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[[Archivo:Organigrama-UNAL.jpg|thumb|Ejemplo de organigrama]]
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Un '''organigrama''' es la representación gráfica de la estructura organizativa de una [[empresa]] u [[organización]]. Representa las estructuras departamentales y, en algunos casos, las personas que las dirigen, hacen un esquema sobre las relaciones [[jerarquía|jerárquicas]] y [[competencia]]les de vigor en la organización.
El organigrama es un modelo abstracto y sistemático, que permite obtener una idea uniforme acerca de la estructura formal de una organización.
Books on historical figures/events in genetics
Tiene una doble finalidad:
1866 Mendel's paper is published: units of inheritance in pairs; dominance and recessiveness; equal segregation; independent assortment. These ideas are not recognized for 34 years.
*Desempeña un papel informativo, al permitir que los integrantes de la organización y de las personas vinculadas a ellas que conozcan, a nivel global, sus características generales.
1869 DNA (first called "nuclein") is identified by Friedrich Miescher as an acidic substance found in cell nuclei. The significance of DNA is not appreciated for over 70 years.
*Es un instrumento para realizar análisis estructurales al poner de relieve, con la eficacia propia de las representaciones gráficas, las particularidades esenciales de la organización representada.
1900 Mendel's experiments from 1866 are "rediscovered" and confirmed by three separate researchers (one Dutch, one German, one Austrian). A British man (William Bateson) soon translates Mendel's paper into English and champions the study of heredity in England.
En el organigrama no se tiene que encontrar toda la información, para conocer como es la estructura total de la empresa.
1902 A human disease is first attributed to genetic causes ("inborn errors of metabolism"). (Sir Archibald Garrod, alkaptonuria)
Todo organigrama tiene que cumplir los siguientes requisitos:<br />
1902 The chromosome theory of heredity is proposed by Sutton. Boveri recognizes that individual chromosomes are different from one another, but he doesn't make a connection to Mendelian principles. Nevertheless, Boveri is given co-credit by friend E.B. Wilson (Sutton's supervisor) for proposing the chromosome theory of inheritance.
* Obtener todos los elementos de autoridad, los diferentes niveles de jerarquía, y la relación entre ellos.
1905 The word "genetics" is coined by William Bateson.
* Tiene que ser fácil de entender y sencillo de utilizar.
* Debe contener únicamente los elementos indispensables.<br />
<br />
== Clasificación de los organigramas ==
Según su contenido se pueden diferenciar tres clases de organigrama:
'''Analíticos''': Son específicos, su información es completa y detallada.
1905 Some genes are linked and do not show independent assortment, as seen by Bateson and Punnett.
'''Generales''': Muestra visión muy simple de la organización. También en el está la información de mayor importancia.
1903-9 First experiments on quantitative traits in broad beans by Wilhelm Johanssen and in wheat by Herman Nilsson-Ehle.
'''Suplementario''': Son complemento de lo analítico.
1910-11 The chromosome theory of heredity is confirmed in studies of fly eye color inheritance by T.H. Morgan and colleagues.
De acuerdo a su forma los organigramas se pueden clasificar en cinco tipos:
1913 First ever linkage map created by Columbia undergraduate Alfred Sturtevant (working with T.H. Morgan).
#Vertical: Muestra las jerarquías según una pirámide, de arriba a abajo.
#Horizontal: Muestra las jerarquias de izquierda a derecha.
#Mixto: Es una combinación entre el horizontal y el vertical.
#Circular: La autoridad máxima está en el centro, alrededor de él se forman círculos concentricos donde se nombran a los jefes inmediatos.
#Escalar: Se usan sangrías para señalar la autoridad, cuanta mayor es la sangría, menor es la autoridad de ese cargo.
[[Categoría:Organización de empresas]]
1910's-30's The eugenics movement is popular, fueling racist sentiment and leading to involuntary sterilization laws.
1925-27 H. Muller shows that X-rays induce mutations in a dose-dependent fashion.
1928 Some component of heat-killed virulent bacteria can "transform" a non-virulent
[[en:Organizational chart]]
strain to become virulent, as shown by Fred Griffith. This sets the stage for work done in 1944.
