Diferencia entre revisiones de «Teoría de grafos»

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Línea 361:
Hinz, A. M. (2012). Graph theory of tower tasks. In ''Behavioural Neurology'' (Vol. 25, pp. 13–22).
Lohmann, G., Margulies, D. S., Horstmann, A., Pleger, B., Lepsien, J., Goldhahn, D., … Turner, R. (2010). Eigenvector centrality mapping for analyzing connectivity patterns in fMRI data of the human brain. ''PLoS ONE'', ''5''(4). <nowiki>http://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0010232</nowiki>.
Pavlopoulos, G. a, Secrier, M., Moschopoulos, C. N., Soldatos, T. G., Kossida, S., Aerts, J., … Bagos, P. G. (2011). Using graph theory to analyze biological networks. ''BioData Mining'', ''4''(1), 10. Retrieved from <nowiki>http://www.biodatamining.org/content/4/1/10</nowiki>.
Rocca, M. A., Valsasina, P., Meani, A., Falini, A., Comi, G., & Filippi, M. (2014). Impaired functional integration in multiple sclerosis: a graph theory study. ''Brain Structure and Function'', 115–131. <nowiki>http://doi.org/10.1007/s00429-014-0896-4</nowiki>.
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