Diferencia entre revisiones de «Ayuda:Introducción a las tablas con wikitexto/tabs»

Contenido eliminado Contenido añadido
m Evolution and evolvability moved page Help:Introduction to tables/tabs to Help:Introduction to tables with Wiki Markup/tabs: "introduction to" tutorials with longer, more searcheable names
better titles (HTML is not the most importation part)
Línea 6:
| number = 1
| title = Introduction to tables
| subtitle = WhatAnd arewhy they for and how domight I makeuse them?one
{{intro to tabs
| number = 2
| title = Manual table formatting
| subtitle = FineHow tuningthe detailsformatting works
{{intro to tabs
| number = 3
| title = Sortable tables
| subtitle = HowImproved to make tables sortableorganisation
{{intro to tabs
| number = 4
| title = HTMLAdvanced and tablesformatting
| subtitle = How to useUsing HTML with tables
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