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[[Imagen:Sexual cycle.svg|thumb|250px|right|En la primera etapa de la reproducción sexual, 'meiosis', el número de [[cromosoma]]s es reducido de un número [[diploide]] (2n) a uno [[haploide]] (n). Durante la 'fertilización', los gametos haploides se unen para formar un [[cigoto]] diploide y restablecer el número original de cromosomas (2n).]]
Not my cup of tea, but then again, I don't drink tea...*wink*”
La '''reproducción sexual''' o '''gámica''' constituye el procedimiento [[reproducción|reproductivo]] más habitual de los seres [[pluricelular]]es. Muchos de estos la presentan, no como un modo exclusivo de reproducción, sino alternado, con modalidades de tipo [[reproducción asexual|asexual]]. También se da en organismos unicelulares, principalmente [[protozoo]]s y [[alga]]s unicelulares.
Se puede definir de tres formas, aceptadas cada una por diversos autores.
*Reproducción en la que existe singamia (fusión de gametos)
*Reproducción en la que interviene un proceso de meiosis (formación de gametos haploides)
*Reproducción en la que interviene un proceso de recombinación genética (descendencia diferente a la parental)
~ Oscar Wilde on Anal Sex
Las características morfológicas y funcionales de los [[gameto]]s permiten diferenciar dos formas de reproducción sexual: isogámica (tipo de reproducción sexual en la que intervienen gametos morfológicamente iguales, la transmisión hereditaria es por vía materna) y anisogámica.
“...Also commonly known as BUTT FUCK!!!”
La reproducción sexual isogámica se observa en algunas [[alga]]s, [[hongo]]s inferiores y [[protozoo]]s. En este tipo de reproducción, los gametos tienen el mismo tamaño, idéntica forma externa y la misma fisiología. Por ello no es posible denominarlos gameto masculino y femenino, por lo que se emplean los símbolos + y - en función de su comportamiento.
La reproducción sexual anisogámica o heterogámica es la más frecuente, y la utilizan la mayoría de los organismos pluricelulares. En ella, los gametos se diferencian tanto morfológica como fisiológicamente. Uno de ellos es diminuto y móvil, recibiendo el nombre de gameto masculino o microgameto mientras que el otro es grande y sedentario y se denomina gameto femenino o macrogameto. Actualmente con la nueva nomenclatura al microgameto se le conoce como [[espermatozoide]] y al macrogameto, [[óvulo]].
~ Tourette's Guy on Anal Sex
“Extremely pleasurable for both parties involved.”
==Ventajas e inconvenientes==
La reproducción sexual presenta con respecto a la [[reproducción asexual]] ciertas desventajas, entre las que destacan: un mayor gasto energético en la búsqueda y lucha por conseguir pareja, una menor rapidez en la reproducción y un menor número de descendientes, entre otras.
Por el contrario tienen la ventaja biológica de promover la variación genética entre los miembros de una especie, ya que la descendencia es el producto de los genes aportados por ambos progenitores, en vez de ser una copia genética. Cuanto mayor es la variabilidad genética de una [[población (biología)|población]], mayor es su [[tasa de evolución]]; una población con cantidades considerables de [[variabilidad genética]] puede protegerse frente a futuros cambios ambientales, ya que si éste cambia puede existir una forma minoritaria que salga favorecida con ello; cada generación expone nuevas combinaciones [[alelo|alélicas]] a la [[selección natural]].
~ Captain Obvious on Opposite day
== Véase también ==
* [[Reproducción]]
* [[Reproducción asexual]]
* [[Partenogénesis]]
==Enlaces externos==
*[http://fai.unne.edu.ar/biologia/reproduccion/sexual.htm Reproducción sexual]
Anal sex is the best form of birth control, while you can still get busy without getting preged. So go party.you can also get your dick covered in your partner's crap and have it smell when he lets it rip.
