Diferencia entre revisiones de «Johann Peter Eckermann»

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'''Johann Peter Eckermann''' ([[21 de septiembre]], [[1792]] - [[3 de diciembre]], [[1854]]), [[poeta]] y [[escritor]] [[Alemania|alemán]], mejor conocido por su conexión de ideas con [[Johann Wolfgang von Goethe]], nació en Winsen, [[Hanóver]], de ascendencia humilde.
<!--AfterDespués servingde asprestar aservicios como volunteervoluntario inen thela [[WarGuerra ofde LiberationLiberación]] (1813-1814), heobtuvó obtainedun acargo secretarial appointmentmediante underel the''departamento warde departmentguerra'' aten HanoverHanóver. InEn 1817, althougha twenty-fivepesar yearsde oftener ageveinticinco años de edad, hefue washabilitado enabledpara toatender attendel thegimnasio gymnasiumde ofHanóver Hanovery anddespués afterwardsasistir thea la [[universityUniversidad ofde Göttingen]], which,la howevercual, afterdespués onede year'sun residenceaño asde aresidencia studentcomo ofestudiante de [[lawderecho]], he leftdejó inen [[1822]].
<!--His acquaintance with Goethe began in the following year, when he sent to him the manuscript of his ''Beiträge zur Poesie'' (1823). Soon afterwards he went to [[Weimar]], where he supported himself as a private tutor. For several years he also instructed the son of the grand duke. In 1830 he travelled in [[Italy]] with Goethe's son. In 1838 he was given the title of grand-ducal councillor and appointed librarian to the grand-duchess.
Eckermann is chiefly remembered for his important contributions to the knowledge of the great poet contained in his ''[[Conversations with Goethe]]'' (1836-1848). To Eckermann Goethe entrusted the publication of his ''Nachgelassene Schriften'' (posthumous works) (1832-1833). He was also joint-editor with [[Friedrich Wilhelm Riemer]] (1774-1845) of the complete edition of Goethe's works in 40 vols (1839-1840). He died at Weimar on the 3rd of December 1854.