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Línea 34:
== Fase intermedia ==
Carlomagno regresó a Sajonia en 782, promulgando un nuevo [[código legal]] y nombrando condes, tanto sajones como francos. Las leyes eran draconianas acerca de cuestiones religiosas, y la tradición pagana local quedaba en una posición muy amenazada. Esto reavivó el antiguo conflicto y en otoño de ese mismo año, Widukind regresó del exilio y encabezó un nuevo levantamiento que se tradujo en numerosos ataques a la iglesia. Los Sajones invadieron el territorio de los [[Chatti]], tribu germánica que ya había sido convertida por [[Bonifacio (mártir)|San Bonifacio]] y que pertenecía al Imperio de Carlomagno. Widukind aniquiló a un ejército franco en [[Süntelgebirge]] mientras Carlomagno se encontraba luchando contra los [[sorbios]]. En represalia ante este ataque, Carlomagno ordenó decapitar a 4.500 sajones sorprendidos realizando prácticas paganas una vez convertidos en la [[Masacre de Verden]]; no obstante, Widukind consiguió escapar nuvamente a [[Dinamarca]].
while Charles was campaigning against the [[Sorbs]]. It was in response to this setback that Charlemagne at the [[Blood court of Verden]] ordered the beheading of 4,500 Saxons who had been caught practising paganism after converting to Christianity, while Widukind escaped to [[Denmark]] again. Upon this ''[[Blutgericht]]'', some historians have tried to claim the massacre didn't happen, or that it was actually a battle, but none of these claims are credible<ref>{{citebook |title=Charlemagne: father of a continent |last=Barbero |first=Alessandro |authorlink=Alessandro Barbero |url=http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=F8xCDQHUEIkC&pg=PA46&dq=charlemagne+saxons+massacre&hl=en&ei=wkncTLy5NcLNhAfFzvT-Dw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=4&ved=0CDYQ6AEwAw#v=onepage&q=charlemagne%20saxons%20massacre&f=false |publisher=University of California Press |isbn=0520239431, 9780520239432 |page=46 |year=2004}}</ref>. The massacre led to two straight years of constant warfare (783-785), with Charlemagne wintering in central Saxony, at [[Minden]]. In 783, battles in Saxony saw Saxon women throw themselves bare breasted into battle. One of them was [[Fastrada]], daughter of a Saxon count, who, in 784, became Charlemagne's fourth wife. Gradually, the Franks gained the upper hand. The turning point came in 785, when Widukind had himself baptized and swore [[fealty]] to Charlemagne. It was with the conclusion of this war that Charlemagne can have claimed to have conquered Saxony, the land had peace for the next seven years, though revolts continued sporadically until 804.
[[File:Christian Conversion of the Saxons.jpg|thumb|250px|right|Conversion of the Saxons, A. de Neuville, c.1869]]
Línea 59:
==See also==
* [[Frisian–Frankish wars]]-->
== Referencias ==