[[fr:Organigramme (organisation)]]
1931 Genetic recombination is caused by a physical exchange of chromosomal pieces, as shown in corn by Harriet Creighton and Barbara McClintock.
1941 One gene encodes one protein, as described by Beadle and Tatum.
[[pl:Schemat organizacyjny]]
1944 DNA is the molecule that mediates heredity, as shown in Pneumococcus transformation experiments by Avery, MacLeod, and McCarty. Most people were skeptical of these findings until 1952.
[[ru:Организационная структура]]
1946 Genetic material can be transferred laterally between bacterial cells, as shown by Lederberg and Tatum.
1950 In DNA, there are equal amounts of A and T, and equal amounts of C and G, as shown by Erwin Chargaff. However, the A+T to C+G ratio can differ between organisms.
1952 DNA is the molecule that mediates heredity, as shown in bacteriophage labeling experiments by Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase. This confirmation of the 1944 results really convinced everyone.
1953 DNA is in the shape of a double helix with antiparallel nucleotide chains and specific base pairing. This was deduced by Watson and Crick, who used Rosalind Franklin's data provided by Maurice Wilkins.
1958 DNA replication is semi-conservative, as shown by Meselson and Stahl using equilibrium density gradient centrifugation.
1959 Messenger RNA is the intermediate between DNA and protein.
1966 The genetic code is cracked by a number of researchers (including Nirenberg, Matthaei, Leder, and Khorana) using RNA homopolymer and heteropolymer experiments as well as tRNA labeling experiments.
1970 The first restriction enzyme is purified by Hamilton Smith.
1972-73 Recombinant DNA is first constructed by Cohen and Boyer.
1977 DNA sequencing technology is developed by Fred Sanger.
1986 PCR is developed by Kary Mullis.
1990's Genome projects are begun. The yeast genome is complete in 1996, and the C. elegans genome is done in 1998.
1990's DNA microarrays are invented by Pat Brown and colleagues.
1990's DNA fingerprinting, gene therapy, and genetically modified foods come onto the scene.
1995 Automated sequencing technology allows genome projects to accelerate.
1996-7 The first cloning of a mammal (Dolly the sheep) is performed by Ian Wilmut and colleagues, from the Roslin institute in Scotland.
2000 The Drosophila genome is completed. The Arabidopsis genome is completed. The human genome is reported to be completed.
2001 The sequence of the human genome is released, and the "post-genomic era" officially begins.
2009 Controversies continue over human and animal cloning, research on stem cells, and genetic modification of crops.
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Selected books on historical figures/events in genetics
Mendel's Legacy: The Origins of Classical Genetics by Elof Axel Carlson
History of Genetics: From Prehistoric Times to the Rediscovery of Mendel's Laws by Hans Stubbe (MIT press, out of print)
A History of Genetics by Alfred Sturtevant
The Eighth Day of Creation by Horace Freeland Judson (focus on molecular biology)
The Century of the Gene by Evelyn Fox Keller
Cracking the Genome : Inside the Race to Unlock Human DNA by Kevin Davies
Operators and Promoters
Examinations of particular people or experiments
The Monk in the Garden by Robin Marantz Henig (Mendel)
Lords of the Fly by Robert E. Kohler (sociology of Drosophila genetics)
The Transforming Principle by Maclyn McCarty
Meselson, Stahl, and the Replication of DNA by Frederic Lawrence Holmes
We Can Sleep Later: Alfred Hershey and the Origins of Molecular Biology edited by Franlkin W. Stahl
In the Name of Eugenics: Genetics and the Uses of Human Heredity by Daniel J. Kevles
The Double Helix by James Watson
Rosalind Franklin and DNA by Anne Sayre
Rosalind Franklin: the Dark Lady of DNA by Brenda Maddox
A Feeling for the Organism by Evelyn Fox Keller (Barbara McClintock)
The Tangled Field: Barbara McClintock's Search for the Patterns of Genetic Control by Nathaniel Comfort (Barbara McClintock)
Time, Love, Memory by Jonathan Weiner (Seymour Benzer and Drosophila behavioral genetics)
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© Copyright 2002-2009 Department of Biology, Davidson College, Davidson NC 28035
last modified August 27, 2009 by K. Hales