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Línea 2:
|conflict=Yamasee War
|fecha= 14 de abril, 1715—1717
|lugar=easternEste de [[South Carolina del Sur]]
|resultado=Victoria del Gobierno Colonial
* Power of the Yamasee was broken
* SouthColonos de Carolina colonistsdel establishSur uncontestedestablecer un control ofindiscutible de thela coastcosta
* TheLa tribu Catawba becomese convierte theen dominantla tribefuerza indominante thedel interior
|combatant1=Colonial militia of South Carolina <br>Colonial militia of North Carolina<br>Colonial militia of Virginia<br>[[Catawba (tribe)|Catawba]] (from 1715)<br>[[Cherokee]] (from 1716)
Línea 19:
{{Campaignbox Indian Wars of the Southern English Colonies in North America}}
The '''Yamasee War''' (also spelled '''Yemassee War''') (1715–1717) was a conflict between British settlers of [[Province of Carolina|colonial South Carolina]] andy variousvarias tribus [[Native Americans in the United States|Native American]] tribes, includingque theincluían a los [[Yamasee]], [[Muscogee people|Muscogee]], [[Cherokee]], [[Chickasaw]], [[Catawba people|Catawba]], [[Apalachee]], [[Apalachicola people|Apalachicola]], [[Yuchi]], Savannah River [[Shawnee]], [[Congaree people|Congaree]], [[Waxhaw tribe|Waxhaw]], [[Pee Dee people|Pee Dee]], [[Cape Fear Indians|Cape Fear]], [[Cheraw people|Cheraw]],y and othersotros. SomeAlgunos ofde thelos Nativegrupos Americanindios Indiannativos groupsamericanos playedjugaron aun minorpapel rolemenor, whilemientras othersque launchedotros attackslanzaron throughoutataques Southsobre Carolina indel anSur attempten toun destroyintento thepor destruir la colonycolonia.
NativeLos Americansnativos killedamericanos hundredsmataron ofa colonistscientos andde destroyedcolonos manyy settlementsdestruyeron muchos asentamientos. TradersLos comerciantes "inen theel fieldcampo" weremurieron en killedtodo throughoutlo whatque ises nowahora [[southeasternsudeste Unitedde los Estados StatesUnidos]]. El abandono de las fronteras asentadas, la gente huyó a [[Charleston, Carolina del Sur | Charles TownCharlestown]], donde el hambre establecidoestablecida en los suministros corrió bajo. La supervivencia de la colonia de Carolina del Sur estuvo en duda durante 1715. La marea se volvió a principios de 1716 cuando los Cherokee se pusieron del lado de los colonos contra los Creek, su enemigo tradicional. El último de los principales enemigos del nativo americano de Carolina del Sur se retiró del conflicto en 1717, con lo que una paz frágil a la colonia.
The Yamasee War was one of the most disruptive and transformational [[Colonial American military history|conflicts of colonial America]]. It was one of the American Indians' most serious challenges to European dominance. For over a year the colony faced the possibility of annihilation. About 7% of South Carolina's white citizenry was killed, making the war bloodier than [[King Philip's War]], which is often cited as North America's bloodiest war involving Native Americans.<ref>Oatis, ''A Colonial Complex'', p. 167.</ref> The geopolitical situation for British, Spanish, and French colonies, as well as the Indian groups of the southeast, was radically altered. The war marks the end of the early colonial era of the [[Southern United States|American South]]. The Yamasee War and its aftermath contributed to the emergence of new Indian confederated nations, such as the [[Muscogee Creek]] and [[Catawba people|Catawba]].