Diferencia entre revisiones de «Carl Röchling»

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Marsal20 (discusión · contribs.)
Sin resumen de edición
Marsal20 (discusión · contribs.)
Sin resumen de edición
Línea 1:
[[Image:Hohenfriedeberg - Attack of Prussian Infantry - 1745.jpg|thumb|[[BattleBatalla ofde Hohenfriedberg]] - ''AttackAtaque ofde Prussianla InfantryInfantería Prusiana, June4 4th,de Junio de 1745'', bypor Carl Röchling]]
[[Image:Schlacht von Leuthen.JPG|thumb|''Storming of the breach by Prussian troops during the [[Battle of Leuthen]], 1757'' by Carl Röchling]]
[[Image:Reorganisation.jpg|thumb|''MeetingEncuentor ofde thelos reformersreformadores inen [[Königsberg]] inen 1807'', [[lithographlitografía ]] bypor Carl Röchling]]
[[File:Sterbelager der Königin Luise in Hohenzieritz, von Carl Röchling.jpg|thumb|''DyingLa muerte de la Reina [[LouiseLuisa ofde MecklenburgMecklemburgo-Strelitz|Queen LouiseLuisa]]'']]
[[File:The_Germans_to_the_Front.jpg|thumb|The Germans to the Front - depicting German Troops advancing during Boxer Rebellion near Tientsin, China, 1900]]