[[ar:تكاثر جنسي]]
Contents [hide]
[[bg:Полово размножаване]]
1 Anal Sex in culture
[[cs:Pohlavní rozmnožování]]
2 Anal Sex in History
[[de:Geschlechtliche Fortpflanzung]]
3 Having Anal Sex?
[[en:Sexual reproduction]]
3.1 Songs that refer to Anal Sex.
[[eo:Seksa reproduktado]]
4 Conception, Possible?
[[et:Suguline sigimine]]
5 See also
[[fi:Suvullinen lisääntyminen]]
[[fr:Reproduction (biologie)#La reproduction sexuée]]
[edit] Anal Sex in culture
Anal sex has played a key role in many movies and films. In the uncut version of 'Ben Hur', audiences learned for the first time that the real reason for all that biz between Charlton Heston and the Roman chappie was that the latter had a hard on for him. Which is somewhat of a shame as the plot makes little sense otherwise. Also, two words: BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN
[[ko:유성 생식]]
[[ms:Pembiakan seks]]
It is little known that anal sex was discovered by a young married couple in Kansas who not having received any instruction in sex before marriage had been confused as to the holes. When this result was published in the American Journal of Medicine the global homosexual conspiracy, amazed they had not thought of it, conducted a major conspiracy to claim that it had been used by man and man sex for centuries, even altering greek vases that showed men with sacks on their backs into men fucking boys.
[[nl:Geslachtelijke voortplanting]]
[[no:Kjønnet formering]]
Before this time gay activity had only concerned shopping for antiques.
[[pl:Rozmnażanie płciowe]]
[[pt:Reprodução sexuada]]
[edit] Anal Sex in History
[[ru:Половое размножение]]
For the religious among us who choose to believe lies, the so-called experts at Wikipedia have an article about Anal sex.
[[simple:Sexual reproduction]]
Greeks often had anal sex but no sense of sexual orientation. The lower classes of the Greek culture normally took it in the ass from the high ranking warrior classes and nobles (What we normally would call "queers"). They were deemed "sperm dumpsters" a name later adopted by the Jonas Brothers before making it big.
[[sk:Pohlavné rozmnožovanie]]
[[sv:Sexuell förökning]]
Benjamin Franklin was a huge advocate of anal sex as well... From his auto-biography:
[[tl:Reproduksyong seksuwal]]
"I love to butt fuck fat women, I can pretend they are men and think about how great I am for disowning my son. Nothing makes me happier than the smell of my brown member... If you are still reading my auto-biography after all of this and you have a shred of respect for me then you are truly a retard. Now I will push a drunk person off a boat."
[[uk:Статеве розмноження]]
[[vi:Sinh sản hữu tính]]
Anne Bradstreet, one of the first great female American poets, also made allusions to anal sex in some of her classic poems. Her ability to tie anal sex in with the various conditions of the 18th century shows the woman's great potential in literature. This excerpt is from her one of her last writings, "The Current Plight of Africans and Women in America"
[edit] Having Anal Sex?
While most people find anal sex pleasurable (All Professional Wrestlers, Elton John, Freddie Mercury, Boy George, You, Jim Davidson and Richard Simmons for example), some do not (about .3145% of the human population). While most people who do not enjoy it try to avoid it, there are always those situations where anal sex is forced upon you, "shoved up your ass" or if you will, also known as rape. If you are caught in one of these often awkward and unpleasant situations there are some things you can do to take away the effects. You can try to enjoy it, scream like you are Whitney Houston and hope somebody hears you, that is if you don't have your rape whistle, or grin and bear it until it's over. The people who often enjoy anal sex are disgruntled men in their late 50's suffering from the after effects of sniffing glue, clowns, horny chihuahuas and homophobes.
[edit] Songs that refer to Anal Sex.
Lil Wayne - Alphabet Bitches
Rolling Stones - Let it Bleed and Brown Sugar
The Presets - This Boy's in Love
Boy George - Do You Really Want to Hurt Me
George Michael - Any song in his discography
Queen - Fat Bottomed Girls
Cliff Richard - Mistletoe and Wine
Filter - Hey Man, Nice Shot
Color Me Badd - I Wanna Sex You Up
My Chemical Romance - You know what they do to guys like us in prison [it's a real song, really, go look it up, it's about getting raped in prison]
The Jonas Brothers - Fuck Me in The Ass
S.O.A.D.D. (System of Aggressive Dumbass Deterioration) - Prison Song Rape
Devo - Smart Patrol / Mr. DNA
Bette Midler - The Rose
Guns N` Roses - Welcome to the Jungle
Paul McCartney and Wings - Mull of Kintyre
[edit] Conception, Possible?
Most scientists, state that conception through butt-fucking is impossible, however the existence of Certain people has put this into doubt.
Use as a way to cheer up a man after you have done something to anger or disappoint him
a tool a woman can use to make her man happy. very enjoyable for both parties especially if the woman
en otras palabras , le gusta el pico a la maraka i wea D: