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== Biografía ==
Fue el undécimo de una familia de quince hijos de inmigrantes [[Tártaros de Lipka|tártaros lituanospolacos]]. En su hogar materno hablaban solamente en [[Idioma lituano|lituanopolaco]] y [[Idioma ruso|ruso]] y aprendió a hablar [[idioma inglés|inglés]] en su adolescencia.<ref>{{cita web
|url = https://www.allmovie.com/artist/charles-bronson-p8686
|título = Charles Bronson
Línea 41:
|sitioweb = AllMovie
|idioma = en
|cita = The son of a Lithuanianpolish coal miner, American actor Charles Bronson claimed to have spoken no English at home during his childhood in Pennsylvania. Though he managed to complete high school, it was expected that Bronson would go into the mines like his father and many brothers.
|formato = html
|urlarchivo = https://web.archive.org/web/20120325010546/https://www.allmovie.com/artist/charles-bronson-p8686