Diferencia entre revisiones de «Océano Tetis»

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Línea 48:
* {{Citecita booklibro
| lastapellido = Kollmann | firstnombre = H. A.
| chaptercapítulo = Tethys—the Evolution of an Idea | pagespáginas = 9–14
| titletítulo = New Aspects on Tethyan Cretaceous Fossil Assemblages
| editor1-last = Kollmann | editor1-first = H. A.
| editor2-last = Zapfe | editor2-first = H.
| yearaño = 1992 | publishereditorial = Springer-Verlag reprint ed. 1992
| chapter-url = https://books.google.com/books?id=59h9BwAAQBAJ&pg=PT14&lpg=PT14&dq=Neumayr+tethys&source=bl&ots=wxRM7MEMju&sig=ohEVrqlTpbfjw_Smbaks_bKkQLY&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0CCQQ6AEwAWoVChMI6rOrypS5xwIVEimICh2tSQdc#v=onepage&q=Neumayr%20tethys&f=false | accessdatefechaacceso =6 de octubre de 2015
| oclc = 27717529 | isbn = 978-0387865553 | ref = harv}}<!-- {{Harvnb|Kollmann|Zapfe|1992}} -->
* {{Citecita journalpublicación
| lastapellido = Metcalfe | firstnombre = I.
| titletítulo = The ancient Tethys oceans of Asia: How many? How old? How deep? How wide?
| yearaño = 1999 | | journalpublicación = UNEAC Asia papers | volumevolumen = 1 | pagespáginas = 1-9
| url = https://www.researchgate.net/publication/238335467_The_ancient_Tethys_oceans_of_Asia_How_many_How_old_How_deep_How_wide | accessdatefechaacceso =6 de octubre de 2015
| ref = harv}}<!-- {{Harvnb|Metcalfe|1999}} -->
* {{Citecita journalpublicación
| lastapellido = Metcalfe | firstnombre = I.
| titletítulo = Gondwana dispersion and Asian accretion: tectonic and palaeogeographic evolution of eastern Tethys
| yearaño = 2013 | journalpublicación = Journal of Asian Earth Sciences | volumevolumen = 66 | pagespáginas = 1-33
| url = https://www.researchgate.net/profile/I_Metcalfe/publication/258794200_Gondwana_dispersion_and_Asian_accretion_Tectonic_and_palaeogeographic_evolution_of_eastern_Tethys/links/54c9c8790cf2807dcc27e318.pdf | accessdatefechaacceso =6 de octubre de 2015
| doi = 10.1016/j.jseaes.2012.12.020 | ref = harv}}<!-- {{Harvnb|Metcalfe|2013}} -->
* {{Citecita journalpublicación
| last1 = Stampfli | first1 = G. M.
| last2 = Borel | first2 = G. D.
| titletítulo = A plate tectonic model for the Paleozoic and Mesozoic constrained by dynamic plate boundaries and restored synthetic oceanic isochrons
| yearaño = 2002 | journalpublicación = Earth and Planetary Science Letters | volumevolumen = 196 | issuenúmero = 1 | pagespáginas = 17-33
| url = http://ac.els-cdn.com/S0012821X0100588X/1-s2.0-S0012821X0100588X-main.pdf?_tid=338a4da8-7b08-11e5-8c04-00000aab0f26&acdnat=1445771265_65bd661116b583a68ef7246f0ea6ed56 | formatformato = PDF | accessdatefechaacceso =6 de octubre de 2015
| doi = 10.1016/S0012-821X(01)00588-X | ref = harv}}<!-- {{Harvnb|Stampfli|Borel|2002}} -->
* {{Citecita booklibro
| lastapellido = Suess | firstnombre = E. |
| chaptercapítulo = Are ocean depths permanent?
| titletítulo = Natural Science: A Monthly Review of Scientific Progress
| yearaño = 1893 | locationubicación = London | volumevolumen = 2 | pagespáginas = 180- 187
| url = https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/40456#page/200/mode/2up | accessdatefechaacceso =6 de octubre de 2015
| ref = harv}}<!-- {{Harvnb|Suess|1893}} -->
* {{Citecita booklibro
| lastapellido = Suess | firstnombre = E.
| titletítulo = Der Antlitz der Erde
| yearaño = 1901 | publishereditorial = Wien F. Tempsky | volumevolumen = 3 | languageidioma = Germanalemán
| url = https://archive.org/stream/p1dasantlitzdere03sues#page/24/mode/2up/search/Tethys | accessdatefechaacceso =6 de octubre de 2015
| ref = harv}}<!-- {{Harvnb|Suess|1901}} -->