Diferencia entre revisiones de «I'm With You (álbum)»

Contenido eliminado Contenido añadido
Línea 100:
| "Long Progression"
| 3:58
|rowspan="31"| "''Strange Man/Long Progression''"
| "Magpies on Fire"
Línea 107:
| "Victorian Machinery"
| 4:06
|rowspan="42"| "''Magpies on Fire/Victorian Machinery''"
| "Never Is a Long time"
Línea 114:
| "Love of Your Life"
| 4:06
|rowspan="53"| "''Never Is a Long Time/Love of Your Life''"
| "The Sunset Sleeps"
Línea 121:
| "Hometown Gypsy"
| 4:02
|rowspan="64"| "''The Sunset Sleeps/Hometown Gypsy''"
| "Pink as Floyd"
Línea 128:
| "Your Eyes Girl"
| 5:08
|rowspan="75"| "''Pink as Floyd/Your Eyes Girl''"
| "In Love Dying"
| 8:05
|rowspan="86"| "''In Love Dying''"