Creative for Your Swipe File". Marketing Sherpa. March 13, 2007. http://www.marketingsherpa.com/article.php?ident=29889.
61. ^ "Printing Impressions 400". Printing Impressions. December 2007. http://www.piworld.com/story/story.bsp?sid=83297&var=story.
62. ^ "GAOnline 101 Top North American Printers". Graphic Arts Online. http://www.graphicartsonline.com/article/CA6450860.html.
63. ^ "2006 Product of the Year to Watch". Small Business Technology Magazine. January 31, 2007. http://www.sbtechnologymagazine.org/magazine/read/archives/articles/article.php?ProposalOnlineID=811.
64. ^ "Bronze Leaf Award". FSEA. December 2006. http://www.fsea.com/06awards/index.htm#_self.
65. ^ "Deloitte Technology Fast 500". Deloitte. October 2006. http://www.deloitte.com/dtt/cda/doc/content/us_tmt_2006%20Fast%20500%20List_101906v.2.pdf.
66. ^ "Printing Impressions 400". Printing Impressions. December 2006. http://www.piworld.com/story/story.bsp?sid=42388&var=story.
67. ^ "GAOnline 101 Top North American Printers". Graphic Arts Online. http://www.graphicartsonline.com/article/CA6333396.html.
68. ^ "Robert Keane". Ernst & Young. July 15, 2005. http://eoyhof.ey.com/MemberProfile.aspx.
[edit] External links
* Official site
* Corporate Fact Sheet
* Management Team & Robert Keane Bio
* Board of Directors
Business data
* Vistaprint at Google Finance
* Vistaprint at Yahoo Finance
* Vistaprint at Hoover's
* Vistaprint at Reuters
* Vistaprint SEC filings at EDGAR Online
* Vistaprint SEC filings at the Securities and Exchange Commission
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Al reducir gastos de mano de obra y producción, Vistaprint también consigue reducir el precio de los pedidos en pequeñas cantidades, lo que le permite abastecer a pequeñas empresas y consumidores y continuar obteniendo beneficios. Asimismo, el proceso logra generar un coste marginal muy bajo para pedidos de mayor volumen (500 tarjetas de visita en lugar de 250, por ejemplo) y para pedidos adicionales (un pedido adicional de tarjetas de visita, u otro juego de etiquetas para remite). Esto es lo que hace posible que Vistaprint ofrezca productos gratuitos, una incesante campaña viral de marketing, puesto que el precio por unidad es realmente bajo. Esto también significa que cada vez que el cliente aumenta las unidades de su pedido o añade otro producto a su compra los beneficios también son mayores. El proceso de Vistaprint supone un círculo vicioso donde el incremento del número de clientes origina el descenso de los costes. A su vez, unos costes más bajos permiten a la empresa bajar sus precios para atraer cada vez a más clientes.
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En mayo de 2008, la empresa cambió su estructura organizativa para establecerse en torno a dos unidades de negocio diferenciadas geográficamente, una en Norteamérica y otra en Europa. La unidad norteamericana está liderada por la presidenta de Vistaprint Norteamérica, Wendy Cebula, antigua directora de operaciones. La hasta el momento directora de marketing, Janet Holian, ocupa actualmente la presidencia de Vistaprint Europa y dirige esta unidad de negocio desde Barcelona, España.
== Referencias ==
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* This page was last modified on 18 July 2009 at 16:46.
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