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Uno de los temas más importantes debatidos a finales del siglo XX ha sido las diferencias culturales entre las personas del este de Asia y los norteamericanos en cuanto a la [[atención]],<ref name="masuda01">{{cite journal | last1 = Masuda | first1 = T. | last2 = Nisbett | first2 = R.A. | year = 2001 | title = Attending holistically versus analytically: Comparing the context sensitivity of Japanese and Americans | url = http://gsct3237.kaist.ac.kr/e-lib/Culture/Journal/Attending%20holistically%20versus%20analytically.pdf | format = PDF | journal = Journal of Personality and Social Psychology | volume = 81 | issue = 5| pages = 922–34 | doi = 10.1037/0022-3514.81.5.922 | pmid=11708567}}</ref> [[percepción]],<ref>{{cite journal | last1 = Kitayama | first1 = S. | last2 = Duffy | first2 = S. | last3 = Kawamura | first3 = T. | last4 = Larsen | first4 = J.T. | year = 2003 | title = Perceiving an object and its context in different cultures: A cultural look at new look | url = http://psy.haifa.ac.il/~ep/Students_Post/Slides/kitayama.pdf | format = PDF | journal = Psychological Science | volume = 14 | issue = 3| pages = 201–06 | doi = 10.1111/1467-9280.02432 | pmid = 12741741 }}</ref> [[cognición]],<ref name="cole">Cole, M. (1998). Cultural Psychology: A Once and Future Discipline. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.</ref> y fenómenos psicológicos sociales tales como el del [[self (sociology)|self]].<ref name="nisbett96">Nisbett, R.E.; & Cohen, D. (1996). Culture of Honor: The Psychology of Violence in the South. Denver, CO: Westview Press.</ref> Algunos psicólogos, como por ejemplo Turiel, han indicado que esta investigación se basa en un estereotipo cultural.<ref>Turiel, Elliott (2002). The Culture of Morality: Social Development, Context, and Conflict. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.</ref> El psicólogo Per Gjerde afirma que la psicología de la cultura tiende a "generalizar el desarrollo humano entre las naciones y continentes" y a asignar características a una cultura promueve una indiferencia por la heterogeneidad y minimiza el rol del individuo.<ref name="uc">McNulty, Jennifer (2004, July 26). "[http://news.ucsc.edu/2004/07/531.html Emphasis on 'culture' in psychology fuels stereotypes, scholar says.]" University of California: Santa Cruz.</ref> Gjerde sostiene que los individuos desarrollan múltiples perspectivas sobre su cultura, a veces actúan de acuerdo a su cultura sin compartir las creencias culturales, y a veces se oponen por completo a su cultura. El uso de estereotipos por lo tanto conduce a considerar a los individuos como productos homogéneos de la cultura.<ref name="wainryb">{{cite journal | last1 = Wainryb | first1 = C | year = 2004 | title = The Study of Diversity in Human Development: Culture, Urgencies, and Perils | url = https://psych.utah.edu/people/files/wainryb83r13.pdf | format = PDF | journal = Human Development | volume = 47 | issue = | pages = 131–137 | doi = 10.1159/000077986 }}</ref>
===FaultyMetodología methodologydefectuosa===
Self-reporting data is one of the easiest and most accessible methods of mass data collection, especially in cultural psychology.<ref name="masuda01" /><ref name=":20">{{cite journal | last1 = Kitayama | first1 = S. | display-authors = etal | year = 2002 | title = Culture and basic psychological processes—Toward a system view of culture: Comment on Oyserman et al | url = http://www.personal.psu.edu/users/n/x/nxy906/COMPS/indivdualismandcollectivism/culture%20lit/to%20print/Kitayama2002commentsonOyserman.pdf | format = PDF | journal = Psychological Bulletin | volume = 128 | issue = 1| pages = 89–96 | doi = 10.1037/0033-2909.128.1.89 | pmid = 11843550 }}</ref> HoweverSin embargo, over-emphasizingel cross-culturalenfatizar comparisonsen exceso las comparaciones interculturales of self-reported attitudes and values canpuede leadconducir toa relativelyinformación unstablerelativamente andinestable y ultimately misleading data.<ref>{{cite journal | last1 = Heine | first1 = S.J. | last2 = Lehman | first2 = D.R. | last3 = Peng | first3 = K. | last4 = Greenholtz | first4 = J. | year = 2002 | title = What's wrong with cross-cultural comparisons of subjective Likert scales: The reference-group problem | url = http://culcog.berkeley.edu/Publications/2002JPSP_referencegroup.pdf | format = PDF | journal = Journal of Personality and Social Psychology | volume = 82 | issue = 6| pages = 903–18 | doi = 10.1037/0022-3514.82.6.903 }}</ref><ref>{{cite journal | last1 = Peng | first1 = K. | last2 = Nisbett | first2 = R.E. | last3 = Wong | first3 = N. | year = 1997 | title = Validity problems of cross-cultural value comparison and possible solutions | url = http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/handle/2027.42/92164/ValidityProblemsComparingValues.pdf?sequence=1 | journal = Psychological Methods | volume = 2 | issue = 4| pages = 329–41 | doi = 10.1037/1082-989X.2.4.329 }}</ref>
== Métodos ==