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Línea 108:
=== Sakas de la estepa oriental ===
Los eruditos modernos usualmente usan el término Saka''saka'' para referirse a las tribus de habla irania que habitaba a la [[Estepa asiáticaeuroasiática|estepa oriental]] y la [[cuenca del Tarim]].<ref name="beckwith" /><ref name="L. T. Yablonsky 383">{{cite book |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=UwueDAAAQBAJ&pg=PA383&lpg=PA383#v=onepage&q&f=false |title=ARCHAEOLOGY – Volume I |chapter= The Archaeology of Eurasian Nomads |editor= Donald L. Hardesty |page=383 |author=L. T. Yablonsky |publisher= EOLSS |isbn=978-1-84826-002-3}}</ref> <!--AncientLas Persianinscripciones inscriptionspersas alsoantiguas usedtambién Sakausaban tosaka referpara toreferirse westerna Scythianslos toescitas theoccidentales northal ofnorte thedel Blackmar SeaNegrothelos ''Sakā paradraya'' oro "«Saka beyondmás theallá sea"del mar».<ref name=gershevitch /><ref name="dandamayev" />
[[Archivo:ScythianC14AsiaEuropeFig6SketchEn 3dGraph.gif|thumb|left|upright=1.2|Cronología de los kurgan escitas en Asia y Europa]]
Los eruditos modernos usualmente usan el término Saka para referirse a las tribus de habla irania que habitaba a la [[Estepa asiática|estepa oriental]] y la [[cuenca del Tarim]].<ref name="beckwith" /><ref name="L. T. Yablonsky 383">{{cite book |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=UwueDAAAQBAJ&pg=PA383&lpg=PA383#v=onepage&q&f=false |title=ARCHAEOLOGY – Volume I |chapter= The Archaeology of Eurasian Nomads |editor= Donald L. Hardesty |page=383 |author=L. T. Yablonsky |publisher= EOLSS |isbn=978-1-84826-002-3}}</ref> <!--Ancient Persian inscriptions also used Saka to refer to western Scythians to the north of the Black Sea – the ''Sakā paradraya'' or "Saka beyond the sea".<ref name=gershevitch /><ref name="dandamayev" />
InEn thelas Achaemenid-erainscripciones en [[Oldpersa Persianantiguo]] inscriptionsde foundla atépoca aqueménida que se encuentran en [[PersepolisPersépolis]], datedy todatan thedel reignreinado ofde DariusDarío I (r. 522–486 BCa. C.), these Sakadice areque saidlos tosakas havehabían livedvivido justjusto beyondmás theallá bordersde oflas fronteras de [[SogdiaSogdiana]]na.<ref name="bailey 1996 1230">Bailey, H.W. (1996) "Khotanese Saka Literature", inen Ehsan Yarshater (ed), ''The Cambridge History of Iran, Vol III: The Seleucid, Parthian, and Sasanian Periods'', PartParte 2 (reprint editionreedición), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p. 1230.</ref><ref>{{cite book |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=nNDpPqeDjo0C&pg=PA173&lpg=PA173#v=onepage&q&f=false |title=The Cambridge Ancient History, VolumeVolumen IV |page=173 |publisher=Cambridge University Press |date=24 Novemberde noviembre de 1988 |isbn= 978-0-521-22804-6 }}</ref> TheEl termtérmino ''Sakā para Sugdam'' oro "«Saka beyondmás allá de Sugda ([[SogdiaSogdiana]]na)"» wasse usedusó bypor DariusDarío topara describedescribir theal peoplepueblo whoque formedformó thelos limitslímites ofde hissu empireimperio aten theel oppositeextremo endopuesto toa [[KingdomReino ofde Kush|Kush]] (thelos Ethiopiansetíopes) inen theel westoeste, i.e.esto ates, theen easternel edgeborde oforiental de hissu empireimperio.<ref name=gershevitch>{{cite book |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=BBbyr932QdYC&pg=PA254#v=onepage&q&f=false |title=The Cambridge History of Iran, VolumeVolumen 2|editor= Ilya Gershevitch |author=J. M. Cook |chapter=The Rise of the Achaemenids and Establishment of Their Empire |pages=253–255 |publisher= Cambridge University Press; Reissue edition |date=6 Junede junio de 1985|isbn= 978-0-521-20091-2 }}</ref><ref>{{cite book |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=lxQ9W6F1oSYC&pg=PA178#v=onepage&q&f=false |title=From Cyrus to Alexander: A History of the Persian Empire |first= Pierre |last=Briant |page=178 |publisher=Eisenbrauns |date=29 Julyde julio de 2006|isbn=978-1-57506-120-7 |quote="This«Este ises Kingdomreino which Ique holdmantendré, fromdesde thelos Scythiansescitas [Saka] whoque están más areallá beyondde Sogdiana, thencehasta unto EthiopiaEtiopía [Cush]; fromdesde Sind, thencehasta unto SardisSardes»."}}</ref> AnUna inscriptioninscripción datedque todata thedel reignreinado ofde [[XerxesJerjes I]] (r. 486–465 BCa. C.) haslos themtiene coupledemparejados withcon theel pueblo [[Dahae]] peoplede ofAsia Central Asiacentral.<ref name="bailey 1996 1230" /> TwoDos Sakatribus tribessaka namednombrados inen thela [[Behistuninscripción Inscriptionde Behistún]], ''Sakā tigraxaudā'' ("«Saka withcon pointygorros/sombreros hats/caps"apuntados») andy thelos ''Sakā haumavargā'' ("«sakas bebedores de [[haoma]]-drinking saka"»), maypueden beubicarse locatedal toeste the east of thedel [[Caspianmar SeaCaspio]].<ref name=gershevitch /><ref>{{cite book |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=g7N74BFaC90C&pg=PA334#v=onepage&q&f=false |title=The Culture and Social Institutions of Ancient Iran |author= Muhammad A. Dandamaev, Vladimir G. Lukonin |publisher= Cambridge University Press|date= 21 Augustde agosto de 2008 |isbn=978-0-521-61191-6|page=334 }}</ref><ref>{{cite web | url=http://www.iranicaonline.org/articles/haumavarga | title=Haumavargā | work=Encyclopedia Iranica | access-date=2016-09-24 de septiembre de 2016 | archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20160913070725/http://www.iranicaonline.org/articles/haumavarga | archive-date=2016-09-13 de septiembre de 2016 | dead-url=no | df= }}</ref> SomeAlgunos arguedargumentan thatque thelos ''Sakā haumavargā'' maypuede beque thesean los ''Sakā para Sugdam'', thereforede ahí que ''Sakā haumavargā'' wouldestuviera beubicada locatedmás furtheral easteste thanque thelos ''Sakā tigraxaudā''. SomeAlgunos argueddefienden for theque [[PamirsPamir]] oro [[Xinjiang]] ascomo theirsu locationubicación, althoughaunque [[Jaxartes]] isse consideredconsidera toque bees theirla morelocalización likelymás locationprobable givendado thatque theel namenombre saysdice "beyond«más allá de Sogdiana"» en rathervez thande [[Bactria]].<ref name=gershevitch />
{{multiple image
| align = right
| total_width=250
| header=Skunkha, Kingrey ofde thelos ''Sakā tigraxaudā''
| image1 = Behistun relief Skunkha.jpg
| caption1 = <center>BehistunRelieve reliefde ofBehistún de Skunkha. LabelEtiqueta: "This«Este ises Skunkha theel SacanSacano."<ref name=DB>{{cite book |title=Behistun, minor inscriptions DBb inscription- Livius |url=http://www.livius.org/sources/content/behistun-persian-text/behistun-minor-inscriptions/}}</ref></center>
| image2 = Skunhka portrait.jpg
| caption2 = <center>PortraitRetrato ofde Skunhka. 520–519 BCa. C.</center>
[[CyrusCiro theel GreatGrande]] ofdel theimperio Persianaqueménida Achaemenidpersa Empirecombatió foughtcontra thelos saka, Sakacuyas whosemujeres womense weredecía saidque toluchaban fightjunto alongsidecon theirsus menhombres.<ref name="eolss">{{cite book |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=UwueDAAAQBAJ&pg=PA380&lpg=PA380#v=onepage&q&f=false |title=ARCHAEOLOGY – Volume I |chapter= The Archaeology of Eurasian Nomads |editor= Donald L. Hardesty |page=383 |author=L. T. Yablonsky |publisher= EOLSS |isbn=978-1-84826-002-3}}</ref> AccordingSegún to HerodotusHeródoto, CyrusCiro theel GreatGrande alsotambién confrontedse theenfrentó a los [[Massagetaemasagetas]], aun peoplepueblo thoughtque tose becreía relatedque toestaba therelacionado con los Sakasaka,<ref>{{cite book |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=pCiNqFj3MQsC&pg=PA516#v=onepage&q&f=false |title=Encyclopedia of the Peoples of Asia and Oceania |author= Barbara A. West |page=516 }}</ref> whilemientras campaigninghacía tocampaña theal easteste of thedel [[Caspianmar SeaCaspio]] andy wasresultó killedmuerto inen thela battlebatalla inen el año 530 BCa. C.<ref>{{cite book |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=osQ9CgAAQBAJ&pg=PA206#v=onepage&q&f=false |title=By Steppe, Desert, and Ocean: The Birth of Eurasia |first= Barry |last=Cunliffe |page=206 |publisher= Oxford University Press |date=24 Septemberde septiembre de 2015|isbn= 978-0-19-968917-0 }}</ref> [[DariusDarío theel GreatGrande]] alsotambién wagedcombatió warscontra againstlos thesakas eastern Sakasorientales, whoquienes foughtse himresistieron a withél threecon armiestres ledejércitos byliderados threepor kingstres accordingreyes tosegún [[PolyaenusPolieno]].<ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.iranicaonline.org/articles/amorges |title=Amorges |author=A. Sh. Shahbazi, |work=Encyclopaedia Iranica |access-date=2016-09-24 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20160913082244/http://www.iranicaonline.org/articles/amorges |archive-date=2016-09-13 de septiembre de 2016 |dead-url=no |df= }}</ref> InEn 520–519 BCa. C., DariusDarío I defeatedderrotó thea la tribu ''Sakā tigraxaudā'' tribey andcapturó captureda theirsu kingrey [[Skunkha]] (depictedreprsentado ascon wearingun asombrero pointedpuntiagudo haten in thela [[Behistuninscripción de inscriptionBehistún]]).<ref name="beckwith">{{cite book |url=http://silkroadarchaeology.weebly.com/uploads/6/2/5/5/6255878/beckwith_ch._2.pdf |title=Empires of the Silk Road |page=68 |first=Christopher |last=Beckwith |publisher=Princeton University Press |date=8 Mayde mayo de 2011 |isbn=978-0-691-15034-5 |access-date=2016-09-10 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20160917204139/http://silkroadarchaeology.weebly.com/uploads/6/2/5/5/6255878/beckwith_ch._2.pdf |archive-date=2016-09-17 de septiembre de 2016 |dead-url=no |df= }}</ref> TheLos territoriesterritorios ofde Sakalos weresaka absorbedfueron intoabsorbidos thedentro Achaemeniddel Empireimperio asaqueménida partcomo ofparte de [[ChorasmiaCorasmia (satrapysatrapía)|ChorasmiaCorasmia]] thatque includedincluía muchgran ofparte del [[Amu DaryaDaria]] (Oxus) andy el [[SyrSir DaryaDaria]] (Jaxartes),<ref>{{cite book |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=osQ9CgAAQBAJ&pg=PA235#v=onepage&q&f=false |title=By Steppe, Desert, and Ocean: The Birth of Eurasia |first= Barry |last=Cunliffe |page=235 |publisher= Oxford University Press |date=24 Septemberde septiembre de 2015|isbn= 978-0-19-968917-0 }}</ref> andy thelos Sakasakas thenentonces suppliedproporcionaron theal Persianejército armypersa withcon largeun numbergran ofnúmero mountedde bowmenarqueros ina thecaballo en las Achaemenidguerras warsaqueménidas.<ref name="dandamayev">{{cite book |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=DguGWP0vGY8C&pg=PA44&lpg=PA44 |title=History of Civilizations of Central Asia Volume II: The development of sedentary and nomadic civilizations: 700 BC to AD 250 | pages=44–46|author= M. A. Dandamayev |publisher=UNESCO|isbn=978-8120815407 }}</ref>
InEn the Chineseel ''[[BookLibro ofde Han]]'' chino, thelos valleysvalles of thedel [[río Ili River]] andy [[Río Chu|el RiverChu]] werese calledllamaron thela "land«tierra ofde thelos Sai"sai», i.e.esto thees, Sakalos saka. TheLa exactfecha dateexacta ofde theirsu arrivalllegada inen thisesta region ofregión Centralde Asia iscentral unclear,no perhapsqueda itclaro, wasquizá justfue beforejusto theantes reigndel ofreinado de [[DariusDarío I]].<ref name="yu 2010 p13">{{cite journal |author=Yu Taishan |date=JuneJunio de 2010 |title=The Earliest Tocharians in China |journal=Sino-Platonic Papers |pages=13–14 |url=http://sino-platonic.org/complete/spp204_tocharian_china.pdf |access-date=201618-10-182016 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20161220164410/http://sino-platonic.org/complete/spp204_tocharian_china.pdf |archive-date=201620-12-202016 |dead-url=no |df= }}</ref> AroundAlrededor 30de Sakatreinta tombstumbas insaka theen formforma ofde [[kurgan]]s (burialmontículo moundsde enterramiento) havese alsohan beenencontrado foundtambién inen thela zona del [[Tian Shan]] areadatadas dated to betweenentre 550–250 BCa. IndicationsC. ofLas Sakaindicaciones presencede havepresencia alsosaka beentambién foundse inhan theencontrado Tarimen Basinla regionregión de la [[cuenca del Tarim]], possiblyposiblemente astan earlypronto ascomo theen 7thel centurysiglo VII a. BCC.<ref name="mallory">{{cite web |url=http://www.penn.museum/documents/publications/expedition/PDFs/52-3/mallory.pdf |title=Bronze Age Languages of the Tarim Basin |author=J. P. mallory |work=Penn Museum |deadurl=yes |archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20160909231531/http://www.penn.museum/documents/publications/expedition/PDFs/52-3/mallory.pdf |archivedate=20169-099-092016 |df= }}</ref> SomeAlgunos modernestudiosos scholarsmodernos thoughtcreyeron thatque theel sackingsaqueo of thede [[Western ZhouHaojing]], capital de la [[Haojingdinastía Zhou Occidental]], inen [[770 BCa. mightC.]] havepudo beenestar connectedrelacionada tocon aun Scythianataque raidescita fromdesde thelos [[Altaimontes Mountains|AltaiAltái]] beforeantes de su expansión theirhacia westwardel expansionoeste.<ref name="Scythian successes">{{cite encyclopedia |url=http://global.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/565551/the-Steppe/10302/Scythian-successes |title=The Steppe: Scythian successes |encyclopedia=[[Encyclopædia Britannica Online]] |accessdate=31 Decemberde diciembre de 2014}}</ref>
[[FileArchivo:Issyk Golden Cataphract Warrior.jpg|thumb|200px|AUna armadura de desfile al estilo [[cataphractcatafracto]]-style paradede armourun ofsaka a Saka royalreal, alsotambién knownconocido ascomo "«[[TheEl Goldenguerrero Warriordorado]]"», from thedel [[Issyk kurgan de Issyk]], anun historicenterramiento burialhistórico nearcerca ex-capital city ofde [[AlmatyAlmatý]], antigua capital de [[KazakhstanKazajstán]]]]
HoweverSin embargo, ascomo aconsecuencia consequencede ofla thelucha fightpor forla supremacysupremacía betweenentre thelos [[Xiongnuxiongnu]] andy otherotros groupsgrupos, thelos Sakasaka werefueron pushedexpulsados towardshacia BactriaBactriana, andy más latertarde onhacia southwardel tosur northwestal noroeste de la India andy eastwardhacia toel theeste oasisa citylas ciudades-statesestado ofoasis westernde la cuenca del [[Tarim Basin]]occidental, regionregión ofde [[Xinjiang]] inen [[NorthwestChina Chinadel noroeste]].<ref>Loewe, Michael. (1986). "«The Former Han Dynasty»," inen ''The Cambridge History of China:'', Volumevolumen I: ''the Ch'in and Han Empires, 221 B.C. – A.D. 220, 103–222''. EditedEditada bypor Denis Twitchett andy Michael Loewe. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp 197–198. {{ISBN|978-0-521-24327-8}}.</ref><ref>Yü, Ying-shih. (1986). "«Han Foreign Relations»," inen ''The Cambridge History of China: Volume I: the Ch'in and Han Empires, 221 B.C. – A.D. 220'', 377–462. EditedEditado bypor Denis Twitchett andy Michael Loewe. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp 410–411. {{ISBN|978-0-521-24327-8}}.</ref>
AccountsRelatos ofde thela migrationemigración ofde thelos Sakassakas areaparecen givenen intextos Chinesechinos textscomo such asel ''[[Sima QianShiji]]'s '' de [[ShijiSima Qian]]''. The Indo-EuropeanLos [[Yuezhiyuezhi]] indoeuropeos, whoque originallyoriginalmente livedvivieron betweenentre [[Dunhuang]] andy thelas [[montañas Qilian Mountains]] ofde [[Gansu]], China, werefueron assaultedatacados andy forcedforzados toa fleehuir from thedel [[corredor del Hexi Corridor]] ofde Gansu bypor thelas fuerzas [[Proto-MongolsProtomongoles|Mongolicmongolas]] forcesdel ofgobernante the Xiongnu rulerxiongnu [[Modu ChanyuModun]], whoquien conqueredconquistó thela areazona inen 177–176 BCa. C.<ref>Torday, Laszlo. (1997). ''Mounted Archers: The Beginnings of Central Asian History''. Durham: The Durham Academic Press, pp 80–81, {{ISBN|978-1-900838-03-0}}.</ref><ref>Yü, Ying-shih. (1986). "«Han Foreign Relations»," inen ''The Cambridge History of China: Volume I: the Ch'in and Han Empires, 221 B.C. – A.D. 220'', 377–462. EditedEditada bypor Denis Twitchett andy Michael Loewe. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp 377–388, 391, {{ISBN|978-0-521-24327-8}}.</ref><ref>Di Cosmo, Nicola. (2002). ''Ancient China and Its Enemies: The Rise of Nomadic Power in East Asian History''. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 174–189, 196–198, 241–242 {{ISBN|978-0-521-77064-4}}.</ref> InA turnsu thevez, Yuezhilos wereyuezhi responsiblefueron forresponsables attackingde andatacar pushingy thecastigar Saia los sai (i.e.esto Sakaes, los saka) southwestempujándolos intoal suroeste hacia Sogdiana, wheredonde ina themediados middel 2ndsiglo centuryII BCa. theC. latterlos crossedúltimos thecruzaron el [[SyrSir DaryaDaria]] intohacia el [[HellenisticReino period|Hellenisticgrecobactriano]] [[Greco-BactrianPeríodo Kingdomhelenístico|helenístico]], butpero alsotambién into theal [[Ferganavalle Valleyde Fergana]] wheredonde theyse settledasentaron inen [[Dayuan]].<ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.transoxiana.org/Eran/Articles/benjamin.html |title=The Yuezhi Migration and Sogdia |first=Craig |last=Benjamin |access-date=20151-033-012015 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20150218204941/http://www.transoxiana.org/Eran/Articles/benjamin.html |archive-date=201518-022-182015 |dead-url=no |df= }}</ref><ref>Bernard, P. (1994). "The«Los Greektres Kingdomsreinos ofde Asia Central Asia"». InEn Harmatta, János. ''History of civilizations of Central Asia, Volume II. The development of sedentary and nomadic civilizations: 700 B.C. to A.D. 250''. ParisParís: UNESCO. pp. 96–126. {{ISBN|92-3-102846-4}}.</ref> TheEl ancientantiguo Greco-Romangeógrafo geographergrecorromano [[StraboEstrabón]] claimssostuvo thatque thelas fourcuatro tribestribus ofde thelos ''[[AsiiAsians|asii]]'', whoque tookderrotaron downa thelos Bactriansbactrianos inen theel Greekrelato andgriego Romany accountromano, cameprocedían fromde landtierras northal ofnorte Syrdel DaryaSir whereDaria thedonde Ilise andencuentran Chulos valleysvalles aredel locatedIli y el Chu.<ref name="yu 2010 p13" /> TheLos Sakasaka thenentonces migratedemigraron downhacia tola thezona northwestnoroeste areadel ofsubcontinente theindio Indiandonde subcontinentpasaron wherea theyser becameconocidos known ascomo [[Indoindo-Scythiansescitas]], asasí wellcomo ashacia eastwardel toeste thea settlementslos ofasentamientos thede la [[cuenca del Tarim Basin]] inen present-daylo Chinaque suchhoy en día es China, ascomo [[KingdomReino ofde KhotanJotán|KhotanJotán]] andy [[Tumxuk|TumshaqTumshuke]].-->
=== Jotán y los reinos de la cuenca del Tarim ===