Diferencia entre revisiones de «Constantino III»

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Varlaam (discusión · contribs.)
Varlaam (discusión · contribs.)
Línea 36:
* E.A. Thompson, "Britain, A.D. 406-410", ''Britannia'', 8 (1977), pp. 303-318.
* Birley, Anthony (2005), The Roman Government in Britain, Oxford University Press, ISBN 978-0-19-925237-4
* Jones, Arnold Hugh Martin, John Robert Martindale, John Morris, The Prosopography of the Later Roman Empire, volume 2, Cambridge University Press, 1992, ISBN ISBN 0-521-20159-4
* 2 Elton, Hugh, "Constantine III (407-411 A.D.)", D.I.R.]
* Canduci, Alexander (2010), Triumph & Tragedy: The Rise and Fall of Rome's Immortal Emperors, Pier 9, ISBN 978-1-74196-598-8