Diferencia entre revisiones de «Israel Finkelstein»

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Línea 5:
== Bibliografía ==
* ''David y Salomón : en busca de los reyes sagrados de la Biblia y de las raíces de la tradición occidental''. 2007
* ''The quest for the historical Israel :debating archaeology and the history of Early Israel : invited lectures delivered at the Sixth Biennial Colloquium of the International Institute for Secular Humanistic Judaism, Detroit, October 2005''. 2007
* ''La Biblia desenterrada : una nueva visión arqueológica del antiguo Israel y de los orígenes de sus textos sagrados''. 2003
* ''Highlands of many cultures : the southern Samaria survey : the sites''. 1997
* ''Living on the Fringe. Archaeology and History of the Negev, Sinai and Neighbouring Regions in the Bronze and Iron Ages''. 1995
* ''Shiloh :the archaeology of a biblical site''. 1993
* ''The archaeology of the Israelite settlement''. 1988
* ''Izbert Sartah : an early iron age site near Rosh Hacayin, Israel''. 1986
== Enlaces ==