Diferencia entre revisiones de «República Socialista Soviética de Bielorrusia»

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Línea 27:
|evento6 = [[Tratado de Belavezha]]
|fecha_evento6 = [[8 de diciembre]] de [[1991]]
|evento_fin = [[Disolución de la URSSUnión Soviética|Independencia]]
|fecha_fin = 26 de diciembre
|p1 = República Socialista Soviética Lituano-Bielorrusa
Línea 54:
'''República Socialista Soviética de Bielorrusia''' (en ruso, Белору́сская Сове́тская Социалисти́ческая Респу́блика, en bielorruso, Беларуская Савецкая Сацыялістычная Рэспубліка) fue uno de los cuatro miembros fundadores de la [[Unión Soviética]] en [[1922]], junto con la [[RSS de Ucrania|República Socialista Soviética de Ucrania|RSS de Ucrania]], la [[República Federativa Socialista Soviética de Transcaucasia|RepúblicaRFSS Federativa Socialistade Soviética TranscaucásicaTranscaucasia]] y la [[RSFSRepública Socialista Federativa Soviética de Rusia|República Federal Socialista SoviéticaRSFS de Rusia]].
La república estaba en la zona oeste de la URSS y su capital era [[Minsk]]. La RSS de Bielorrusia fue creada el [[1 de enero]] de [[1919]] como [[República Socialista Soviética Bielorrusa]], pero esta desaparecería el [[27 de febrero]] para formar la [[República Socialista Soviética Lituano-Bielorrusa]]; la república fue refundada como ''República Socialista Soviética de Bielorrusia'' el [[31 de julio]] de [[1920]] y desaparecería el [[26 de diciembre]] de [[1991]], con la [[disolución de la URSSUnión Soviética]].
== Historia ==
Al final de la [[Primera Guerra Mundial]], Bielorrusia fue invadida por los [[Imperios Centrales]] en dos ocasiones: en [[1917]] y en [[1918]] tras una ruptura del [[Tratado de Brest-Litovsk]]. El territorio de Bielorrusia se dividió tras la [[Paz de Riga]] de 1921; Bielorrusia no recuperaría sus tierras hasta que el [[Ejército Rojo]] lo hiciera en la [[Gran Guerra Patriótica]], durante la cual estuvo ocupada por la [[Alemania nazi]] ([[1941]]-[[1944]]) y suplantada por el [[Reichskommissariat Ostland]]. En [[1944]], a consecuencia de la [[Operación Bagration]], Bielorrusia fue liberada de la ocupación alemana. Después de la guerra, la RSS de Bielorrusia formó parte de la Asamblea General de la [[ONU]], junto con la Unión Soviética y la [[RSS de Ucrania]], siendo una de las fundadoras de la ONU. El 19 de septiembre de 1991, la república fue renombrada [[Bielorrusia|República de Bielorrusia]], y permaneció en la URSS tres meses más, hasta su independencia. La capital continuó siendo [[Minsk]].
<!-- Prior to the First World War, Belarusian lands were part of the Russian Empire, which it gained from the Partitions of Poland more than a century earlier. During the War, the Russian Western Front's Great retreat in August/September 1915 ended with the lands of Hrodna and most of Viĺnia guberniyas occupied by Germany. The resulting front, passing at 100 kilometres to the west of Minsk remained static towards the end of the conflict, despite Russian attempts to break it at Lake Narač in late spring 1916 and General Alexei Evert's inconclusive thrust around the city of Baranavičy in summer of that year, during the Brusilov offensive further south, in Western Ukraine.
The abdication of the Tsar in light of the February Revolution in Russia in early 1917, activated a rather dormant political life in Belarus. As central authority waned, different political and ethnic groups strived for greater self-determination and even secession from the increasingly ineffective Russian Provisional Government. The momentum picked up after the incompetent actions of the 10th Army during the ill-fated Kerensky Offensive during the summer. Representatives of Belarusian regions and of different (mostly left-wing) newly established political powers, including the Belarusian Socialist Assembly, the Christian democratic movement and the General Jewish Labour Bund, formed a Belarusian Central Council.
Towards the autumn political stability continued to shake, and countering the rising nationalist tendencies were the Bolshevik Soviets, when the October Revolution hit Russia, that same day, on 25 October (7 November), the Minsk Soviet of workers and soldiers deputies took over the administration of the city. The Bolshevik All-Russian council of Soviets declared the creation of the Western Oblast which unified the Viĺnia, Viciebsk, Mahilioŭ and Minsk guberniyas that were not occupied by the German army, to administer the Belarusian lands in the frontal zone. On 26 November (6 December), the executive committee of workers, peasants and soldiers deputies for the Western Oblast was merged with the Western front's executive committee, creating a single Obliskomzap. During the autumn 1917/winter of 1918, the Western Oblast was headed by Aleksandr Myasnikyan as head of the Western Oblast's Military Revolutionary Committee, who passed this duty on to Karl Lander. Myasnikyan took over as chair of the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party's (RSDRP(b)) committee for Western Oblast and Maisiej Kaĺmanovič as chair of the Obliskomzap.
Countering this the Belarusian Central Council reorganised itself as a Belarusian National Council (Rada) and started working on establishing governmental institutions, and discarded the Obliskomzap as a military formation, rather than governmental. As a result, on 7th (20th) of December, when the first All-Belarusian congress convened, the Bolsheviks forcibly disbanded it. -->
== Organización político-administrativa ==