Diferencia entre revisiones de «Renault»

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Entalpia2 (discusión · contribs.)
Entalpia2 (discusión · contribs.)
Línea 44:
===Fundación y primeros años (1898-1918)===
[[File:Louis Renault with his first car.jpg|thumb|left|[[Louis Renault (industrial)|Louis Renault]] en 1903]]
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The -->La Renaultcorporación corporationRenault wasfue foundedfundada inen 1899 ascomo ''Société Renault Frères'' bypor [[Louis Renault (industrialistindustrial)|Louis Renault]] andy hissus brothershermanos [[Marcel Renault|Marcel]] andy [[Fernand Renault|Fernand]].<ref name="LAE">{{cite book |last1=Boutillier |first1=Sophie |last2=Uzunidis |first2=Dimitri |series=Studyrama perspectives |volume=625 |title=L'aventure des entrepreneurs |trans_title=The entrepreneurs' adventure |language=French |year=2006 |publisher=Studyrama |isbn=2-84472-790-5 |pages=28–29}}</ref><ref>{{cite book |last1=Porázik |first1=Juraj |last2=Oravec |first2=Ján |title=Old time classic cars, 1885-1940 |year=1985 |publisher=Arco Pub |isbn=0-668-06307-6 |page=58}}</ref> Louis wasera aun bright,ingeniero aspiringjoven youngy engineerbrillante whoque hadya alreadyhabía designeddiseñado andy builtconstruido severalvarios prototypesprototipos beforeantes teamingde upunirse witha hissus brothershermanos, whoquienes hadhabían honedperfeccionado theirsus businesshabilidades skillsempresariales workingtrabajando forpara theirla father'sempresa [[textiletextil]] firmde su padre. WhileMientras que Louis handledse encargó del diseño designy andla productionproducción, Marcel andy Fernand managedadministraron theel businessnegocio.<ref name=AIM>{{cite journal |date=8 April 1909 |title=A brief history of the House of Renault |volume=20 |issue=14 |journal=[[Automotive Industries (magazine)|Automotive Industries]] |pages=569–570 |location=New York |publisher=Automotive Industries |issn=1099-4130}}</ref>
The first Renault car, the [[Renault Voiturette]] 1CV, was sold to a friend of Louis' father after giving him a test ride on 24 December 1898.
[[File:Renault Voiturette 1901.jpg|1901 Voiturette Renault Type D Série B|thumb]]
[[File:Renault d'époque.jpg|thumbnail]]