Diferencia entre revisiones de «Peste bovina»

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Línea 11:
La '''''peste bovina''''' (o '''peste del ganado''') era una [[enfermedad]] [[virus|viral]] infecciosa que atacaba al [[ganado]], al [[búfalo de agua|búfalo]] doméstico y a algunas especies de animales salvajes. La enfermedad se caracterizaba por [[fiebre]], erosiones orales, [[diarrea]], [[necrosis]] linfoide y alta tasa de mortalidad. Tras una campaña de [[Erradicación de enfermedades infecciosas|erradicación]] global, el último caso confirmado de peste bovina data del 2001.<ref name="Normile2008">{{cita publicación |autor=Dennis Normile |título=Driven to Extinction |publicación=[[Science (journal)|Science]] |volumen=319 |páginas=1606–1609 |año=2008 |url=http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/319/5870/1606 |pmid=18356500 |fechaacceso= 2009-03-28 de marzo de 2009 |número= 5870|doi=10.1126/science.319.5870.1606}}</ref> El 14 de octubre del 2010, la [[Food and Agriculture Organization|FAO]] de [[Naciones Unidas]] anunció que las actividades de campo en la campaña mundial para erradicar la enfermedad que habían durado varias décadas estaban llegando a su fin, y que estaba prevista una declaración formal para 2011 en la cual se confirmase la erradicación de la peste bovina.<ref name="bbc">{{cita noticia|título=UN 'confident' disease has been wiped out|url=http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-11542653|obra=BBC|fecha=14 de octubre de 2010 |fechaacceso=14 de octubre de 2010}}</ref>
En mayo de 2011, la [[Organización Mundial de Sanidad Animal]] confirmó la erradicación de la peste bovina, después de más de veinte años de lucha para acabar con ella.<ref>[http://web.archive.org/web/20130107051646/http://www.oie.int/for-the-media/press-releases/detail/article/no-more-deaths-from-rinderpest/ «No more deaths from rinderpest»]. Organización Mundial de Sanidad Animal.</ref> Es la segunda enfermedad, después de la [[viruela]], en ser erradicada.<ref>[http://www.un.org/apps/news/story.asp/story.asp?NewsID=37361&Cr=food&Cr1=#.U1GR41cY3IU «Deadly cattle plague to be declared officially eradicated by June»]. ''United Nations News Centre''.</ref> El director general, Bernard Vallat, calificó de "hecho histórico" la erradicación.
Línea 18:
== El virus ==
Dado que es un ''[[morbillivirus]]'', el virus de la pesta bovina se encuentra muy relacionado con los virus del [[sarampión]] y el [[moquillo]].<ref name=huygelen>{{cita publicación| apellido = Huygelen| nombre = C.| título = The Immunization of Cattle against Rinderpest in Eighteenth-Century Europe| publicación = Medical History| volumen = 41| páginas = 182–196| año = 1997| url = http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/picrender.fcgi?artid=1043905&blobtype=pdf| formato = PDF| fechaacceso = 6 de junio de 2007-06-06| pmid = 9156464| número = 2| pmc = 1043905 }}</ref> Aunque es extremadamente letal, el virus es especialmente frágil y se desactiva rápidamente mediante acción del calor, [[desecación]] y luz solar.<ref>{{cita web |url=http://www.iah.bbsrc.ac.uk/disease/rinderpest.shtml |obra=Disease Facts |título = Rinderpest |editorial=Institute for Animal Health |fechaacceso=15 de octubre de 2010 }}</ref>
==La enfermedad==
Death rates during outbreaks were usually extremely high, approaching 100% in immunologically naive populations.<ref name=one>{{cite web|url=http://www2.dpi.qld.gov.au/health/3957.html |título=Exotic animal diseases - Rinderpest |editorial=.dpi.qld.gov.au |fecha= |accessdate=15 de octubre de 2010}}</ref> The disease was mainly spread by direct contact and by drinking contaminated water, although it could also be transmitted by air.<ref name=two>{{cite news |archiveurl=http://web.archive.org/web/19970609213341/http://www.fao.org/news/1996/960804-E.HTM |url=http://www.fao.org/news/1996/960804-E.HTM |editorial=[[UN Food and Agriculture Organization]] |título=Rinderpest - the toll and treatment of a plague |año=1996 |fechaarchivo=9 de junio de 1997-06-09}}</ref>
Initial symptoms included fever, loss of appetite, and nasal and eye discharges. Subsequently, irregular erosions appeared in the mouth, the lining of the nose, and the genital tract.<ref name=one/> Acute diarrhoea, preceded by constipation, was also a common feature.<ref name=two/> Most animals died 6–12 days after the onset of these clinical signs.<ref name=one/>
Línea 32:
[[File:Runderpest in Nederland 18e eeuw.jpg|thumb|Rinderpest outbreak in 18th century Netherlands]]
Cattle plagues recurred throughout history, often accompanying wars and military campaigns. They hit Europe especially hard in the 18th century, with three long pandemics which, although varying in intensity and duration from region to region, took place in the periods of 1709–1720, 1742–1760, and 1768–1786.<ref name=broad>{{cite journal| last = Broad| first = J.| título = Cattle Plague in Eighteenth-Century England| revista = Agricultural History Review| volumen = 32 | número = 2 | pages = 104–115| año = 1983| formato= PDF| url = http://www.bahs.org.uk/31n2a3.pdf| accessdate = 2007-07-15 de julio de 2007 }}</ref> There was a major outbreak covering the whole of Britain in 1865/66. Later in history, an outbreak in the 1890s killed 80 to 90 percent of all cattle in Southern Africa, as well as in the [[Horn of Africa]]. Sir [[Arnold Theiler]] was instrumental in developing a vaccine that curbed the epidemic. More recently, a rinderpest outbreak that raged across much of Africa in 1982–1984 cost at least an estimated US$500 million in stock losses.
Línea 62:
Dr. [[Walter Plowright]] was awarded the [[World Food Prize]] in 1999 for developing a vaccine against rinderpest. The Plowright vaccine was developed to the RBOK strain of the rinderpest virus.<ref>{{Cite journal | last1 = Plowright | first1 = W. | last2 = Ferris | first2 = R. D. | año = 1962 | título = Studies with rinderpest virus in tissue culture. The use of attenuated culture virus as a vaccine for cattle | url = | revista = Res Vet Sci | volumen = 3 | número = | pages = 172–182 }}</ref>
In 1999, the [[Food and Agriculture Organization|FAO]] predicted that with vaccination, the cattle plague would be eradicated by 2010.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.fao.org/docrep/X3444e/x3444e05.htm |título=Empres Transboundary Animal Diseases Bulletin No. 11 - Rinderpest |editorial=Fao.org |fecha=1923-07-20 de julio de 1923 |accessdate=15 de octubre de 2010}}</ref>