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Línea 23:
==Características y comportamiento==
Esta es una especie de la jungla que construye su nido en el hueco de un árbol, layingponiendo twode to2 foura white4 eggshuevos blancos. LikeAl igual que otros otherpajaros woodpeckerscarpinteros, this species has a straight pointed bill, a stiff tail to provide support against tree trunks, andy patas zygodactyl oro “yoked" feet, withcon twodos toesdedos pointingapuntando forward,para adelanete y anddos twopara backwardatrás. ThePuede longdisparar tongueen canforma berápida dartedsu forwardlarga tolengua para capturecapturar insectsinsectos.
TheEl Lesserpito Yellownapecrestigualdo ises auna largishespecie speciesde atporte grande midiendo 27&nbsp;cm inde lengthlargo. It has a typical woodpecker shape. The upperparts are green apart from the bright yellow tufted nape. The neck and breast are green and the belly is whitish, finely barred with green. The rump and tail are blackish.
The adult male Lesser Yellownape has a green head with a white throat. He has red markings above the eye and above the nape, and red moustachial stripes. Females have only a red patch above the ear coverts. Young birds are like the female, but duller. The subspecies occurring in peninsular [[India]] has a greyer head.