Diferencia entre revisiones de «Claire Denis»

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Línea 9:
'''Claire Denis''' (n. el 21 de abril de [[1948]]) es una directora de cine nacida en [[Francia]] y profesora del [[European Graduate School]] en [[Saas-Fee]], Switzerland.<ref name="egs">{{cita web | url=http://www.egs.edu/faculty/claire-denis/biography/ | título=Claire Denis Faculty Page at [[European Graduate School]] (Biography, bibliography and video lectures) | editorial=[[European Graduate School]] | autor= | fechaacceso=27-10-2010}}</ref>
== Primeros años ==
Denis nació en [[París]], y creció en diferentes colonias francesas([[Burkina Faso]], [[Somalia]], [[Senegal]] y [[Cameroon]]), where her father was a French civil servant.<ref>Hermione Eyre, "Claire Denis on filmmaking and feminism," ''Prospect'', June 21 2010, http://www.prospectmagazine.co.uk/2010/06/loving-the-lost-and-monstrous/ </ref> She moved houses every two years because her father wanted them to know about geography. She used to watch the old damaged copies of war films sent from America when she was growing up in Africa. As an adolescent she loved to read. She would read all the required material in school, but would then sneak her mother's detective stories at night.<ref name="senses">{{cita noticia
| nombre=Aimé
Línea 23:
|archiveurl = http://web.archive.org/web/20061018081600/http://www.sensesofcinema.com/contents/02/23/denis_interview.html <!-- Bot retrieved archive --> |archivedate = 18 October 2006}}</ref>
== Carrera ==
Denis initially studied economics, but, she has said, "It was completely suicidal. Everything pissed me off."<ref name="senses" /> She then went to the [[IDHEC]], the French film school, at the encouragement of her husband. He told her she needed to figure out what she wanted to do.<ref name="senses" /> She graduated from the [[IDHEC]], and served as assistant to [[Jacques Rivette]], [[Costa-Gavras]], [[Jim Jarmusch]], and [[Wim Wenders]]. Since 2002 Claire Denis is a Professor of Film at the [[European Graduate School]] in [[Saas-Fee]], Switzerland.<ref name="egs"/>
Línea 47:
However, Denis' cinematic and topical focus always remains relentlessly on the faces and bodies of her protagonists. The subject's body in space, and how the particular terrain, weather, and color of the landscape influences and interacts with the human subjects of her films maintains cinematic dominance.
== Filmografía ==
=== Feature films ===
* ''[[Chocolat (película de 1988)|Chocolat]] / Chocolate'' (1988)
Línea 85:
== References ==
== Enlaces externos ==