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Línea 323:
== Véase también ==
*[[Raza (desambiguación)]]
*[[Razas humanas]]
*[[Racismo]] o [[Discriminación racial]]
*[[Racismo oculto]]
*[[Antropología clásica]]
*[[Antropología física]]
*[[Antropología biológica]]
*[[Genética de poblaciones]]
*[[Identidad cultural]]
*[[Raza (biología)]]
*[[Raza (Censo de los Estados Unidos)]]
*[[Raza (fantasía)]]
*[[Pierre-André Taguieff]]
== Referencias ==
== Bibliografía ==
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== Enlaces externos ==
*[http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/first/gill.html Does Race Exist? A proponent's perspective] by George W. Gill
*[http://www.goodrumj.com/RaceFaq.html The Race FAQ, Human Races and related texts] by John Goodrum
*[http://www.southwestern.edu/~greenmue/boas.htm Boas's remarks on race to a general audience]
*[http://www.news-medical.net/?id=9530 Race differences in average IQ are largely genetic, 26-Apr-2005]
*[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=pubmed&dopt=Abstract&list_uids=16357253&query_hl=10 Discovery of the human skin color gene SLC24A5]
* [http://www.ornl.gov/sci/techresources/Human_Genome/elsi/minorities.shtml US Human Genome Project on "Issues of Race"]
* [http://raceandgenomics.ssrc.org/ Is Race "Real"?] - forum organized by the ''Social Science Research Council'', includes a March 2005 op-ed article by A.M. Leroi from the ''New York Times'' advocating biological conceptions of race and responses from scholars in a variety of fields.
* [http://www.pbs.org/race Race - The power of an illusion] Online companion to California Newsreel's 3-part documentary about race in society, science, and history.
* Times Online, [http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,8122-1331319,00.html "Gene tests prove that we are all the same under the skin"], 27 October 2004.
* Catchpenny mysteries of ancient Egypt, [http://www.catchpenny.org/race.html "What race were the ancient Egyptians?"], Larry Orcutt.
* Judy Skatssoon, [http://www.abc.net.au/science/news/stories/s1153697.htm "New twist on out-of-Africa theory"], ''ABC Science Online'', Wednesday, 14 July 2004.
* Michael J. Bamshad, Steve E. Olson [http://www.sciam.com/article.cfm?chanID=sa006&colID=1&articleID=00055DC8-3BAA-1FA8-BBAA83414B7F0000 "Does Race Exist?"], ''Scientific American'', December 2003
* OMB Statistical Directive 15, [http://www.doi.gov/diversity/doc/racedata.htm "Standards for Maintaining, Collecting, and Presenting Federal Data on Race and Ethnicity"], ''Federal Register'', 30 October 1997.
* Sandra Soo-Jin Lee, Joanna Mountain, and Barbara A. Koenig, [http://academic.udayton.edu/health/08Research/research01.htm "The Reification of Race in Health Research"]
* Michael Root, [http://philsci-archive.pitt.edu/archive/00001094/ "The Use of Race in Medicine as a Proxy for Genetic Differences"]
* [[Richard Dawkins]]: [http://www.prospect-magazine.co.uk/article_details.php?id=6467 Race and creation] (extract from ''The Ancestor's Tale'': A Pilgrimage to the Dawn of Life) - On race, its usage and a theory of how it evolved. ([http://www.prospect-magazine.co.uk/ Prospect Magazine] October 2004) (see also [http://www.amren.com/mtnews/archives/2004/09/race_and_creati.php# longer extract here])
* [http://www.bloodbook.com/world-abo.html Racial & Ethnic Distribution of ABO Blood Types] - bloodbook.com
*[http://www.pubmedcentral.gov/articlerender.fcgi?tool=pubmed&pubmedid=15625622 Genetic Structure, Self-Identified Race/Ethnicity, and Confounding in Case-Control Association Studies]
* [http://www.nytimes.com/2002/12/20/health/20GENE.html "Gene Study Identifies 5 Main Human Populations, Linking Them to Geography"], Nicholas Wade, ''NYTimes'', December 2002. Covering [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=pubmed&dopt=Abstract&list_uids=12493913&query_hl=2 "Genetic structure of human populations"], Feldman et al, ''Science''. - "Self-reported population ancestry likely provides a suitable proxy for genetic ancestry."
*[http://www.lrainc.com/swtaboo/stalkers/jpr01.html "Race as a Biological Concept"] by J. Philippe Rushton
*[http://www.behavior.org/journals_BP/2002/Levin.pdf The Race Concept: A Defense] by Michael Levin
*[http://www.jonentine.com/reviews/daily_mail_uk.htm Are White Athletes an Endangered Species? And Why is it Taboo to Talk About It?] Discussion of racial differences in athletics
*[http://www.orcmagazine.com/Google_Your_Race/index.html Google Your Race] - Google generated racial profiles.
[[Categoría:Raza| ]]
[[Categoría:Antropología física]]
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